Source code for arcade.text_pyglet

Drawing text with pyglet label
import math
from typing import Tuple, Union

import arcade
import pyglet
from arcade.arcade_types import Color
from arcade.draw_commands import get_four_byte_color
from pyglet.math import Mat4
from arcade.resources import resolve_resource_path

[docs]class Text: def __init__( self, text: str, start_x: float, start_y: float, color: Color = arcade.color.WHITE, font_size: float = 12, width: int = 0, align: str = "left", font_name: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = ("calibri", "arial"), bold: bool = False, italic: bool = False, anchor_x: str = "left", anchor_y: str = "baseline", rotation: float = 0, # TODO: Look into, why this field is not used ): self._label = pyglet.text.Label( text=text, x=start_x, y=start_y, font_name=font_name, font_size=font_size, anchor_x=anchor_x, anchor_y=anchor_y, color=color, width=width, align=align, bold=bold, italic=italic, ) @property def value(self) -> str: return self._label.text @value.setter def value(self, value: str): self._label.text = value def draw(self): self._label.draw()
[docs]def load_font(font_name): """ Load a font for later use """ if font_name.startswith(":resources:"): try: file_path = resolve_resource_path(font_name) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Unable to find resource with the name: {font_name}") else: file_path = font_name pyglet.font.add_file(str(file_path))
[docs]def draw_text( text: str, start_x: float, start_y: float, color: Color = arcade.color.WHITE, font_size: float = 12, width: int = 0, align: str = "left", font_name: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = ("calibri", "arial"), bold: bool = False, italic: bool = False, anchor_x: str = "left", anchor_y: str = "baseline", multiline: bool = False, rotation: float = 0, ): """ Draws text to the screen using Pyglet's label instead. :param str text: Text to draw :param float start_x: :param float start_y: :param Color color: Color of the text :param float font_size: Size of the text :param float width: :param str align: :param Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] font_name: :param bool bold: :param bool italic: :param str anchor_x: :param str anchor_y: :param bool multiline: :param bool wrap_lines: :param float rotation: """ # See : color = get_four_byte_color(color) # Cache the states that are expensive to change key = f"{font_size}{font_name}{bold}{italic}{anchor_x}{anchor_y}{align}{width}" cache = arcade.get_window().ctx.pyglet_label_cache label = cache.get(key) if align != "center" and align != "left" and align != "right": raise ValueError("The 'align' parameter must be equal to 'left', 'right', or 'center'.") if align != "left": multiline = True if not label: adjusted_font = font_name if font_name: if isinstance(font_name, str): font_list: Tuple[str, ...] = (font_name, ) elif isinstance(font_name, tuple): font_list = font_name else: raise TypeError("font_name parameter must be a string, or a list of strings that specify a font name.") for font in font_list: try: path = resolve_resource_path(font) # print(f"Font path: {path=}") adjusted_font = break except FileNotFoundError: pass label = pyglet.text.Label( text=text, x=start_x, y=start_y, font_name=adjusted_font, font_size=font_size, anchor_x=anchor_x, anchor_y=anchor_y, color=color, width=width, align=align, bold=bold, italic=italic, multiline=multiline, ) cache[key] = label # These updates are relatively cheap label.text = text label.x = start_x label.y = start_y label.color = color window = arcade.get_window() with arcade.get_window().ctx.pyglet_rendering(): if rotation: original_view = window.view angle_radians = math.radians(rotation) x = label.x y = label.y label.x = 0 label.y = 0 rview = Mat4().rotate(angle_radians, x=0, y=0, z=1) tview = Mat4().translate(x=x, y=y, z=0) final_view = rview @ tview window.view = final_view label.draw()
# TODO: maybe remove, as this is invalid
[docs]def create_text(*args, **kwargs): return Text("Hello")