Source code for arcade.gui.constructs

Constructs, are prepared widget combinations, you can use for common use-cases
import arcade
from import UIOnActionEvent
from arcade.gui.mixins import UIMouseFilterMixin
from arcade.gui.widgets.buttons import UIFlatButton
from arcade.gui.widgets.layout import UIBoxLayout, UIAnchorLayout
from arcade.gui.widgets.text import UITextArea

[docs]class UIMessageBox(UIMouseFilterMixin, UIAnchorLayout): """ A simple dialog box that pops up a message with buttons to close. Subclass this class or overwrite the 'on_action' event handler with .. code-block:: python box = UIMessageBox(...) @box.event("on_action") def on_action(event: UIOnActionEvent): pass :param width: Width of the message box :param height: Height of the message box :param message_text: Text to show as message to the user :param buttons: List of strings, which are shown as buttons """ def __init__( self, *, width: float, height: float, message_text: str, buttons=("Ok",), ): super().__init__(size_hint=(1, 1)) self.register_event_type("on_action") space = 20 # setup frame which will act like the window frame = self.add(UIAnchorLayout(width=width, height=height, size_hint=None)) frame.with_padding(all=space) self._bg_tex = arcade.load_texture( ":resources:gui_basic_assets/window/grey_panel.png" ) frame.with_background(texture=self._bg_tex) # Setup text self._text_area = UITextArea( text=message_text, width=width - space, height=height - space, text_color=arcade.color.BLACK, ) frame.add( child=self._text_area, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="top", ) # setup buttons button_group = UIBoxLayout(vertical=False, space_between=10) for button_text in buttons: button = UIFlatButton(text=button_text) button_group.add(button) button.on_click = self._on_choice # type: ignore frame.add( child=button_group, anchor_x="right", anchor_y="bottom", ) def _on_choice(self, event): self.parent.remove(self) self.dispatch_event("on_action", UIOnActionEvent(self, event.source.text))
[docs] def on_action(self, event: UIOnActionEvent): """Called when button was pressed""" pass