Source code for arcade.gui.ui_manager

The better gui for arcade

- Improved events, now fully typed
- UIElements are now called Widgets (like everywhere else)
- Widgets render into a FrameBuffer, which supports in memory drawings with less memory usage
- Support for animated widgets
- Texts are now rendered with pyglet, open easier support for text areas with scrolling
- TextArea with scroll support
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Dict, TypeVar, Iterable

from pyglet.event import EventDispatcher, EVENT_HANDLED, EVENT_UNHANDLED

import arcade
from import (UIMouseMovementEvent,
from arcade.gui.surface import Surface
from arcade.gui.widgets import UIWidget, UIWidgetParent, _Rect

W = TypeVar('W', bound=UIWidget)

[docs]class UIManager(EventDispatcher, UIWidgetParent): """ V2 UIManager manager = UIManager() manager.enable() # hook up window events manager.add(Dummy()) def on_draw(): self.clear() ... manager.draw() # draws the UI on screen """ _enabled = False def __init__(self, window: arcade.Window = None, auto_enable=False): super().__init__() self.window = window or arcade.get_window() self._surfaces: Dict[int, Surface] = {} self.children: Dict[int, List[UIWidget]] = defaultdict(list) self._rendered = False self.register_event_type("on_event") if auto_enable: warnings.warn("`auto_enable=True` -> UIManager should be enabled in a `View.on_show_view()`") self.enable()
[docs] def add(self, widget: W, *, index=None) -> W: """ Add a widget to the :class:`UIManager`. Added widgets will receive ui events and be rendered. By default the latest added widget will receive ui events first and will be rendered on top of others. :param widget: widget to add :param index: position a widget is added, None has the highest priority :return: the widget """ if index is None: self.children[0].append(widget) else: self.children[0].insert(max(len(self.children), index), widget) widget.parent = self self.trigger_render() return widget
def remove(self, child: UIWidget): for children in self.children.values(): if child in children: children.remove(child) self.trigger_render()
[docs] def walk_widgets(self, *, root: UIWidget = None) -> Iterable[UIWidget]: """walks through widget tree, in reverse draw order (most top drawn widget first)""" layer = 0 children = root.children if root else self.children[layer] for child in reversed(children): yield from self.walk_widgets(root=child) yield child
[docs] def get_widgets_at(self, pos, cls=UIWidget) -> Iterable[W]: """ Yields all widgets containing a position, returns first top laying widgets which is instance of cls. :param pos: Pos within the widget bounds :param cls: class which the widget should be instance of :return: iterator of widgets of given type at position """ for widget in self.walk_widgets(): if isinstance(widget, cls) and widget.rect.collide_with_point(*pos): yield widget
def _get_surface(self, layer: int): if layer not in self._surfaces: if len(self._surfaces) > 2: raise Exception("Don't use too much layers!") self._surfaces[layer] = Surface( size=self.window.get_size(), pixel_ratio=self.window.get_pixel_ratio(), ) return self._surfaces.get(layer)
[docs] def trigger_render(self): """ Request rendering of all widgets """ self._rendered = False
def _do_layout(self): layers = sorted(self.children.keys()) for layer in layers: for child in self.children[layer]: # TODO Observe if rect of child changed. This will be solved with observable properties later rect = child.rect child._do_layout() if rect != child.rect: # TODO use Arcade Property instead self.trigger_render() def _do_render(self, force=False): layers = sorted(self.children.keys()) force = force or not self._rendered for layer in layers: surface = self._get_surface(layer) with surface.activate(): if force: surface.clear() for child in self.children[layer]: child._do_render(surface, force) self._rendered = True
[docs] def enable(self): """ Registers handler functions (`on_...`) to :py:attr:`arcade.gui.UIElement` on_draw is not registered, to provide full control about draw order, so it has to be called by the devs themselves. """ if not self._enabled: self._enabled = True self.window.push_handlers( self.on_resize, self.on_update, self.on_mouse_drag, self.on_mouse_motion, self.on_mouse_press, self.on_mouse_release, self.on_mouse_scroll, self.on_key_press, self.on_key_release, self.on_text, self.on_text_motion, self.on_text_motion_select, )
[docs] def disable(self): """ Remove handler functions (`on_...`) from :py:attr:`arcade.Window` If every :py:class:`arcade.View` uses its own :py:class:`arcade.gui.UIManager`, this method should be called in :py:meth:`arcade.View.on_hide_view()`. """ if self._enabled: self._enabled = False self.window.remove_handlers( self.on_resize, self.on_update, self.on_mouse_drag, self.on_mouse_motion, self.on_mouse_press, self.on_mouse_release, self.on_mouse_scroll, self.on_key_press, self.on_key_release, self.on_text, self.on_text_motion, self.on_text_motion_select, )
def on_update(self, time_delta): return self.dispatch_ui_event(UIOnUpdateEvent(self, time_delta)) def draw(self): # Request Widgets to prepare for next frame self._do_layout() self._do_render() # Draw layers layers = sorted(self.children.keys()) for layer in layers: self._get_surface(layer).draw()
[docs] def adjust_mouse_coordinates(self, x, y): """ This method is used, to translate mouse coordinates to coordinates respecting the viewport and projection of cameras. The implementation should work in most common cases. If you use scrolling in the :py:class:`arcade.Camera` you have to reset scrolling or overwrite this method using the camera conversion:: ui_manager.adjust_mouse_coordinates = camera.mouse_coordinates_to_world """ # TODO This code does not work anymore, for now no camera support by default # vx, vy, vw, vh = self.window.ctx.viewport # pl, pr, pb, pt = self.window.ctx.projection_2d # proj_width, proj_height = pr - pl, pt - pb # dx, dy = proj_width / vw, proj_height / vh # return (x - vx) * dx, (y - vy) * dy return x, y
def on_event(self, event) -> bool: layers = sorted(self.children.keys(), reverse=True) for layer in layers: for child in reversed(self.children[layer]): if child.dispatch_event("on_event", event): # child can consume an event by returning True return EVENT_HANDLED return EVENT_UNHANDLED def dispatch_ui_event(self, event): return self.dispatch_event("on_event", event) def on_mouse_motion(self, x: float, y: float, dx: float, dy: float): x, y = self.adjust_mouse_coordinates(x, y) return self.dispatch_ui_event(UIMouseMovementEvent(self, x, y, dx, dy)) # type: ignore def on_mouse_press(self, x: float, y: float, button: int, modifiers: int): x, y = self.adjust_mouse_coordinates(x, y) return self.dispatch_ui_event(UIMousePressEvent(self, x, y, button, modifiers)) # type: ignore def on_mouse_drag(self, x: float, y: float, dx: float, dy: float, buttons: int, modifiers: int): x, y = self.adjust_mouse_coordinates(x, y) return self.dispatch_ui_event(UIMouseDragEvent(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers)) # type: ignore def on_mouse_release(self, x: float, y: float, button: int, modifiers: int): x, y = self.adjust_mouse_coordinates(x, y) return self.dispatch_ui_event(UIMouseReleaseEvent(self, x, y, button, modifiers)) # type: ignore def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y): x, y = self.adjust_mouse_coordinates(x, y) return self.dispatch_ui_event(UIMouseScrollEvent(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y)) def on_key_press(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int): return self.dispatch_ui_event(UIKeyPressEvent(self, symbol, modifiers)) # type: ignore def on_key_release(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int): return self.dispatch_ui_event(UIKeyReleaseEvent(self, symbol, modifiers)) # type: ignore def on_text(self, text): return self.dispatch_ui_event(UITextEvent(self, text)) def on_text_motion(self, motion): return self.dispatch_ui_event(UITextMotionEvent(self, motion)) def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): return self.dispatch_ui_event(UITextMotionSelectEvent(self, motion)) def on_resize(self, width, height): scale = arcade.get_scaling_factor(self.window) for surface in self._surfaces.values(): surface.resize(size=(width, height), pixel_ratio=scale) self.trigger_render() @property def rect(self) -> _Rect: return _Rect(0, 0, *self.window.get_size())
[docs] def debug(self): """Walks through all widgets of a UIManager and prints out the rect""" for index, layer in self.children.items(): print(f"Layer {index}") for child in reversed(layer): self._debug(child, prefix=" ") return
@staticmethod def _debug(element, prefix=""): print(f"{prefix}{element.__class__}:{element.rect}") if isinstance(element, UIWidget): for child in element.children: UIManager._debug(child, prefix=prefix + " ")