.. _sprites: Drawing & Using Sprites ======================= Most games built with Arcade will use sprites and sprite lists to draw image data. This section of the programming guide will help you achieve that by covering: * What sprites & sprite lists are * The essentials of how to use them * How to get started with images * Non-drawing features such as collisions * Overviews of various advanced techniques Beginners should start by reading & following :ref:`pg_spritelists` page (~10 minute read). If you get stuck, see :ref:`how-to-get-help`. I'm Impatient! Beginners should at least skim :ref:`pg_spritelists` (~10 minute read), but you can skip to the tutorials and full example code if you'd like: * :ref:`pg_spritelists_minimal_sprite_drawing` * :ref:`Arcade's Sprite Examples ` * :ref:`Arcade's Simple Platformer Tutorial ` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 spritelists advanced