Source code for arcade.sprite_list.sprite_list

This module provides functionality to manage Sprites in a list
and efficiently batch drawing them. Drawing sprites using
SpriteList is orders of magnitude faster then drawing
individual sprites.

import logging
from array import array
from collections import deque
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Deque, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set,
                    Tuple, TypeVar, Union)

from arcade import Color, Sprite, get_window, gl
from arcade.context import ArcadeContext

from pyglet.math import Mat3

    from arcade import Texture, TextureAtlas

_SpriteType = TypeVar("_SpriteType", bound=Sprite)

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The slot index that makes a sprite invisible.
# 2^32-1 is usually reserved for primitive restart
# NOTE: Possibly we want to use slot 0 for this?

[docs]class SpriteList: """ Keep a list of sprites. Contains many optimizations around batch-drawing sprites and doing collision detection. For optimization reasons, use_spatial_hash and is_static are very important. """ def __init__( self, use_spatial_hash=None, spatial_hash_cell_size=128, is_static=False, atlas: "TextureAtlas" = None, capacity: int = 100, ): """ Initialize the sprite list :param bool use_spatial_hash: If set to True, this will make moving a sprite in the SpriteList slower, but it will speed up collision detection with items in the SpriteList. Great for doing collision detection with static walls/platforms. :param int spatial_hash_cell_size: :param bool is_static: Speeds drawing if the sprites in the list do not move. Will result in buggy behavior if the sprites move when this is set to True. :param TextureAtlas atlas: The texture alas for this sprite list. If no atlas is supplied the global/default one will be used. :param int capacity: The initial capacity of the internal buffer. It's a suggestion for the maximum amount of sprites this list can hold. Can normally be left with default value. """ self.ctx = None self.program = None if atlas: self._atlas: TextureAtlas = atlas self._initialized = False self.extra = None # The initial capacity of the spritelist buffers (internal) self._buf_capacity = abs(capacity) or 100 # The initial capacity of the index buffer (internal) self._idx_capacity = abs(capacity) or 100 # The number of slots used in the sprite buffer self._sprite_buffer_slots = 0 # Number of slots used in the index buffer self._sprite_index_slots = 0 # List of free slots in the sprite buffers. These are filled when sprites are removed. self._sprite_buffer_free_slots: Deque[int] = deque() # Sprites added before the window/context is created self._deferred_sprites: Set[Sprite] = set() # List of sprites in the sprite list self.sprite_list: List[Sprite] = [] # Buffer slots for the sprites (exclusing index buffer) # This has nothing to do with the index in the spritelist itself self.sprite_slot: Dict[Sprite, int] = dict() # TODO: Figure out what to do with this. Might be obsolete. self.is_static = is_static # Python representation of buffer data self._sprite_pos_data = array("f", [0] * self._buf_capacity * 2) self._sprite_size_data = array("f", [0] * self._buf_capacity * 2) self._sprite_angle_data = array("f", [0] * self._buf_capacity) self._sprite_color_data = array("B", [0] * self._buf_capacity * 4) self._sprite_texture_data = array("f", [0] * self._buf_capacity) # Index buffer self._sprite_index_data = array("I", [0] * self._idx_capacity) # Flags for signaling if a buffer needs to be written to the opengl buffer self._sprite_pos_changed = False self._sprite_size_changed = False self._sprite_angle_changed = False self._sprite_color_changed = False self._sprite_texture_changed = False self._sprite_index_changed = False # Info for spatial hash self._sprites_moved = 0 self._percent_sprites_moved = 0 # Used in collision detection optimization from .spatial_hash import _SpatialHash self.spatial_hash: Optional[_SpatialHash] = None self._use_spatial_hash = use_spatial_hash if use_spatial_hash is True: self.spatial_hash = _SpatialHash(cell_size=spatial_hash_cell_size) LOG.debug( "[%s] Creating SpriteList use_spatial_hash=%s is_static=%s", id(self), use_spatial_hash, is_static, ) # Check if the window/context is available try: get_window() self._init_deferred() except Exception as ex: print(ex) def _init_deferred(self): """Since spritelist can be created before the window we need to defer initialization""" self.ctx: ArcadeContext = get_window().ctx self.program = self.ctx.sprite_list_program_cull self._atlas: TextureAtlas = ( getattr(self, "_atlas", None) or self.ctx.default_atlas ) # Buffers for each sprite attribute (read by shader) with initial capacity self._sprite_pos_buf = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=self._buf_capacity * 8 * 2) self._sprite_size_buf = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=self._buf_capacity * 8 * 2) self._sprite_angle_buf = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=self._buf_capacity * 8) self._sprite_color_buf = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=self._buf_capacity * 4 * 4) self._sprite_texture_buf = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=self._buf_capacity * 4) # Index buffer self._sprite_index_buf = self.ctx.buffer(reserve=self._idx_capacity * 4) contents = [ gl.BufferDescription(self._sprite_pos_buf, "2f", ["in_pos"]), gl.BufferDescription(self._sprite_size_buf, "2f", ["in_size"]), gl.BufferDescription(self._sprite_angle_buf, "1f", ["in_angle"]), gl.BufferDescription(self._sprite_texture_buf, "1f", ["in_texture"]), gl.BufferDescription( self._sprite_color_buf, "4f1", ["in_color"], normalized=["in_color"] ), ] self._geometry = self.ctx.geometry( contents, index_buffer=self._sprite_index_buf, index_element_size=4, # 32 bit integers ) self._initialized = True # Load all the textures and write texture coordinates into buffers for sprite in self._deferred_sprites: # noinspection PyProtectedMember if sprite._texture is None: raise ValueError("Attempting to use a sprite without a texture") self.update_texture(sprite) if hasattr(sprite, "textures"): for texture in sprite.textures or []: self._atlas.add(texture) self._deferred_sprites = None self._sprite_pos_changed = True self._sprite_size_changed = True self._sprite_angle_changed = True self._sprite_color_changed = True self._sprite_texture_changed = True self._sprite_index_changed = True def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the length of the sprite list.""" return len(self.sprite_list) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Sprite]: """Return an iterable object of sprites.""" return iter(self.sprite_list) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.sprite_list[i] def __setitem__(self, index: int, sprite: Sprite): """Replace a sprite at a specific index""" # print(f"{id(self)} : {id(sprite)} __setitem__({index})") try: existing_index = self.sprite_list.index(sprite) # raise ValueError if existing_index == index: return raise Exception(f"Sprite is already in the list (index {existing_index})") except ValueError: pass sprite_to_be_removed = self.sprite_list[index] sprite_to_be_removed.sprite_lists.remove(self) self.sprite_list[index] = sprite # Replace sprite sprite.register_sprite_list(self) if self.spatial_hash: self.spatial_hash.remove_object(sprite_to_be_removed) self.spatial_hash.insert_object_for_box(sprite) # Steal the slot from the old sprite slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite_to_be_removed] del self.sprite_slot[sprite_to_be_removed] self.sprite_slot[sprite] = slot # Update the internal sprite buffer data self._update_all(sprite) @property def atlas(self) -> "TextureAtlas": """Get the texture atlas for this sprite list""" return self._atlas def _next_slot(self) -> int: """ Get the next available slot in sprite buffers :return: index slot, buffer_slot :rtype: int """ # Reuse old slots from deleted sprites if self._sprite_buffer_free_slots: return self._sprite_buffer_free_slots.popleft() # Add a new slot buff_slot = self._sprite_buffer_slots self._sprite_buffer_slots += 1 self._grow_sprite_buffers() # We might need to increase our buffers return buff_slot
[docs] def index(self, sprite: Sprite) -> int: """ Return the index of a sprite in the spritelist :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to find and return the index of :rtype: int """ return self.sprite_list.index(sprite)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the spritelist""" # Reset buffers # Reset SpatialHash # Manually remove the spritelist from all sprites # We don't want lingering references in sprites # Clear the slot_idx and slot info raise NotImplemented
[docs] def pop(self, index: int = -1) -> Sprite: """ Pop off the last sprite, or the given index, from the list :param int index: Index of sprite to remove, defaults to -1 for the last item. """ if len(self.sprite_list) == 0: raise (ValueError("pop from empty list")) sprite = self.sprite_list[index] self.remove(sprite) return sprite
[docs] def append(self, sprite: _SpriteType): """ Add a new sprite to the list. :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to add to the list. """ # print(f"{id(self)} : {id(sprite)} append") if sprite in self.sprite_slot: raise ValueError("Sprite already in SpriteList") slot = self._next_slot() self.sprite_slot[sprite] = slot self.sprite_list.append(sprite) sprite.register_sprite_list(self) self._update_all(sprite) # Add sprite to the end of the index buffer idx_slot = self._sprite_index_slots self._sprite_index_slots += 1 self._grow_index_buffer() self._sprite_index_data[idx_slot] = slot self._sprite_index_changed = True if self.spatial_hash: self.spatial_hash.insert_object_for_box(sprite) # Load additional textures attached to the sprite if hasattr(sprite, "textures") and self._initialized: for texture in sprite.textures or []: self._atlas.add(texture)
[docs] def swap(self, index_1: int, index_2: int): """ Swap two sprites by index :param int index_1: Item index to swap :param int index_2: Item index to swap """ # Swap order in spritelist sprite_1 = self.sprite_list[index_1] sprite_2 = self.sprite_list[index_2] self.sprite_list[index_1] = sprite_2 self.sprite_list[index_2] = sprite_1 # Swap order in index buffer slot_1 = self.sprite_slot[sprite_1] slot_2 = self.sprite_slot[sprite_2] i1 = self._sprite_index_data.index(slot_1) i2 = self._sprite_index_data.index(slot_2) self._sprite_index_data[i1] = slot_2 self._sprite_index_data[i2] = slot_1
[docs] def remove(self, sprite: _SpriteType): """ Remove a specific sprite from the list. :param Sprite sprite: Item to remove from the list """ # print(f"{id(self)} : {id(sprite)} remove") try: slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Sprite is not in the SpriteList") self.sprite_list.remove(sprite) sprite.sprite_lists.remove(self) del self.sprite_slot[sprite] self._sprite_buffer_free_slots.append(slot) # NOTE: Optimize this by deferring removal? # Defer removal # Set the sprite as invisible in the index buffer # idx_slot = self._sprite_index_data.index(slot) # self._sprite_index_data[idx_slot] = _SPRITE_SLOT_INVISIBLE # Brutal resize for now. Optimize later self._sprite_index_data.remove(slot) self._sprite_index_data.append(0) self._sprite_index_slots -= 1 self._sprite_index_changed = True if self.spatial_hash: self.spatial_hash.remove_object(sprite)
[docs] def extend(self, sprites: Union[list, "SpriteList"]): """ Extends the current list with the given list :param list sprites: list of Sprites to add to the list """ for sprite in sprites: self.append(sprite)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, sprite: _SpriteType): """ Inserts a sprite at a given index. :param int index: The index at which to insert :param Sprite sprite: The sprite to insert """ if sprite in self.sprite_list: raise ValueError("Sprite is already in list") self.sprite_list.insert(index, sprite) sprite.register_sprite_list(self) # Allocate a new slot and write the data slot = self._next_slot() self.sprite_slot[sprite] = slot self._update_all(sprite) # Allocate room in the index buffer self._normalize_index_buffer() # idx_slot = self._sprite_index_slots self._sprite_index_slots += 1 self._grow_index_buffer() self._sprite_index_data.insert(index, slot) self._sprite_index_data.pop() if self.spatial_hash: self.spatial_hash.insert_object_for_box(sprite)
[docs] def reverse(self): """ Reverses the current list in-place """ self.sprite_list.reverse() # Reverse the index buffer # Only revers the part of the array we use self._sprite_index_data = self._sprite_index_data[: self._sprite_index_slots] self._sprite_index_data.reverse() # Resize the index buffer to the original capacity if len(self._sprite_index_data) < self._idx_capacity: extend_by = self._idx_capacity - len(self._sprite_index_data) self._sprite_index_data.extend([0] * extend_by) self._sprite_index_changed = True
[docs] def shuffle(self): """ Shuffles the current list in-place """ # Make sure the index buffer is the same length as the sprite list self._normalize_index_buffer() # zip index and sprite into pairs and shuffle pairs = list(zip(self.sprite_list, self._sprite_index_data)) # Reconstruct the lists again from pairs sprites, indices = zip(*pairs) self.sprite_list = list(sprites) self._sprite_index_data = array("I", indices) # Resize the index buffer to the original capacity if len(self._sprite_index_data) < self._idx_capacity: extend_by = self._idx_capacity - len(self._sprite_index_data) self._sprite_index_data.extend([0] * extend_by)
@property def percent_sprites_moved(self): """ Property to estimate what percent of the sprites moved. Use internally to guess if spatial hashing should be turned on or off if the user didn't specify. """ return self._percent_sprites_moved @property def use_spatial_hash(self) -> bool: """ Boolean variable that controls if this sprite list is using a spatial hash. If spatial hashing is turned on, it takes longer to move a sprite, and less time to see if that sprite is colliding with another sprite. """ return self._use_spatial_hash
[docs] def disable_spatial_hashing(self) -> None: """Turn off spatial hashing.""" self._use_spatial_hash = False self.spatial_hash = None
[docs] def enable_spatial_hashing(self, spatial_hash_cell_size=128): """Turn on spatial hashing.""" LOG.debug("Enable spatial hashing with cell size %s", spatial_hash_cell_size) from .spatial_hash import _SpatialHash self.spatial_hash = _SpatialHash(spatial_hash_cell_size) self._use_spatial_hash = True self._recalculate_spatial_hashes()
def _recalculate_spatial_hash(self, item: _SpriteType): """Recalculate the spatial hash for a particular item.""" if self.spatial_hash: self.spatial_hash.remove_object(item) self.spatial_hash.insert_object_for_box(item) def _recalculate_spatial_hashes(self): if self._use_spatial_hash: self.spatial_hash.reset() for sprite in self.sprite_list: self.spatial_hash.insert_object_for_box(sprite)
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """ Call the update() method on each sprite in the list. """ for sprite in self.sprite_list: sprite.update()
[docs] def on_update(self, delta_time: float = 1 / 60): """ Update the sprite. Similar to update, but also takes a delta-time. """ for sprite in self.sprite_list: sprite.on_update(delta_time)
[docs] def update_animation(self, delta_time: float = 1 / 60): """ Call the update_animation in every sprite in the sprite list. """ # NOTE: Can we limit this to animated sprites? for sprite in self.sprite_list: sprite.update_animation(delta_time)
def _get_center(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Get the mean center coordinates of all sprites in the list.""" x = sum((sprite.center_x for sprite in self.sprite_list)) / len( self.sprite_list ) y = sum((sprite.center_y for sprite in self.sprite_list)) / len( self.sprite_list ) return x, y center = property(_get_center)
[docs] def rescale(self, factor: float) -> None: """Rescale all sprites in the list relative to the spritelists center.""" for sprite in self.sprite_list: sprite.rescale_relative_to_point(, factor)
[docs] def move(self, change_x: float, change_y: float) -> None: """ Moves all Sprites in the list by the same amount. This can be a very expensive operation depending on the size of the sprite list. :param float change_x: Amount to change all x values by :param float change_y: Amount to change all y values by """ for sprite in self.sprite_list: sprite.center_x += change_x sprite.center_y += change_y
[docs] def preload_textures(self, texture_list: List["Texture"]) -> None: """ Preload a set of textures that will be used for sprites in this sprite list. :param array texture_list: List of textures. """ if not self.ctx: raise ValueError("Cannot preload textures before the window is created") for texture in texture_list: self._atlas.add(texture)
def _update_all(self, sprite: Sprite): """ Update all sprite data. This is faster when adding and moving sprites. This duplicate code, but reduces call overhead, dict lookups etc. """ slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] # position # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_pos_data[slot * 2] = sprite._position[0] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_pos_data[slot * 2 + 1] = sprite._position[1] self._sprite_pos_changed = True # size # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_size_data[slot * 2] = sprite._width # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_size_data[slot * 2 + 1] = sprite._height self._sprite_size_changed = True # angle # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_angle_data[slot] = sprite._angle self._sprite_angle_changed = True # color # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_color_data[slot * 4] = sprite._color[0] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_color_data[slot * 4 + 1] = sprite._color[1] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_color_data[slot * 4 + 2] = sprite._color[2] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_color_data[slot * 4 + 3] = sprite._alpha self._sprite_color_changed = True # texture if not self._initialized: self._deferred_sprites.add(sprite) return # noinspection PyProtectedMember if not sprite._texture: return # noinspection PyProtectedMember tex_slot, _ = self._atlas.add(sprite._texture) slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] self._sprite_texture_data[slot] = tex_slot self._sprite_texture_changed = True
[docs] def update_texture(self, sprite) -> None: """Make sure we update the texture for this sprite for the next batch drawing""" # We cannot interact with texture atlases unless the context # is created. We defer all texture initialization for later if not self._initialized: self._deferred_sprites.add(sprite) return # noinspection PyProtectedMember if not sprite._texture: return # noinspection PyProtectedMember tex_slot, _ = self._atlas.add(sprite._texture) slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] self._sprite_texture_data[slot] = tex_slot self._sprite_texture_changed = True # Update size in cas the sprite was initialized without size # NOTE: There should be a better way to do this # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_size_data[slot * 2] = sprite._width # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_size_data[slot * 2 + 1] = sprite._height self._sprite_size_changed = True
[docs] def update_position(self, sprite: Sprite) -> None: """ Called when setting initial position of a sprite when added or inserted into the SpriteList. ``update_location`` should be called to move them once the sprites are in the list. :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to update. """ slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_pos_data[slot * 2] = sprite._position[0] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_pos_data[slot * 2 + 1] = sprite._position[1] self._sprite_pos_changed = True
[docs] def update_color(self, sprite: Sprite) -> None: """ Called by the Sprite class to update position, angle, size and color of the specified sprite. Necessary for batch drawing of items. :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to update. """ slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_color_data[slot * 4] = int(sprite._color[0]) # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_color_data[slot * 4 + 1] = int(sprite._color[1]) # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_color_data[slot * 4 + 2] = int(sprite._color[2]) # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_color_data[slot * 4 + 3] = int(sprite._alpha) self._sprite_color_changed = True
[docs] def update_size(self, sprite: Sprite) -> None: """ Called by the Sprite class to update the size/scale in this sprite. Necessary for batch drawing of items. :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to update. """ slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] self._sprite_size_data[slot * 2] = sprite._width self._sprite_size_data[slot * 2 + 1] = sprite._height self._sprite_size_changed = True
[docs] def update_height(self, sprite: Sprite): """ Called by the Sprite class to update the size/scale in this sprite. Necessary for batch drawing of items. :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to update. """ slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] self._sprite_size_data[slot * 2 + 1] = sprite._height self._sprite_size_changed = True
[docs] def update_width(self, sprite: Sprite): """ Called by the Sprite class to update the size/scale in this sprite. Necessary for batch drawing of items. :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to update. """ slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_size_data[slot * 2] = sprite._width self._sprite_size_changed = True
[docs] def update_location(self, sprite: Sprite): """ Called by the Sprite class to update the location in this sprite. Necessary for batch drawing of items. :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to update. """ # print(f"{id(self)} : {id(sprite)} update_location") try: slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] except KeyError: raise ValueError(id(sprite)) # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_pos_data[slot * 2] = sprite._position[0] # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._sprite_pos_data[slot * 2 + 1] = sprite._position[1] self._sprite_pos_changed = True self._sprites_moved += 1
[docs] def update_angle(self, sprite: Sprite): """ Called by the Sprite class to update the angle in this sprite. Necessary for batch drawing of items. :param Sprite sprite: Sprite to update. """ slot = self.sprite_slot[sprite] self._sprite_angle_data[slot] = sprite._angle self._sprite_angle_changed = True
def _write_sprite_buffers_to_gpu(self): """Create or resize buffers""" LOG.debug( "[%s] SpriteList._write_sprite_buffers_to_gpu: pos=%s, size=%s, angle=%s, color=%s tex=%s idx=%s", id(self), self._sprite_pos_changed, self._sprite_size_changed, self._sprite_angle_changed, self._sprite_color_changed, self._sprite_texture_changed, self._sprite_index_changed, ) if self._sprite_pos_changed: self._sprite_pos_buf.write(self._sprite_pos_data) self._sprite_pos_changed = False if self._sprite_size_changed: self._sprite_size_buf.write(self._sprite_size_data) self._sprite_size_changed = False if self._sprite_angle_changed: self._sprite_angle_buf.write(self._sprite_angle_data) self._sprite_angle_changed = False if self._sprite_color_changed: self._sprite_color_buf.write(self._sprite_color_data) self._sprite_color_changed = False if self._sprite_texture_changed: self._sprite_texture_buf.write(self._sprite_texture_data) self._sprite_texture_changed = False if self._sprite_index_changed: self._sprite_index_buf.write(self._sprite_index_data) self._sprite_index_changed = False
[docs] def draw(self, **kwargs): """ Draw this list of sprites. :param filter: Optional parameter to set OpenGL filter, such as `gl.GL_NEAREST` to avoid smoothing. :param blend_function: Optional parameter to set the OpenGL blend function used for drawing the sprite list, such as 'arcade.Window.ctx.BLEND_ADDITIVE' or 'arcade.Window.ctx.BLEND_DEFAULT' """ if not self._initialized: LOG.warn( "SpriteList was created before the window. " "Initialization will happen on the first draw() " "possibly creating some initial stalls." ) self._init_deferred() if len(self.sprite_list) == 0: return # What percent of this sprite list moved? Used in guessing spatial hashing self._percent_sprites_moved = self._sprites_moved / len(self.sprite_list) * 100 self._sprites_moved = 0 if any( ( self._sprite_pos_changed, self._sprite_size_changed, self._sprite_angle_changed, self._sprite_color_changed, self._sprite_texture_changed, self._sprite_index_changed, ) ): self._write_sprite_buffers_to_gpu() self.ctx.enable(self.ctx.BLEND) if "blend_function" in kwargs: self.ctx.blend_func = kwargs["blend_function"] else: self.ctx.blend_func = self.ctx.BLEND_DEFAULT if "filter" in kwargs: self.atlas.texture.filter = self.ctx.NEAREST, self.ctx.NEAREST # TODO: Find a way to re-enable texture transforms # texture_transform = None # if len(self.sprite_list) > 0: # # always wrap texture transformations with translations # # so that rotate and resize operations act on the texture # # center by default # texture_transform = Mat3().translate(-0.5, -0.5).multiply(self.sprite_list[0].texture_transform.v).multiply(Mat3().translate(0.5, 0.5).v) # else: # texture_transform = Mat3() # self.program['TextureTransform'] = texture_transform self.program["TextureTransform"] = Mat3() self._atlas.texture.use(0) self._atlas.use_uv_texture(1) self._geometry.render( self.program, mode=self.ctx.POINTS, vertices=self._sprite_index_slots, )
[docs] def draw_hit_boxes(self, color: Color = (0, 0, 0, 255), line_thickness: float = 1): """Draw all the hit boxes in this list""" # NOTE: Find a way to efficiently draw this for sprite in self.sprite_list: sprite.draw_hit_box(color, line_thickness)
def _normalize_index_buffer(self): """ Removes unused slots in the index buffer. The other buffers don't need this because they re-use slots. New sprites on the other hand always needs to be added to the end of the index buffer to preserve order """ # Need counter for how many slots are used in index buffer. # 1) Sort the deleted indices (descending) and pop() them in a loop # 2) Create a new array.array and manually copy every # item in the list except the deleted index slots # 3) Use a transform (gpu) to trim the index buffer and # read this buffer back into a new array using array.from_bytes # NOTE: Right now the index buffer is always normalized pass def _grow_sprite_buffers(self): """Double the internal buffer sizes""" # Resize sprite buffers if needed if self._sprite_buffer_slots < self._buf_capacity: return # double the capacity extend_by = self._buf_capacity self._buf_capacity = self._buf_capacity * 2 LOG.debug( f"(%s) Increasing buffer capacity from %s to %s", self._sprite_buffer_slots, extend_by, self._buf_capacity, ) # Extend the buffers so we don't lose the old data self._sprite_pos_data.extend([0] * extend_by * 2) self._sprite_size_data.extend([0] * extend_by * 2) self._sprite_angle_data.extend([0] * extend_by) self._sprite_color_data.extend([0] * extend_by * 4) self._sprite_texture_data.extend([0] * extend_by) if self._initialized: self._sprite_pos_buf.orphan(size=self._buf_capacity * 4 * 2) self._sprite_size_buf.orphan(size=self._buf_capacity * 4 * 2) self._sprite_angle_buf.orphan(size=self._buf_capacity * 4) self._sprite_color_buf.orphan(size=self._buf_capacity * 4 * 4) self._sprite_texture_buf.orphan(size=self._buf_capacity * 4) self._sprite_pos_changed = True self._sprite_size_changed = True self._sprite_angle_changed = True self._sprite_color_changed = True self._sprite_texture_changed = True def _grow_index_buffer(self): # Extend the index buffer capacity if needed if self._sprite_index_slots < self._idx_capacity: return extend_by = self._idx_capacity self._idx_capacity = self._idx_capacity * 2 LOG.debug( "Buffers: index_slots=%s sprite_slots=%s over-allocation-ratio=%s", self._sprite_index_slots, self._sprite_buffer_slots, self._sprite_index_slots / self._sprite_buffer_slots, ) LOG.debug( f"(%s) Increasing index capacity from %s to %s", self._sprite_index_slots, extend_by, self._idx_capacity, ) self._sprite_index_data.extend([0] * extend_by) if self._initialized: self._sprite_index_buf.orphan(size=self._idx_capacity * 4) self._sprite_index_changed = True def _dump(self, buffer): """ Debugging method used to dump raw byte data in the OpenGL buffer. """ record_size = len(buffer) / len(self.sprite_list) for i, char in enumerate(buffer): if i % record_size == 0: print() print(f"{char:02x} ", end="")