Source code for arcade.draw_commands

This module contains commands for basic graphics drawing commands.
(Drawing primitives.)

Many of these commands are slow, because they load everything to the
graphics card each time a shape is drawn. For faster drawing, see the
Buffered Draw Commands.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, too-few-public-methods

import math
import array

import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageOps
import PIL.ImageDraw

import as gl

from typing import Tuple

from arcade import Color
from arcade import PointList
from arcade import earclip
from .geometry_generic import rotate_point
from arcade import get_four_byte_color
from arcade import get_points_for_thick_line
from arcade import Texture
from arcade import get_window


[docs]def draw_arc_filled(center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: Color, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, tilt_angle: float = 0, num_segments: int = 128): """ Draw a filled in arc. Useful for drawing pie-wedges, or Pac-Man. :param float center_x: x position that is the center of the arc. :param float center_y: y position that is the center of the arc. :param float width: width of the arc. :param float height: height of the arc. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float start_angle: start angle of the arc in degrees. :param float end_angle: end angle of the arc in degrees. :param float tilt_angle: angle the arc is tilted. :param float num_segments: Number of line segments used to draw arc. """ unrotated_point_list = [(0.0, 0.0)] start_segment = int(start_angle / 360 * num_segments) end_segment = int(end_angle / 360 * num_segments) for segment in range(start_segment, end_segment + 1): theta = 2.0 * 3.1415926 * segment / num_segments x = width * math.cos(theta) / 2 y = height * math.sin(theta) / 2 unrotated_point_list.append((x, y)) if tilt_angle == 0: uncentered_point_list = unrotated_point_list else: uncentered_point_list = [rotate_point(point[0], point[1], 0, 0, tilt_angle) for point in unrotated_point_list] point_list = [(point[0] + center_x, point[1] + center_y) for point in uncentered_point_list] _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list, color, gl.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN)
[docs]def draw_arc_outline(center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: Color, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, border_width: float = 1, tilt_angle: float = 0, num_segments: int = 128): """ Draw the outside edge of an arc. Useful for drawing curved lines. :param float center_x: x position that is the center of the arc. :param float center_y: y position that is the center of the arc. :param float width: width of the arc. :param float height: height of the arc. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float start_angle: start angle of the arc in degrees. :param float end_angle: end angle of the arc in degrees. :param float border_width: width of line in pixels. :param float tilt_angle: angle the arc is tilted. :param int num_segments: float of triangle segments that make up this circle. Higher is better quality, but slower render time. """ unrotated_point_list = [] start_segment = int(start_angle / 360 * num_segments) end_segment = int(end_angle / 360 * num_segments) inside_width = (width - border_width / 2) / 2 outside_width = (width + border_width / 2) / 2 inside_height = (height - border_width / 2) / 2 outside_height = (height + border_width / 2) / 2 for segment in range(start_segment, end_segment + 1): theta = 2.0 * math.pi * segment / num_segments x1 = inside_width * math.cos(theta) y1 = inside_height * math.sin(theta) x2 = outside_width * math.cos(theta) y2 = outside_height * math.sin(theta) unrotated_point_list.append((x1, y1)) unrotated_point_list.append((x2, y2)) if tilt_angle == 0: uncentered_point_list = unrotated_point_list else: uncentered_point_list = [rotate_point(point[0], point[1], 0, 0, tilt_angle) for point in unrotated_point_list] point_list = [(point[0] + center_x, point[1] + center_y) for point in uncentered_point_list] _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list, color, gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP)
[docs]def draw_parabola_filled(start_x: float, start_y: float, end_x: float, height: float, color: Color, tilt_angle: float = 0): """ Draws a filled in parabola. :param float start_x: The starting x position of the parabola :param float start_y: The starting y position of the parabola :param float end_x: The ending x position of the parabola :param float height: The height of the parabola :param Color color: The color of the parabola :param float tilt_angle: The angle of the tilt of the parabola """ center_x = (start_x + end_x) / 2 center_y = start_y + height start_angle = 0 end_angle = 180 width = start_x - end_x draw_arc_filled(center_x, center_y, width, height, color, start_angle, end_angle, tilt_angle)
[docs]def draw_parabola_outline(start_x: float, start_y: float, end_x: float, height: float, color: Color, border_width: float = 1, tilt_angle: float = 0): """ Draws the outline of a parabola. :param float start_x: The starting x position of the parabola :param float start_y: The starting y position of the parabola :param float end_x: The ending x position of the parabola :param float height: The height of the parabola :param Color color: The color of the parabola :param float border_width: The width of the parabola :param float tilt_angle: The angle of the tilt of the parabola """ center_x = (start_x + end_x) / 2 center_y = start_y + height start_angle = 0 end_angle = 180 width = start_x - end_x draw_arc_outline(center_x, center_y, width, height, color, start_angle, end_angle, border_width, tilt_angle)
[docs]def draw_circle_filled(center_x: float, center_y: float, radius: float, color: Color, tilt_angle: float = 0, num_segments: int = -1): """ Draw a filled-in circle. :param float center_x: x position that is the center of the circle. :param float center_y: y position that is the center of the circle. :param float radius: width of the circle. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float tilt_angle: Angle in degrees to tilt the circle. Useful for low segment count circles :param int num_segments: Number of triangle segments that make up this circle. Higher is better quality, but slower render time. The default value of -1 means arcade will try to calculate a reasonable amount of segments based on the size of the circle. """ draw_ellipse_filled(center_x, center_y, radius * 2, radius * 2, color, tilt_angle=tilt_angle, num_segments=num_segments)
[docs]def draw_circle_outline(center_x: float, center_y: float, radius: float, color: Color, border_width: float = 1, tilt_angle: float = 0, num_segments: int = -1): """ Draw the outline of a circle. :param float center_x: x position that is the center of the circle. :param float center_y: y position that is the center of the circle. :param float radius: width of the circle. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float border_width: Width of the circle outline in pixels. :param float tilt_angle: Angle in degrees to tilt the circle. Useful for low segment count circles :param int num_segments: Number of triangle segments that make up this circle. Higher is better quality, but slower render time. The default value of -1 means arcade will try to calculate a reasonable amount of segments based on the size of the circle. """ draw_ellipse_outline(center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y, width=radius * 2, height=radius * 2, color=color, border_width=border_width, tilt_angle=tilt_angle, num_segments=num_segments)
[docs]def draw_ellipse_filled(center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: Color, tilt_angle: float = 0, num_segments: int = -1): """ Draw a filled in ellipse. :param float center_x: x position that is the center of the circle. :param float center_y: y position that is the center of the circle. :param float width: width of the ellipse. :param float height: height of the ellipse. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float tilt_angle: Angle in degrees to tilt the ellipse. :param int num_segments: Number of triangle segments that make up this circle. Higher is better quality, but slower render time. The default value of -1 means arcade will try to calculate a reasonable amount of segments based on the size of the circle. """ window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx program = ctx.shape_ellipse_filled_unbuffered_program geometry = ctx.shape_ellipse_unbuffered_geometry buffer = ctx.shape_ellipse_unbuffered_buffer # We need to normalize the color because we are setting it as a float uniform if len(color) == 3: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, 1.0 elif len(color) == 4: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255 # type: ignore else: raise ValueError("Invalid color format. Use a 3 or 4 component tuple") program['color'] = color_normalized program['shape'] = width / 2, height / 2, tilt_angle program['segments'] = num_segments buffer.write(data=array.array('f', (center_x, center_y))) geometry.render(program, mode=gl.GL_POINTS, vertices=1)
[docs]def draw_ellipse_outline(center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: Color, border_width: float = 1, tilt_angle: float = 0, num_segments: int = -1): """ Draw the outline of an ellipse. :param float center_x: x position that is the center of the circle. :param float center_y: y position that is the center of the circle. :param float width: width of the ellipse. :param float height: height of the ellipse. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float border_width: Width of the circle outline in pixels. :param float tilt_angle: Angle in degrees to tilt the ellipse. :param int num_segments: Number of triangle segments that make up this circle. Higher is better quality, but slower render time. The default value of -1 means arcade will try to calculate a reasonable amount of segments based on the size of the circle. :param float tilt_angle: Tile of the circle. Useful when drawing a circle with a low segment count """ window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx program = ctx.shape_ellipse_outline_unbuffered_program geometry = ctx.shape_ellipse_outline_unbuffered_geometry buffer = ctx.shape_ellipse_outline_unbuffered_buffer # We need to normalize the color because we are setting it as a float uniform if len(color) == 3: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, 1.0 elif len(color) == 4: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255 # type: ignore else: raise ValueError("Invalid color format. Use a 3 or 4 component tuple") program['color'] = color_normalized program['shape'] = width / 2, height / 2, tilt_angle, border_width program['segments'] = num_segments buffer.write(data=array.array('f', (center_x, center_y))) geometry.render(program, mode=gl.GL_POINTS, vertices=1)
# --- END ELLIPSE FUNCTIONS # # # # --- BEGIN LINE FUNCTIONS # # # def _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list: PointList, color: Color, mode: int = gl.GL_LINE_STRIP): """ Draw a line strip. A line strip is a set of continuously connected line segments. :param point_list: List of points making up the line. Each point is in a list. So it is a list of lists. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. """ window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx c4 = get_four_byte_color(color) c4e = c4 * len(point_list) a = array.array('B', c4e) vertices = array.array('f', tuple(item for sublist in point_list for item in sublist)) geometry = ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_geometry program = ctx.line_vertex_shader geometry.num_vertices = len(point_list) # Double buffer sizes if out of space while len(vertices) * 4 > ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo.size: ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo.orphan(ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo.size * 2) ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_color.orphan(ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_color.size * 2) ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo.write(vertices) ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_color.write(a) geometry.render(program, mode=mode)
[docs]def draw_line_strip(point_list: PointList, color: Color, line_width: float = 1): """ Draw a multi-point line. :param PointList point_list: List of x, y points that make up this strip :param Color color: Color of line strip :param float line_width: Width of the line """ if line_width == 1: _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list, color, gl.GL_LINE_STRIP) else: triangle_point_list: PointList = [] # This needs a lot of improvement last_point = None for point in point_list: if last_point is not None: points = get_points_for_thick_line(last_point[0], last_point[1], point[0], point[1], line_width) reordered_points = points[1], points[0], points[2], points[3] triangle_point_list.extend(reordered_points) last_point = point _generic_draw_line_strip(triangle_point_list, color, gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP)
[docs]def draw_line(start_x: float, start_y: float, end_x: float, end_y: float, color: Color, line_width: float = 1): """ Draw a line. :param float start_x: x position of line starting point. :param float start_y: y position of line starting point. :param float end_x: x position of line ending point. :param float end_y: y position of line ending point. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float line_width: Width of the line in pixels. """ window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx program = ctx.shape_line_program geometry = ctx.shape_line_geometry # We need to normalize the color because we are setting it as a float uniform if len(color) == 3: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, 1.0 elif len(color) == 4: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255 # type: ignore else: raise ValueError("Invalid color format. Use a 3 or 4 component tuple") program['line_width'] = line_width program['color'] = color_normalized ctx.shape_line_buffer_pos.write( data=array.array('f', (start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y))) geometry.render(program, mode=gl.GL_LINES, vertices=2)
[docs]def draw_lines(point_list: PointList, color: Color, line_width: float = 1): """ Draw a set of lines. Draw a line between each pair of points specified. :param PointList point_list: List of points making up the lines. Each point is in a list. So it is a list of lists. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float line_width: Width of the line in pixels. """ window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx program = ctx.shape_line_program geometry = ctx.shape_line_geometry # We need to normalize the color because we are setting it as a float uniform if len(color) == 3: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, 1.0 elif len(color) == 4: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255 # type: ignore else: raise ValueError("Invalid color format. Use a 3 or 4 component tuple") while len(point_list) * 3 * 4 > ctx.shape_line_buffer_pos.size: ctx.shape_line_buffer_pos.orphan(ctx.shape_line_buffer_pos.size * 2) program['line_width'] = line_width program['color'] = color_normalized ctx.shape_line_buffer_pos.write( data=array.array('f', tuple(v for point in point_list for v in point))) geometry.render(program, mode=gl.GL_LINES, vertices=len(point_list))
[docs]def draw_point(x: float, y: float, color: Color, size: float): """ Draw a point. :param float x: x position of point. :param float y: y position of point. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float size: Size of the point in pixels. """ draw_rectangle_filled(x, y, size, size, color)
[docs]def draw_points(point_list: PointList, color: Color, size: float = 1): """ Draw a set of points. :param PointList point_list: List of points Each point is in a list. So it is a list of lists. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float size: Size of the point in pixels. """ window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx program = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_program geometry = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_geometry buffer = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_buffer # We need to normalize the color because we are setting it as a float uniform if len(color) == 3: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, 1.0 elif len(color) == 4: color_normalized = color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255 # type: ignore else: raise ValueError("Invalid color format. Use a 3 or 4 component tuple") # Resize buffer data_size = len(point_list) * 8 # if data_size > buffer.size: buffer.orphan(size=data_size) program['color'] = color_normalized program['shape'] = size, size, 0 buffer.write(data=array.array('f', tuple(v for point in point_list for v in point))) geometry.render(program, mode=ctx.POINTS, vertices=data_size // 8)
[docs]def draw_polygon_filled(point_list: PointList, color: Color): """ Draw a polygon that is filled in. :param PointList point_list: List of points making up the lines. Each point is in a list. So it is a list of lists. :param Color color: The color, specified in RGB or RGBA format. """ triangle_points = earclip(point_list) flattened_list = tuple(i for g in triangle_points for i in g) _generic_draw_line_strip(flattened_list, color, gl.GL_TRIANGLES)
[docs]def draw_polygon_outline(point_list: PointList, color: Color, line_width: float = 1): """ Draw a polygon outline. Also known as a "line loop." :param PointList point_list: List of points making up the lines. Each point is in a list. So it is a list of lists. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param int line_width: Width of the line in pixels. """ new_point_list = list(point_list) new_point_list.append(point_list[0]) triangle_point_list = [] # This needs a lot of improvement last_point = None for point in new_point_list: if last_point is not None: points = get_points_for_thick_line(last_point[0], last_point[1], point[0], point[1], line_width) reordered_points = points[1], points[0], points[2], points[3] triangle_point_list.extend(reordered_points) last_point = point points = get_points_for_thick_line(new_point_list[0][0], new_point_list[0][1], new_point_list[1][0], new_point_list[1][1], line_width) triangle_point_list.append(points[1]) _generic_draw_line_strip(triangle_point_list, color, gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP)
[docs]def draw_triangle_filled(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, color: Color): """ Draw a filled in triangle. :param float x1: x value of first coordinate. :param float y1: y value of first coordinate. :param float x2: x value of second coordinate. :param float y2: y value of second coordinate. :param float x3: x value of third coordinate. :param float y3: y value of third coordinate. :param Color color: Color of triangle. """ point_list = ( (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), ) _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list, color, gl.GL_TRIANGLES)
[docs]def draw_triangle_outline(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, color: Color, border_width: float = 1): """ Draw a the outline of a triangle. :param float x1: x value of first coordinate. :param float y1: y value of first coordinate. :param float x2: x value of second coordinate. :param float y2: y value of second coordinate. :param float x3: x value of third coordinate. :param float y3: y value of third coordinate. :param Color color: Color of triangle. :param float border_width: Width of the border in pixels. Defaults to 1. """ point_list = ( (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), ) draw_polygon_outline(point_list, color, border_width)
[docs]def draw_lrtb_rectangle_outline(left: float, right: float, top: float, bottom: float, color: Color, border_width: float = 1): """ Draw a rectangle by specifying left, right, top, and bottom edges. :param float left: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. :param float right: The x coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle. :param float top: The y coordinate of the top of the rectangle. :param float bottom: The y coordinate of the rectangle bottom. :param Color color: The color of the rectangle. :param float border_width: The width of the border in pixels. Defaults to one. :Raises AttributeError: Raised if left > right or top < bottom. """ if left > right: raise AttributeError("Left coordinate must be less than or equal to " "the right coordinate") if bottom > top: raise AttributeError("Bottom coordinate must be less than or equal to " "the top coordinate") center_x = (left + right) / 2 center_y = (top + bottom) / 2 width = right - left height = top - bottom draw_rectangle_outline(center_x, center_y, width, height, color, border_width)
[docs]def draw_xywh_rectangle_outline(bottom_left_x: float, bottom_left_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: Color, border_width: float = 1): """ Draw a rectangle extending from bottom left to top right :param float bottom_left_x: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. :param float bottom_left_y: The y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle. :param float width: The width of the rectangle. :param float height: The height of the rectangle. :param Color color: The color of the rectangle. :param float border_width: The width of the border in pixels. Defaults to one. """ center_x = bottom_left_x + (width / 2) center_y = bottom_left_y + (height / 2) draw_rectangle_outline(center_x, center_y, width, height, color, border_width)
[docs]def draw_rectangle_outline(center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: Color, border_width: float = 1, tilt_angle: float = 0): """ Draw a rectangle outline. :param float center_x: x coordinate of top left rectangle point. :param float center_y: y coordinate of top left rectangle point. :param float width: width of the rectangle. :param float height: height of the rectangle. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float border_width: width of the lines, in pixels. :param float tilt_angle: rotation of the rectangle. Defaults to zero. """ i_lb = center_x - width / 2 + border_width / 2, center_y - height / 2 + border_width / 2 i_rb = center_x + width / 2 - border_width / 2, center_y - height / 2 + border_width / 2 i_rt = center_x + width / 2 - border_width / 2, center_y + height / 2 - border_width / 2 i_lt = center_x - width / 2 + border_width / 2, center_y + height / 2 - border_width / 2 o_lb = center_x - width / 2 - border_width / 2, center_y - height / 2 - border_width / 2 o_rb = center_x + width / 2 + border_width / 2, center_y - height / 2 - border_width / 2 o_rt = center_x + width / 2 + border_width / 2, center_y + height / 2 + border_width / 2 o_lt = center_x - width / 2 - border_width / 2, center_y + height / 2 + border_width / 2 point_list: PointList = (o_lt, i_lt, o_rt, i_rt, o_rb, i_rb, o_lb, i_lb, o_lt, i_lt) if tilt_angle != 0: point_list_2 = [] for point in point_list: new_point = rotate_point(point[0], point[1], center_x, center_y, tilt_angle) point_list_2.append(new_point) point_list = point_list_2 _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list, color, gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP)
[docs]def draw_lrtb_rectangle_filled(left: float, right: float, top: float, bottom: float, color: Color): """ Draw a rectangle by specifying left, right, top, and bottom edges. :param float left: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. :param float right: The x coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle. :param float top: The y coordinate of the top of the rectangle. :param float bottom: The y coordinate of the rectangle bottom. :param Color color: The color of the rectangle. :Raises AttributeError: Raised if left > right or top < bottom. """ if left > right: raise AttributeError(f"Left coordinate {left} must be less than or equal to the right coordinate {right}") if bottom > top: raise AttributeError(f"Bottom coordinate {bottom} must be less than or equal to the top coordinate {top}") center_x = (left + right) / 2 center_y = (top + bottom) / 2 width = right - left + 1 height = top - bottom + 1 draw_rectangle_filled(center_x, center_y, width, height, color)
[docs]def draw_xywh_rectangle_filled(bottom_left_x: float, bottom_left_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: Color): """ Draw a filled rectangle extending from bottom left to top right :param float bottom_left_x: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. :param float bottom_left_y: The y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle. :param float width: The width of the rectangle. :param float height: The height of the rectangle. :param Color color: The color of the rectangle. """ center_x = bottom_left_x + (width / 2) center_y = bottom_left_y + (height / 2) draw_rectangle_filled(center_x, center_y, width, height, color)
[docs]def draw_rectangle_filled(center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: Color, tilt_angle: float = 0): """ Draw a filled-in rectangle. :param float center_x: x coordinate of rectangle center. :param float center_y: y coordinate of rectangle center. :param float width: width of the rectangle. :param float height: height of the rectangle. :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or RGBA format. :param float tilt_angle: rotation of the rectangle. Defaults to zero. """ window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx program = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_program geometry = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_geometry buffer = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_buffer # We need to normalize the color because we are setting it as a float uniform if len(color) == 3: color_normalized = (color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, 1.0) elif len(color) == 4: color_normalized = (color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255) # type: ignore else: raise ValueError("Invalid color format. Use a 3 or 4 component tuple") program['color'] = color_normalized program['shape'] = width, height, tilt_angle buffer.write(data=array.array('f', (center_x, center_y))) geometry.render(program, mode=ctx.POINTS, vertices=1)
[docs]def draw_scaled_texture_rectangle(center_x: float, center_y: float, texture: Texture, scale: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0, alpha: int = 255): """ Draw a textured rectangle on-screen. .. warning:: This method can be slow! Most users should consider using :py:class:`arcade.Sprite` with :py:class:`arcade.SpriteList` instead of this function. OpenGL accelerates drawing by using batches to draw multiple things at once. This method doesn't do that. If you need finer control or less overhead than arcade allows, consider `pyglet's batching features <>`_. :param float center_x: x coordinate of rectangle center. :param float center_y: y coordinate of rectangle center. :param int texture: identifier of texture returned from load_texture() call :param float scale: scale of texture :param float angle: rotation of the rectangle. Defaults to zero. :param float alpha: Transparency of image. 0 is fully transparent, 255 (default) is fully visible """ texture.draw_scaled(center_x, center_y, scale, angle, alpha)
[docs]def draw_texture_rectangle(center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, texture: Texture, angle: float = 0, alpha: int = 255): """ Draw a textured rectangle on-screen. :param float center_x: x coordinate of rectangle center. :param float center_y: y coordinate of rectangle center. :param float width: width of texture :param float height: height of texture :param int texture: identifier of texture returned from load_texture() call :param float angle: rotation of the rectangle. Defaults to zero. :param float alpha: Transparency of image. 0 is fully transparent, 255 (default) is visible """ texture.draw_sized(center_x, center_y, width, height, angle, alpha)
[docs]def draw_lrwh_rectangle_textured(bottom_left_x: float, bottom_left_y: float, width: float, height: float, texture: Texture, angle: float = 0, alpha: int = 255): """ Draw a texture extending from bottom left to top right. :param float bottom_left_x: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. :param float bottom_left_y: The y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle. :param float width: The width of the rectangle. :param float height: The height of the rectangle. :param int texture: identifier of texture returned from load_texture() call :param float angle: rotation of the rectangle. Defaults to zero. :param int alpha: Transparency of image. 0 is fully transparent, 255 (default) is visible """ center_x = bottom_left_x + (width / 2) center_y = bottom_left_y + (height / 2) texture.draw_sized(center_x, center_y, width, height, angle=angle, alpha=alpha)
[docs]def get_pixel(x: int, y: int, components: int = 3) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Given an x, y, will return a color value of that point. :param int x: x location :param int y: y location :param int components: Number of components to fetch. By default we fetch 3 3 components (RGB). 4 componets would be RGBA. :rtype: Color """ # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable,PyTypeChecker # The window may be 'scaled' on hi-res displays. Particularly Macs. OpenGL # won't account for this, so we need to. window = get_window() pixel_ratio = window.get_pixel_ratio() x = int(pixel_ratio * x) y = int(pixel_ratio * y) a = (gl.GLubyte * 4)(0) gl.glReadPixels(x, y, 1, 1, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, a) return tuple(int(i) for i in a[:components])
[docs]def get_image(x: int = 0, y: int = 0, width: int = None, height: int = None) -> PIL.Image.Image: """ Get an image from the screen. Example:: image = get_image()'screenshot.png', 'PNG') :param int x: Start (left) x location :param int y: Start (top) y location :param int width: Width of image. Leave blank for grabbing the 'rest' of the image :param int height: Height of image. Leave blank for grabbing the 'rest' of the image :returns: A Pillow Image :rtype: PIL.Image.Image """ window = get_window() pixel_ratio = window.get_pixel_ratio() x = int(pixel_ratio * x) y = int(pixel_ratio * y) if width is None: width = window.width - x if height is None: height = window.height - y width = int(pixel_ratio * width) height = int(pixel_ratio * height) # Create an image buffer # noinspection PyTypeChecker image_buffer = (gl.GLubyte * (4 * width * height))(0) gl.glReadPixels(x, y, width, height, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image_buffer) image = PIL.Image.frombytes("RGBA", (width, height), image_buffer) image = PIL.ImageOps.flip(image) return image