Source code for arcade.perf_graph

from typing import List

import arcade
import random
import pyglet.clock

[docs]class PerfGraph(arcade.Sprite): """ Create a graph showing performance statistics. """ def __init__(self, width, height, graph_data: str = "FPS", update_rate: float = 0.1, background_color=arcade.color.BLACK, data_line_color=arcade.color.WHITE, axis_color=arcade.color.DARK_YELLOW, grid_color=arcade.color.DARK_YELLOW, font_color=arcade.color.WHITE, font_size=10): unique_id = str(random.random()) self.minimap_texture = arcade.Texture.create_empty(unique_id, (width, height)) super().__init__(texture=self.minimap_texture) self.background_color = background_color self.line_color = data_line_color self.grid_color = grid_color self.data_to_graph: List[float] = [] self.proj = 0, self.width, 0, self.height self.axis_color = axis_color self.graph_data = graph_data self.max_data = 0.0 self.font_color = font_color self.font_size = font_size pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update_graph, update_rate) def remove_from_sprite_lists(self): super().remove_from_sprite_lists() pyglet.clock.unschedule(self.update)
[docs] def update_graph(self, delta_time: float): """ Update the graph. """ bottom_y = 15 left_x = 25 # Get the sprite list this is part of, return if none if self.sprite_lists is None or len(self.sprite_lists) == 0: return sprite_list = self.sprite_lists[0] # Clear and return if timings are disabled if not arcade.timings_enabled(): with sprite_list.atlas.render_into(self.minimap_texture, projection=self.proj) as fbo: nothing_color = 0, 0, 0, 0 fbo.clear(nothing_color) return # Get FPS and add to our historical data if self.graph_data == "FPS": self.data_to_graph.append(arcade.get_fps()) else: timings = arcade.get_timings() if self.graph_data in timings: timing_list = timings[self.graph_data] avg_timing = sum(timing_list) / len(timing_list) self.data_to_graph.append(avg_timing * 1000) if len(self.data_to_graph) == 0: return # Toss old data while len(self.data_to_graph) > self.width - left_x: self.data_to_graph.pop(0) # Set max data max_value = max(self.data_to_graph) self.max_data = ((max_value + 1.5) // 20 + 1) * 20.0 # Render to the screen with sprite_list.atlas.render_into(self.minimap_texture, projection=self.proj) as fbo: fbo.clear(self.background_color) max_pixels = self.height - bottom_y point_list = [] x = left_x for reading in self.data_to_graph: y = (reading / self.max_data) * max_pixels + bottom_y point = x, y point_list.append(point) x += 1 # Draw the base line arcade.draw_line(left_x, bottom_y, left_x, self.height, self.axis_color) # Draw left axis arcade.draw_line(left_x, bottom_y, self.width, bottom_y, self.axis_color) # Draw number labels arcade.draw_text("0", left_x, bottom_y, self.font_color, self.font_size, anchor_x="right", anchor_y="center") increment = self.max_data // 4 for i in range(4): value = increment * i label = f"{int(value)}" y = (value / self.max_data) * max_pixels + bottom_y arcade.draw_text(label, left_x, y, self.font_color, self.font_size, anchor_x="right", anchor_y="center") arcade.draw_line(left_x, y, self.width, y, self.grid_color) # Draw label arcade.draw_text(self.graph_data, 0, 2, self.font_color, self.font_size, align="center", width=int(self.width)) # Draw graph arcade.draw_line_strip(point_list, self.line_color)