Source code for arcade.paths

Path-related functions.

from arcade import Point, check_for_collision_with_list, SpriteList, Sprite
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Set

import sys

if 'shapely' in sys.modules:
    from .paths_python import has_line_of_sight  # noqa: F401
    from .paths_python import has_line_of_sight  # noqa: F401

Classic A-star algorithm for path finding.

def _spot_is_blocked(position: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float]],
                     moving_sprite: Sprite,
                     blocking_sprites: SpriteList)\
        -> bool:
    original_pos = moving_sprite.position
    moving_sprite.position = position
    hit_list = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, blocking_sprites)
    moving_sprite.position = original_pos
    if len(hit_list) > 0:
        return True
        return False

def _heuristic(start: Point, goal: Point):



    # Use Chebyshev distance heuristic if we can move one square either
    # adjacent or diagonal
    d = 1
    d2 = 1
    dx = abs(start[0] - goal[0])
    dy = abs(start[1] - goal[1])
    return d * (dx + dy) + (d2 - 2 * d) * min(dx, dy)

class _AStarGraph(object):
    # Define a class board like grid with two barriers

    def __init__(self, barriers: Union[List, Tuple, Set],
                 left: int,
                 right: int,
                 bottom: int,
                 top: int,
                 diagonal_movement: bool):
        if barriers is set:
            self.barriers = barriers
            self.barriers = set(barriers)

        self.left = left
        self.right = right = top
        self.bottom = bottom

        if diagonal_movement:
            self.movement_directions = (  # type: ignore
                (1, 0), (-1, 0),
                (0, 1), (0, -1),
                (1, 1), (-1, 1),
                (1, -1), (-1, -1)
            self.movement_directions = (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)  # type: ignore

    def get_vertex_neighbours(self, pos: Point) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
        n = []
        # Moves allow link a chess king
        for dx, dy in self.movement_directions:
            x2 = pos[0] + dx
            y2 = pos[1] + dy
            if x2 < self.left or x2 > self.right or y2 < self.bottom or y2 >
            n.append((x2, y2))
        return n

    def move_cost(self, a: Point, b: Point):
        if b in self.barriers:
            # print("Ping")
            return float('inf')  # Infitely high cost to enter barrier squares

        elif a[0] == b[0] or a[1] == b[1]:
            return 1  # Normal movement cost
            return 1.42

def _AStarSearch(start: Point, end: Point, graph: _AStarGraph):
    G = {}  # Actual movement cost to each position from the start position
    F = {}  # Estimated movement cost of start to end going via this position

    # Initialize starting values
    G[start] = 0
    F[start] = _heuristic(start, end)

    closed_vertices = set()
    open_vertices = {start}
    came_from = {}  # type: ignore

    count = 0
    while len(open_vertices) > 0:
        count += 1
        if count > 500:
        # Get the vertex in the open list with the lowest F score
        current = None
        current_fscore = None
        for pos in sorted(open_vertices):
            if current is None or F[pos] < current_fscore:
                current_fscore = F[pos]
                current = pos

        # Check if we have reached the goal
        if current == end:
            # Retrace our route backward
            path = [current]
            while current in came_from:
                current = came_from[current]
                path.append(current)  # type: ignore
            if F[end] >= 10000:
                return None
                return path
            # return path, F[end]  # Done!

        # Mark the current vertex as closed
        open_vertices.remove(current)  # type: ignore
        closed_vertices.add(current)  # type: ignore

        # Update scores for vertices near the current position
        for neighbour in sorted(graph.get_vertex_neighbours(current)):  # type: ignore
            if neighbour in closed_vertices:
                continue  # We have already processed this node exhaustively
            candidate_g = G[current] + graph.move_cost(current, neighbour)  # type: ignore

            if neighbour not in open_vertices:
                open_vertices.add(neighbour)  # Discovered a new vertex
            elif candidate_g >= G[neighbour]:
                continue  # This G score is worse than previously found

            # Adopt this G score
            came_from[neighbour] = current
            G[neighbour] = candidate_g
            h = _heuristic(neighbour, end)
            F[neighbour] = G[neighbour] + h

    # Out-of-bounds
    return None

def _collapse(pos: Point, grid_size: float):
    return int(pos[0] // grid_size), int(pos[1] // grid_size)

def _expand(pos: Point, grid_size: float):
    return int(pos[0] * grid_size), int(pos[1] * grid_size)

[docs]class AStarBarrierList: """ Class that manages a list of barriers that can be encountered during A* path finding. :param Sprite moving_sprite: Sprite that will be moving :param SpriteList blocking_sprites: Sprites that can block movement :param int grid_size: Size of the grid, in pixels :param int left: Left border of playing field :param int right: Right border of playing field :param int bottom: Bottom of playing field :param int top: Top of playing field """ def __init__(self, moving_sprite: Sprite, blocking_sprites: SpriteList, grid_size: int, left: int, right: int, bottom: int, top: int): self.grid_size = grid_size self.bottom = int(bottom // grid_size) = int(top // grid_size) self.left = int(left // grid_size) self.right = int(right // grid_size) self.moving_sprite = moving_sprite self.blocking_sprites = blocking_sprites self.barrier_list = None self.recalculate()
[docs] def recalculate(self): """ Recalculate blocking sprites. """ # --- Iterate through the blocking sprites and find where we are blocked # Save original location original_pos = self.moving_sprite.position # Create a set of barriers self.barrier_list = set() # Loop through the grid for cx in range(self.left, self.right + 1): for cy in range(self.bottom, + 1): # Grid location cpos = cx, cy # Pixel location pos = _expand(cpos, self.grid_size) # See if we'll have a collision if our sprite is at this location self.moving_sprite.position = pos if len(check_for_collision_with_list(self.moving_sprite, self.blocking_sprites)) > 0: self.barrier_list.add(cpos) # Restore original location self.moving_sprite.position = original_pos self.barrier_list = sorted(self.barrier_list)
[docs]def astar_calculate_path(start_point: Point, end_point: Point, astar_barrier_list: AStarBarrierList, diagonal_movement=True): """ :param Point start_point: :param Point end_point: :param AStarBarrierList astar_barrier_list: :param bool diagonal_movement: Returns: List """ grid_size = astar_barrier_list.grid_size mod_start = _collapse(start_point, grid_size) mod_end = _collapse(end_point, grid_size) left = astar_barrier_list.left right = astar_barrier_list.right bottom = astar_barrier_list.bottom top = barrier_list = astar_barrier_list.barrier_list graph = _AStarGraph(barrier_list, left, right, bottom, top, diagonal_movement) # type: ignore result = _AStarSearch(mod_start, mod_end, graph) if result is None: return None # Currently 'result' is in grid locations. We need to convert them to pixel # locations. revised_result = [_expand(p, grid_size) for p in result] return revised_result