How-To Example Code#

Starting Templates#


Starting Template Using Window Class#


Platformer Template#


Drawing Primitives#


Happy Face#


Drawing Primitives#


Drawing with Functions#


Drawing Text#


Drawing with Text Objects#

Drawing with Loops#


Drawing with Loops#


Draw a Box with Nested Loops#


Bottom Left Triangle#

Animating Drawing Primitives#


Bouncing Rectangle#


Bouncing Shapes#


Radar Sweep#


Falling Snow#

Faster Drawing with ShapeElementLists#


ShapeElementList Explanation#


Using a Vertex Buffer Object With Lines#


Shape List - Skylines#


Gradients Example#


Sprite Player Movement#


Collect Coins - Mouse#


Sprite Move By Keyboard#


Better Move By Keyboard#


Acceleration and Friction#


Sprite: Face Left or Right#


Game Controller/Joystick#


Move Sprites By Angle#


Dual Stick Shooter#


Turn and Move#


Easing Example 1#


Easing Example 2#


Sprite Rotation Around a Tank#

Sprite Non-Player Movement#


Collect Coins Moving Down#


Collect Coins that are Bouncing#


Sprite Bouncing Coins#


Collect Coins that are Moving in a Circle#


Animated Sprites#


Sprite Rotation Around a Point#

Sprite Pathing#


Sprites That Follow a Path#


Sprites That Follow The Player#


Sprites That Follow The Player 2#


Line of Sight#


A-Star Path Finding#

Sprite Properties#


Hit Points and Health Bars#


Sprite Properties#


Change coins#

Games with Levels#


Different Levels of Clearing Coins#


Moving Between Different Rooms#

Shooting with Sprites#


Shoot Bullets Upwards#


Aim and Shoot Bullets#


Have Enemies Periodically Shoot#


Have Enemies Randomly Shoot#


Have Enemies Aim at Player#


Sprite Explosions Bitmapped#


Sprite Explosions Particles#



Sound Demo#


Sound Demo#


Music Control Demo#

Camera Use#


Move with a Scrolling Screen - Centered#


Move with a Scrolling Screen - Margins#


Camera Shake#


Camera Use in a Platformer#


Basic Platformers#


Move with Walls#


Randomly Place Coins, But Away From Walls And Other Coins#


Move with a Sprite Animation#


Moving Platforms#


Platformer With Enemies#


Simple Platformer#

Using Tiled Map Editor to Create Maps#


Work with loading in a Tiled map file#


Work with levels and a tiled map#

Procedural Generation#


Creating a Recursive Maze#


Creating a Depth First Maze#


Procedural Caves - Cellular Automata#


Procedural Caves - Binary Space Partitioning#

View Management#

Instruction Screens and Game Over Screens#


Minimal Views Example#


Using Views for Instruction and Game Over Screens#


Using Views for a Pause Screen#


Fade In/Out of Views#

Resizable Window and Fullscreen Games#


Resizable Window#


Full Screen Example#

Dividing a View Into Sections#


Sections Demo 1#


Sections Demo 2#


Sections Demo 3#

Graphical User Interface#


Flat Text Buttons#


Flat Text Button Styled#


GUI Widgets#


OK Message Box#


GUI Scrollable Text#


GUI Slider#

Grid-Based Games#


Array-Backed Grid#


Array-Backed Grid Buffered#


Grid Using Sprites v1#


Grid Using Sprites v2#




Conway’s Game of Life#


Using PyMunk for Physics#


Pymunk Physics Engine - Stacks of Boxes#


Pymunk Physics Engine - Pegboard#


Pymunk Demo - Top Down#


Pymunk Physics Engine - Joint Builder#


Pymunk Platformer#

Frame Buffers#




Lighting Demo#


Transform Feedback#


Game of Life with Frame Buffers#



Concept Games#


Asteroid Smasher#

Asteroids with Shaders#


Slime Invaders#


Community RPG#





Odds and Ends#


Using a Background Image#




On-Screen Timer#


Performance Statistics#


Text Localization#



Simple Platformer#


Solitaire Tutorial#


CRT Filter#


Ray-casting Shadows#


Pymunk Platformer#


Shader Toy Tutorial - Glow#

Particle System#


Particle System - Fireworks#


Particle Systems#

Stress Tests#


Draw Moving Sprites Stress Test#


Collision Stress Test#