from __future__ import annotations
import weakref
from ctypes import (
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from pyglet import gl
from .uniform import Uniform, UniformBlock
from import Context
class ComputeShader:
A higher level wrapper for an OpenGL compute shader.
The context this shader belongs to.
The GLSL source code for the compute shader.
def __init__(self, ctx: Context, glsl_source: str) -> None:
self._ctx = ctx
self._source = glsl_source
self._uniforms: dict[str, UniformBlock | Uniform] = dict()
from import ShaderException
# Create the program
self._glo = glo = gl.glCreateProgram()
if not self._glo:
raise ShaderException("Failed to create program object")
self._shader_obj = gl.glCreateShader(gl.GL_COMPUTE_SHADER)
if not self._shader_obj:
raise ShaderException("Failed to create compute shader object")
# Set source
source_bytes = self._source.encode("utf-8")
strings = byref(cast(c_char_p(source_bytes), POINTER(c_char)))
lengths = pointer(c_int(len(source_bytes)))
gl.glShaderSource(self._shader_obj, 1, strings, lengths)
# Compile and check result
result = c_int()
gl.glGetShaderiv(self._shader_obj, gl.GL_COMPILE_STATUS, byref(result))
if result.value == gl.GL_FALSE:
msg = create_string_buffer(512)
length = c_int()
gl.glGetShaderInfoLog(self._shader_obj, 512, byref(length), msg)
raise ShaderException(
f"Error compiling compute shader "
f"({result.value}): {msg.value.decode('utf-8')}\n"
f"---- [compute shader] ---\n"
+ "\n".join(
f"{str(i + 1).zfill(3)}: {line} "
for i, line in enumerate(self._source.split("\n"))
# Attach and link shader
gl.glAttachShader(self._glo, self._shader_obj)
status = c_int()
gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_LINK_STATUS, status)
if not status.value:
length = c_int()
gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, length)
log = c_buffer(length.value)
gl.glGetProgramInfoLog(self._glo, len(log), None, log)
raise ShaderException("Program link error: {}".format(log.value.decode()))
if self._ctx.gc_mode == "auto":
weakref.finalize(self, ComputeShader.delete_glo, self._ctx, glo)
def glo(self) -> int:
"""The name/id of the OpenGL resource"""
return self._glo
def _use(self) -> None:
Use/activate the compute shader.
.. Note::
This is not necessary to call in normal use cases
since ``run()`` already does this for you.
self._ctx.active_program = self
def run(self, group_x=1, group_y=1, group_z=1) -> None:
Run the compute shader.
When running a compute shader we specify how many work groups should
be executed on the ``x``, ``y`` and ``z`` dimension. The size of the work group
is defined in the compute shader.
.. code:: glsl
// Work group with one dimension. 16 work groups executed.
layout(local_size_x=16) in;
// Work group with two dimensions. 256 work groups executed.
layout(local_size_x=16, local_size_y=16) in;
// Work group with three dimensions. 4096 work groups executed.
layout(local_size_x=16, local_size_y=16, local_size_z=16) in;
Group sizes are ``1`` by default. If your compute shader doesn't specify
a size for a dimension or uses ``1`` as size you don't have to supply
this parameter.
group_x: The number of work groups to be launched in the X dimension.
group_y: The number of work groups to be launched in the y dimension.
group_z: The number of work groups to be launched in the z dimension.
gl.glDispatchCompute(group_x, group_y, group_z)
def __getitem__(self, item) -> Uniform | UniformBlock:
"""Get a uniform or uniform block"""
uniform = self._uniforms[item]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"Uniform with the name `{item}` was not found.")
return uniform.getter()
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Set a uniform value"""
# Ensure we are setting the uniform on this program
# if self._ctx.active_program != self:
# self.use()
uniform = self._uniforms[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"Uniform with the name `{key}` was not found.")
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return id(self)
def __del__(self):
if self._ctx.gc_mode == "context_gc" and self._glo > 0:
def delete(self) -> None:
Destroy the internal compute shader object.
This is normally not necessary, but depends on the
garbage collection configured in the context.
ComputeShader.delete_glo(self._ctx, self._glo)
self._glo = 0
def delete_glo(ctx, prog_id):
Low level method for destroying a compute shader by id.
ctx: The context this program belongs to.
prog_id: The OpenGL id of the program.
# Check to see if the context was already cleaned up from program
# shut down. If so, we don't need to delete the shaders.
if gl.current_context is None:
# TODO: Count compute shaders
def _introspect_uniforms(self):
"""Figure out what uniforms are available and build an internal map"""
# Number of active uniforms in the program
active_uniforms = gl.GLint(0)
gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, byref(active_uniforms))
# Loop all the active uniforms
for index in range(active_uniforms.value):
# Query uniform information like name, type, size etc.
u_name, u_type, u_size = self._query_uniform(index)
u_location = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self._glo, u_name.encode())
# Skip uniforms that may be in Uniform Blocks
# TODO: We should handle all uniforms
if u_location == -1:
# print(f"Uniform {u_location} {u_name} {u_size} {u_type} skipped")
u_name = u_name.replace("[0]", "") # Remove array suffix
self._uniforms[u_name] = Uniform(
self._ctx, self._glo, u_location, u_name, u_type, u_size
def _introspect_uniform_blocks(self):
"""Finds uniform blocks and maps the to python objectss"""
active_uniform_blocks = gl.GLint(0)
gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, byref(active_uniform_blocks))
# print('GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS', active_uniform_blocks)
for loc in range(active_uniform_blocks.value):
index, size, name = self._query_uniform_block(loc)
block = UniformBlock(self._glo, index, size, name)
self._uniforms[name] = block
def _query_uniform(self, location: int) -> tuple[str, int, int]:
"""Retrieve Uniform information at given location.
Returns the name, the type as a GLenum (GL_FLOAT, ...) and the size. Size is
greater than 1 only for Uniform arrays, like an array of floats or an array
of Matrices.
u_size = gl.GLint()
u_type = gl.GLenum()
buf_size = 192 # max uniform character length
u_name = create_string_buffer(buf_size)
self._glo, # program to query
location, # location to query
buf_size, # size of the character/name buffer
None, # the number of characters actually written by OpenGL in the string
u_size, # size of the uniform variable
u_type, # data type of the uniform variable
u_name, # string buffer for storing the name
return u_name.value.decode(), u_type.value, u_size.value
def _query_uniform_block(self, location: int) -> tuple[int, int, str]:
"""Query active uniform block by retrieving the name and index and size"""
# Query name
u_size = gl.GLint()
buf_size = 192 # max uniform character length
u_name = create_string_buffer(buf_size)
self._glo, # program to query
location, # location to query
256, # max size if the name
u_size, # length
# Query index
index = gl.glGetUniformBlockIndex(self._glo, u_name)
# Query size
b_size = gl.GLint()
gl.glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self._glo, index, gl.GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, b_size)
return index, b_size.value, u_name.value.decode()