Source code for arcade.hitbox

This module is used for calculating hit boxes
import pymunk

from PIL.Image import Image
from arcade import Point
from typing import Tuple
from pymunk import autogeometry

from arcade.arcade_types import PointList

[docs]def calculate_hit_box_points_simple(image: Image) -> PointList: """ Given an RGBA image, this returns points that make up a hit box around it. Attempts to trim out transparent pixels. :param Image image: :Returns: List of points """ if image.mode != "RGBA": raise ValueError("Image mode is not RGBA. image.convert('RGBA') is needed.") # Convert the image into one channel alpha since we don't care about RGB values image = image.getchannel("A") bbox = image.getbbox() # If there is no bounding box the image is empty if bbox is None: return [] left_border, top_border, right_border, bottom_border = bbox right_border -= 1 bottom_border -= 1 def _check_corner_offset(start_x: int, start_y: int, x_direction: int, y_direction: int) -> int: bad = False offset = 0 while not bad: y = start_y + (offset * y_direction) x = start_x for _ in range(offset + 1): alpha = image.getpixel((x, y)) # print(f"({x}, {y}) = {my_pixel} | ", end="") if alpha != 0: bad = True break y -= y_direction x += x_direction # print(f" - {bad}") if not bad: offset += 1 # print(f"offset: {offset}") return offset def _r(point: Tuple[float, float], height: int, width: int) -> Point: return point[0] - width / 2, (height - point[1]) - height / 2 top_left_corner_offset = _check_corner_offset(left_border, top_border, 1, 1) top_right_corner_offset = _check_corner_offset(right_border, top_border, -1, 1) bottom_left_corner_offset = _check_corner_offset(left_border, bottom_border, 1, -1) bottom_right_corner_offset = _check_corner_offset(right_border, bottom_border, -1, -1) p1 = left_border + top_left_corner_offset, top_border p2 = (right_border + 1) - top_right_corner_offset, top_border p3 = (right_border + 1), top_border + top_right_corner_offset p4 = (right_border + 1), (bottom_border + 1) - bottom_right_corner_offset p5 = (right_border + 1) - bottom_right_corner_offset, (bottom_border + 1) p6 = left_border + bottom_left_corner_offset, (bottom_border + 1) p7 = left_border, (bottom_border + 1) - bottom_left_corner_offset p8 = left_border, top_border + top_left_corner_offset result = [] h = image.height w = image.width result.append(_r(p7, h, w)) if bottom_left_corner_offset: result.append(_r(p6, h, w)) result.append(_r(p5, h, w)) if bottom_right_corner_offset: result.append(_r(p4, h, w)) result.append(_r(p3, h, w)) if top_right_corner_offset: result.append(_r(p2, h, w)) result.append(_r(p1, h, w)) if top_left_corner_offset: result.append(_r(p8, h, w)) # Remove duplicates return tuple(dict.fromkeys(result)) # type: ignore
[docs]def calculate_hit_box_points_detailed( image: Image, hit_box_detail: float = 4.5, ) -> PointList: """ Given an RGBA image, this returns points that make up a hit box around it. Attempts to trim out transparent pixels. :param Image image: Image get hit box from. :param int hit_box_detail: How detailed to make the hit box. There's a trade-off in number of points vs. accuracy. :Returns: List of points """ if image.mode != "RGBA": raise ValueError("Image mode is not RGBA. image.convert('RGBA') is needed.") def sample_func(sample_point: Point) -> int: """ Method used to sample image. """ if sample_point[0] < 0 \ or sample_point[1] < 0 \ or sample_point[0] >= image.width \ or sample_point[1] >= image.height: return 0 point_tuple = sample_point[0], sample_point[1] color = image.getpixel(point_tuple) return 255 if color[3] > 0 else 0 # Do a quick check if it is a full tile p1 = 0, 0 p2 = 0, image.height - 1 p3 = image.width - 1, image.height - 1 p4 = image.width - 1, 0 if sample_func(p1) and sample_func(p2) and sample_func(p3) and sample_func(p4): # Do a quick check if it is a full tile p1 = (-image.width / 2, -image.height / 2) p2 = (image.width / 2, -image.height / 2) p3 = (image.width / 2, image.height / 2) p4 = (-image.width / 2, image.height / 2) return p1, p2, p3, p4 # Get the bounding box logo_bb = pymunk.BB(-1, -1, image.width, image.height) # Set of lines that trace the image line_set = autogeometry.PolylineSet() # How often to sample? downres = 1 horizontal_samples = int(image.width / downres) vertical_samples = int(image.height / downres) # Run the trace # Get back one or more sets of lines covering stuff. line_sets = autogeometry.march_soft( logo_bb, horizontal_samples, vertical_samples, 99, sample_func) if len(line_sets) == 0: return [] selected_line_set = line_sets[0] selected_range = None if len(line_set) > 1: # We have more than one line set. Try and find one that covers most of # the sprite. for line in line_set: min_x = None min_y = None max_x = None max_y = None for point in line: if min_x is None or point.x < min_x: min_x = point.x if max_x is None or point.x > max_x: max_x = point.x if min_y is None or point.y < min_y: min_y = point.y if max_y is None or point.y > max_y: max_y = point.y if min_x is None or max_x is None or min_y is None or max_y is None: raise ValueError("No points in bounding box.") my_range = max_x - min_x + max_y + min_y if selected_range is None or my_range > selected_range: selected_range = my_range selected_line_set = line # Reduce number of vertices # original_points = len(selected_line_set) selected_line_set = autogeometry.simplify_curves(selected_line_set, hit_box_detail) # downsampled_points = len(selected_line_set) # Convert to normal points, offset fo 0,0 is center, flip the y hh = image.height / 2 hw = image.width / 2 points = [] for vec2 in selected_line_set: point = round(vec2.x - hw), round(image.height - (vec2.y - hh) - image.height) # type: ignore points.append(point) if len(points) > 1 and points[0] == points[-1]: points.pop() # print(f"{} Line-sets={len(line_set)}, Original points={original_points}, Downsampled points={downsampled_points}") # noqa return points # type: ignore