Source code for arcade.tilemap.tilemap

This module provides functionality to load in JSON map files from
the Tiled Map Editor. This is achieved using the pytiled-parser 

For more info on Tiled see:
For more info on pytiled-parser see:

import copy
import math
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, OrderedDict, Tuple, Union, cast

import pytiled_parser
import pytiled_parser.tiled_object
from arcade import (
from arcade.arcade_types import Point, TiledObject
from arcade.geometry import rotate_point
from arcade.resources import resolve_resource_path


def _get_image_info_from_tileset(tile: pytiled_parser.Tile):
    image_x = 0
    image_y = 0
    if tile.tileset.image is not None:
        margin = tile.tileset.margin or 0
        spacing = tile.tileset.spacing or 0
        row = // tile.tileset.columns
        image_y = margin + row * (tile.tileset.tile_height + spacing)
        col = % tile.tileset.columns
        image_x = margin + col * (tile.tileset.tile_width + spacing)

    if tile.tileset.image:
        width = tile.tileset.tile_width
        height = tile.tileset.tile_height
        width = tile.image_width
        height = tile.image_height

    return image_x, image_y, width, height

def _get_image_source(
    tile: pytiled_parser.Tile,
    map_directory: Optional[str],
) -> Optional[Path]:
    image_file = None
    if tile.image:
        image_file = tile.image
    elif tile.tileset.image:
        image_file = tile.tileset.image

    if not image_file:
            f"Warning for tile {}, no image source listed either for individual tile, or as a tileset."
        return None

    if os.path.exists(image_file):
        return image_file

    if map_directory:
        try2 = Path(map_directory, image_file)
        if os.path.exists(try2):
            return try2

    print(f"Warning, can't find image {image_file} for tile {}")
    return None

[docs]class TileMap: """ Class that represents a fully parsed and loaded map from Tiled. For examples on how to use this class, see: Attributes: :tiled_map: The pytiled-parser map object. This can be useful for implementing features that aren't supported by this class by accessing the raw map data directly. :width: The width of the map in tiles. This is the number of tiles, not pixels. :height: The height of the map in tiles. This is the number of tiles, not pixels. :tile_width: The width in pixels of each tile. :tile_height: The height in pixels of each tile. :background_color: The background color of the map. :scaling: A global scaling value to be applied to all Sprites in the map. :sprite_lists: A dictionary mapping SpriteLists to their layer names. This is used for all tile layers of the map. :object_lists: A dictionary mapping TiledObjects to their layer names. This is used for all object layers of the map. """ def __init__( self, map_file: Union[str, Path], scaling: float = 1.0, layer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, use_spatial_hash: Optional[bool] = None, hit_box_algorithm: str = "Simple", hit_box_detail: float = 4.5, ) -> None: """ Given a .json file, this will read in a Tiled map file, and initialize a new TileMap object. The `layer_options` parameter can be used to specify per layer arguments. The available options for this are: use_spatial_hash - A boolean to enable spatial hashing on this layer's SpriteList. scaling - A float providing layer specific Sprite scaling. hit_box_algorithm - A string for the hit box algorithm to use for the Sprite's in this layer. hit_box_detail - A float specifying the level of detail for each Sprite's hitbox custom_class - All objects in the layer are created from this class instead of Sprite. Must be subclass of Sprite. custom_class_args - Custom arguments, passed into the constructor of the custom_class For example: code-block:: layer_options = { "Platforms": { "use_spatial_hash": True, "scaling": 2.5, "custom_class": Platform, "custom_class_args": { "health": 100 } }, } The keys and their values in each layer are passed to the layer processing functions using the `**` operator on the dictionary. :param Union[str, Path] map_file: The JSON map file. :param float scaling: Global scaling to apply to all Sprites. :param Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] layer_options: Extra parameters for each layer. :param Optional[bool] use_spatial_hash: If set to True, this will make moving a sprite in the SpriteList slower, but it will speed up collision detection with items in the SpriteList. Great for doing collision detection with static walls/platforms. :param str hit_box_algorithm: One of 'None', 'Simple' or 'Detailed'. :param float hit_box_detail: Float, defaults to 4.5. Used with 'Detailed' to hit box. """ # If we should pull from local resources, replace with proper path map_file = resolve_resource_path(map_file) # This attribute stores the pytiled-parser map object self.tiled_map = pytiled_parser.parse_map(map_file) # Set Map Attributes self.width = self.tiled_map.map_size.width self.height = self.tiled_map.map_size.height self.tile_width = self.tiled_map.tile_size.width self.tile_height = self.tiled_map.tile_size.height self.background_color = self.tiled_map.background_color # Global Layer Defaults self.scaling = scaling self.use_spatial_hash = use_spatial_hash self.hit_box_algorithm = hit_box_algorithm self.hit_box_detail = hit_box_detail # Dictionaries to store the SpriteLists for processed layers self.sprite_lists: OrderedDict[str, SpriteList] = OrderedDict[str, SpriteList]() self.object_lists: OrderedDict[str, List[TiledObject]] = OrderedDict[ str, SpriteList ]() = global_options = { "scaling": self.scaling, "use_spatial_hash": self.use_spatial_hash, "hit_box_algorithm": self.hit_box_algorithm, "hit_box_detail": self.hit_box_detail, "custom_class": None, "custom_class_args": {}, } for layer in self.tiled_map.layers: if ( in self.sprite_lists) or ( in self.object_lists): raise AttributeError( f"You have a duplicate layer name '{}' in your Tiled map. " "Please use unique names for all layers and tilesets in your map." ) self._process_layer(layer, global_options, layer_options) def _process_layer( self, layer: pytiled_parser.Layer, global_options: Dict[str, Any], layer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> None: processed: Union[ SpriteList, Tuple[Optional[SpriteList], Optional[List[TiledObject]]] ] options = global_options if layer_options: if in layer_options: new_options = { key: layer_options[].get(key, global_options[key]) for key in global_options } options = new_options if isinstance(layer, pytiled_parser.TileLayer): processed = self._process_tile_layer(layer, **options) self.sprite_lists[] = processed elif isinstance(layer, pytiled_parser.ObjectLayer): processed = self._process_object_layer(layer, **options) if processed[0]: sprite_list = processed[0] if sprite_list: self.sprite_lists[] = sprite_list if processed[1]: object_list = processed[1] if object_list: self.object_lists[] = object_list elif isinstance(layer, pytiled_parser.ImageLayer): processed = self._process_image_layer(layer, **options) self.sprite_lists[] = processed elif isinstance(layer, pytiled_parser.LayerGroup): for sub_layer in layer.layers: self._process_layer(sub_layer, global_options, layer_options)
[docs] def get_cartesian( self, x: float, y: float, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Given a set of coordinates in pixel units, this returns the cartesian coordinates. This assumes the supplied coordinates are pixel coordinates, and bases the cartesian grid off of the Map's tile size. If you have a map with 128x128 pixel Tiles, and you supply coordinates 500, 250 to this function you'll receive back 3, 2 :param float x: The X Coordinate to convert :param float y: The Y Coordinate to convert """ x = math.floor(x / (self.tile_width * self.scaling)) y = math.floor(y / (self.tile_height * self.scaling)) return x, y
def get_tilemap_layer(self, layer_path: str) -> Optional[pytiled_parser.Layer]: assert isinstance(layer_path, str) def _get_tilemap_layer(my_path, layers): layer_name = my_path.pop(0) for my_layer in layers: if == layer_name: if isinstance(my_layer, pytiled_parser.LayerGroup): if len(my_path) != 0: return _get_tilemap_layer(my_path, my_layer.layers) else: return my_layer return None path = layer_path.strip("/").split("/") layer = _get_tilemap_layer(path, self.tiled_map.layers) return layer def _get_tile_by_gid(self, tile_gid: int) -> Optional[pytiled_parser.Tile]: flipped_diagonally = False flipped_horizontally = False flipped_vertically = False if tile_gid & _FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG: flipped_horizontally = True tile_gid -= _FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG if tile_gid & _FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG: flipped_diagonally = True tile_gid -= _FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG if tile_gid & _FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG: flipped_vertically = True tile_gid -= _FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG for tileset_key, tileset in self.tiled_map.tilesets.items(): if tile_gid < tileset_key: continue # No specific tile info, but there is a tile sheet # print(f"data {tileset_key} {tileset.tiles} {tileset.image} {tileset_key} {tile_gid} {tileset.tile_count}") if ( tileset.image is not None and tileset_key <= tile_gid < tileset_key + tileset.tile_count ): # No specific tile info, but there is a tile sheet tile_ref = pytiled_parser.Tile( id=(tile_gid - tileset_key), image=tileset.image ) elif tileset.tiles is None and tileset.image is not None: # Not in this tileset, move to the next continue else: if tileset.tiles is None: return None tile_ref = tileset.tiles.get(tile_gid - tileset_key) if tile_ref: my_tile = copy.copy(tile_ref) my_tile.tileset = tileset my_tile.flipped_vertically = flipped_vertically my_tile.flipped_diagonally = flipped_diagonally my_tile.flipped_horizontally = flipped_horizontally return my_tile print(f"Returning NO tile for {tile_gid}.") return None def _get_tile_by_id( self, tileset: pytiled_parser.Tileset, tile_id: int ) -> Optional[pytiled_parser.Tile]: for tileset_key, cur_tileset in self.tiled_map.tilesets.items(): if cur_tileset is tileset: for tile_key, tile in cur_tileset.tiles.items(): if tile_id == return tile return None def _create_sprite_from_tile( self, tile: pytiled_parser.Tile, scaling: float = 1.0, hit_box_algorithm: str = "Simple", hit_box_detail: float = 4.5, custom_class: Optional[type] = None, custom_class_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> Sprite: """Given a tile from the parser, try and create a Sprite from it.""" # --- Step 1, Find a reference to an image this is going to be based off of map_source = self.tiled_map.map_file map_directory = os.path.dirname(map_source) image_file = _get_image_source(tile, map_directory) if tile.animation: if not custom_class: custom_class = AnimatedTimeBasedSprite elif not issubclass(custom_class, AnimatedTimeBasedSprite): raise RuntimeError( f""" Tried to use a custom class {custom_class.__name__} for animated tiles that doesn't subclass AnimatedTimeBasedSprite. Custom classes for animated tiles must subclass AnimatedTimeBasedSprite. """ ) print(custom_class.__name__) args = {"filename": image_file, "scale": scaling} my_sprite = custom_class(**custom_class_args, **args) # type: ignore else: if not custom_class: custom_class = Sprite elif not issubclass(custom_class, Sprite): raise RuntimeError( f""" Tried to use a custom class {custom_class.__name__} for a tile that doesn't subclass arcade.Sprite. Custom classes for tiles must subclass arcade.Sprite. """ ) image_x, image_y, width, height = _get_image_info_from_tileset(tile) args = { "filename": image_file, "scale": scaling, "image_x": image_x, "image_y": image_y, "image_width": width, "image_height": height, "flipped_horizontally": tile.flipped_horizontally, "flipped_vertically": tile.flipped_vertically, "flipped_diagonally": tile.flipped_diagonally, "hit_box_algorithm": hit_box_algorithm, "hit_box_detail": hit_box_detail, } my_sprite = custom_class(**custom_class_args, **args) # type: ignore if is not None and len( > 0: for key, value in[key] = value if tile.type:["type"] = tile.type if tile.objects is not None: if not isinstance(tile.objects, pytiled_parser.ObjectLayer): print("Warning, tile.objects is not an ObjectLayer as expected.") return my_sprite if len(tile.objects.tiled_objects) > 1: if tile.image: print( f"Warning, only one hit box supported for tile with image {tile.image}." ) else: print(f"Warning, only one hit box supported for tile.") for hitbox in tile.objects.tiled_objects: points: List[Point] = [] if isinstance(hitbox, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Rectangle): if hitbox.size is None: print( f"Warning: Rectangle hitbox created for without a " f"height or width Ignoring." ) continue sx = hitbox.coordinates.x - (my_sprite.width / (scaling * 2)) sy = -(hitbox.coordinates.y - (my_sprite.height / (scaling * 2))) ex = (hitbox.coordinates.x + hitbox.size.width) - ( my_sprite.width / (scaling * 2) ) ey = -(hitbox.coordinates.y + hitbox.size.height) - ( my_sprite.height / (scaling * 2) ) points = [[sx, sy], [ex, sy], [ex, ey], [sx, ey]] elif isinstance( hitbox, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Polygon ) or isinstance(hitbox, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Polyline): for point in hitbox.points: adj_x = ( point.x + hitbox.coordinates.x - my_sprite.width / (scaling * 2) ) adj_y = -( point.y + hitbox.coordinates.y - my_sprite.height / (scaling * 2) ) adj_point = [adj_x, adj_y] points.append(adj_point) if points[0][0] == points[-1][0] and points[0][1] == points[-1][1]: points.pop() elif isinstance(hitbox, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Ellipse): if not hitbox.size: print( f"Warning: Ellipse hitbox created without a height " f" or width for {tile.image}. Ignoring." ) continue hw = hitbox.size.width / 2 hh = hitbox.size.height / 2 cx = hitbox.coordinates.x + hw cy = hitbox.coordinates.y + hh acx = cx - (my_sprite.width / (scaling * 2)) acy = cy - (my_sprite.height / (scaling * 2)) total_steps = 8 angles = [ step / total_steps * 2 * math.pi for step in range(total_steps) ] for angle in angles: x = hw * math.cos(angle) + acx y = -(hh * math.sin(angle) + acy) points.append([x, y]) else: print(f"Warning: Hitbox type {type(hitbox)} not supported.") if tile.flipped_vertically: for point in points: point[1] *= -1 if tile.flipped_horizontally: for point in points: point[0] *= -1 if tile.flipped_diagonally: for point in points: point[0], point[1] = point[1], point[0] my_sprite.hit_box = points if tile.animation: key_frame_list = [] for frame in tile.animation: frame_tile = self._get_tile_by_id(tile.tileset, frame.tile_id) if frame_tile: image_file = _get_image_source(frame_tile, map_directory) if frame_tile.image and image_file: texture = load_texture(image_file) elif not frame_tile.image and image_file: # No image for tile, pull from tilesheet ( image_x, image_y, width, height, ) = _get_image_info_from_tileset(frame_tile) texture = load_texture( image_file, image_x, image_y, width, height ) else: print( f"Warning: failed to load image for animation frame for tile {}" ) texture = None key_frame = AnimationKeyframe( frame.tile_id, frame.duration, texture ) key_frame_list.append(key_frame) if len(key_frame_list) == 1: my_sprite.texture = key_frame.texture cast(AnimatedTimeBasedSprite, my_sprite).frames = key_frame_list return my_sprite def _process_image_layer( self, layer: pytiled_parser.ImageLayer, scaling: float = 1.0, use_spatial_hash: Optional[bool] = None, hit_box_algorithm: str = "Simple", hit_box_detail: float = 4.5, custom_class: Optional[type] = None, custom_class_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> SpriteList: sprite_list: SpriteList = SpriteList(use_spatial_hash=use_spatial_hash) map_source = self.tiled_map.map_file map_directory = os.path.dirname(map_source) image_file = layer.image if not os.path.exists(image_file) and (map_directory): try2 = Path(map_directory, image_file) if not os.path.exists(try2): print( f"Warning, can't find image {image_file} for Image Layer {}" ) image_file = try2 my_texture = load_texture( image_file, hit_box_algorithm=hit_box_algorithm, hit_box_detail=hit_box_detail, ) if layer.transparent_color: data = my_texture.image.getdata() target = layer.transparent_color new_data = [] for item in data: if ( item[0] == target[0] and item[1] == target[1] and item[2] == target[2] ): new_data.append((255, 255, 255, 0)) else: new_data.append(item) my_texture.image.putdata(new_data) if not custom_class: custom_class = Sprite elif not issubclass(custom_class, Sprite): raise RuntimeError( f""" Tried to use a custom class {custom_class.__name__} for an Image Layer that doesn't subclass arcade.Sprite. Custom classes for image layers must subclass arcade.Sprite. """ ) args = { "filename": image_file, "scale": scaling, "texture": my_texture, "hit_box_algorithm": hit_box_algorithm, "hit_box_detail": hit_box_detail, } my_sprite = custom_class(**custom_class_args, **args) if for key, value in[key] = value if layer.tint_color: my_sprite.color = layer.tint_color if layer.opacity: my_sprite.alpha = int(layer.opacity * 255) my_sprite.center_x = (layer.offset[0] * scaling) + my_sprite.width / 2 my_sprite.center_y = layer.offset[1] sprite_list.append(my_sprite) return sprite_list def _process_tile_layer( self, layer: pytiled_parser.TileLayer, scaling: float = 1.0, use_spatial_hash: Optional[bool] = None, hit_box_algorithm: str = "Simple", hit_box_detail: float = 4.5, custom_class: Optional[type] = None, custom_class_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> SpriteList: sprite_list: SpriteList = SpriteList(use_spatial_hash=use_spatial_hash) map_array = # Loop through the layer and add in the list for row_index, row in enumerate(map_array): for column_index, item in enumerate(row): # Check for an empty tile if item == 0: continue tile = self._get_tile_by_gid(item) if tile is None: raise ValueError( ( f"Couldn't find tile for item {item} in layer " f"'{}' in file '{self.tiled_map.map_file}'" f"at ({column_index}, {row_index})." ) ) my_sprite = self._create_sprite_from_tile( tile, scaling=scaling, hit_box_algorithm=hit_box_algorithm, hit_box_detail=hit_box_detail, custom_class=custom_class, custom_class_args=custom_class_args, ) if my_sprite is None: print( f"Warning: Could not create sprite number {item} in layer '{}' {tile.image}" ) else: my_sprite.center_x = ( column_index * (self.tiled_map.tile_size[0] * scaling) + my_sprite.width / 2 ) my_sprite.center_y = ( self.tiled_map.map_size.height - row_index - 1 ) * (self.tiled_map.tile_size[1] * scaling) + my_sprite.height / 2 # Tint if layer.tint_color: my_sprite.color = layer.tint_color # Opacity opacity = layer.opacity if opacity: my_sprite.alpha = int(opacity * 255) sprite_list.append(my_sprite) return sprite_list def _process_object_layer( self, layer: pytiled_parser.ObjectLayer, scaling: float = 1.0, use_spatial_hash: Optional[bool] = None, hit_box_algorithm: str = "Simple", hit_box_detail: float = 4.5, custom_class: Optional[type] = None, custom_class_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> Tuple[Optional[SpriteList], Optional[List[TiledObject]]]: if not scaling: scaling = self.scaling sprite_list: Optional[SpriteList] = None objects_list: Optional[List[TiledObject]] = [] for cur_object in layer.tiled_objects: # shape: Optional[Union[Point, PointList, Rect]] = None if isinstance(cur_object, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Tile): if not sprite_list: sprite_list = SpriteList(use_spatial_hash=use_spatial_hash) tile = self._get_tile_by_gid(cur_object.gid) my_sprite = self._create_sprite_from_tile( tile, scaling=scaling, hit_box_algorithm=hit_box_algorithm, hit_box_detail=hit_box_detail, custom_class=custom_class, custom_class_args=custom_class_args, ) x = cur_object.coordinates.x * scaling y = ( self.tiled_map.map_size.height * self.tiled_map.tile_size[1] - cur_object.coordinates.y ) * scaling my_sprite.width = width = cur_object.size[0] * scaling my_sprite.height = height = cur_object.size[1] * scaling center_x = width / 2 center_y = height / 2 if cur_object.rotation: rotation = -math.radians(cur_object.rotation) else: rotation = 0 angle_degrees = math.degrees(rotation) rotated_center_x, rotated_center_y = rotate_point( width / 2, height / 2, 0, 0, angle_degrees ) my_sprite.position = (x + rotated_center_x, y + rotated_center_y) my_sprite.angle = angle_degrees if layer.tint_color: my_sprite.color = layer.tint_color opacity = layer.opacity if opacity: my_sprite.alpha = int(opacity * 255) if and "change_x" in my_sprite.change_x = float(["change_x"]) if and "change_y" in my_sprite.change_y = float(["change_y"]) if and "boundary_bottom" in my_sprite.boundary_bottom = float(["boundary_bottom"] ) if and "boundary_top" in my_sprite.boundary_top = float(["boundary_top"] ) if and "boundary_left" in my_sprite.boundary_left = float(["boundary_left"] ) if and "boundary_right" in my_sprite.boundary_right = float(["boundary_right"] ) if if cur_object.type:["type"] = cur_object.type if["name"] = sprite_list.append(my_sprite) continue elif isinstance(cur_object, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Point): x = cur_object.coordinates.x * scaling y = ( self.tiled_map.map_size.height * self.tiled_map.tile_size[1] - cur_object.coordinates.y ) * scaling shape = [x, y] elif isinstance(cur_object, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Rectangle): sx = cur_object.coordinates.x sy = -cur_object.coordinates.y ex = cur_object.coordinates.x + cur_object.size.width ey = -(cur_object.coordinates.y + cur_object.size.height) p1 = [sx, sy] p2 = [ex, sy] p3 = [ex, ey] p4 = [sx, ey] shape = [p1, p2, p3, p4] elif isinstance( cur_object, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Polygon ) or isinstance(cur_object, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Polyline): shape = [] for point in cur_object.points: x = point.x + cur_object.coordinates.x y = (self.height * self.tile_height) - ( point.y + cur_object.coordinates.y ) point = (x, y) shape.append(point) # If shape is a polyline, and it is closed, we need to remove the duplicate end point if shape[0][0] == shape[-1][0] and shape[0][1] == shape[-1][1]: shape.pop() elif isinstance(cur_object, pytiled_parser.tiled_object.Ellipse): hw = cur_object.size.width / 2 hh = cur_object.size.height / 2 cx = cur_object.coordinates.x + hw cy = cur_object.coordinates.y + hh total_steps = 8 angles = [ step / total_steps * 2 * math.pi for step in range(total_steps) ] shape = [] for angle in angles: x = hw * math.cos(angle) + cx y = -(hh * math.sin(angle) + cy) point = [x, y] shape.append(point) else: continue if shape: tiled_object = TiledObject( shape,,, cur_object.type ) if not objects_list: objects_list = [] objects_list.append(tiled_object) return sprite_list or None, objects_list or None
[docs]def load_tilemap( map_file: Union[str, Path], scaling: float = 1.0, layer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, use_spatial_hash: Optional[bool] = None, hit_box_algorithm: str = "Simple", hit_box_detail: float = 4.5, ) -> TileMap: """ Given a .json map file, loads in and returns a `TileMap` object. A TileMap can be created directly using the classes `__init__` function. This function exists for ease of use. For more clarification on the layer_options key, see the `__init__` function of the `TileMap` class :param Union[str, Path] map_file: The JSON map file. :param float scaling: The global scaling to apply to all Sprite's within the map. :param Optional[bool] use_spatial_hash: If set to True, this will make moving a sprite in the SpriteList slower, but it will speed up collision detection with items in the SpriteList. Great for doing collision detection with static walls/platforms. :param str hit_box_algorithm: One of 'None', 'Simple' or 'Detailed'. :param float hit_box_detail: Float, defaults to 4.5. Used with 'Detailed' to hit box. :param Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] layer_options: Layer specific options for the map. """ return TileMap( map_file, scaling, layer_options, use_spatial_hash, hit_box_algorithm, hit_box_detail, )
[docs]def read_tmx(map_file: Union[str, Path]) -> pytiled_parser.TiledMap: """ Deprecated function to raise a warning that it has been removed. Exists to provide info for outdated code bases. """ raise DeprecationWarning( "The read_tmx function has been replaced by the new TileMap class." )