

class Context, *, color_attachments=None, depth_attachment: Texture2D | None = None)[source]#

An offscreen render target also called a Framebuffer Object in OpenGL. This implementation is using texture attachments. When creating a Framebuffer we supply it with textures we want our scene rendered into. The advantage of using texture attachments is the ability we get to keep working on the contents of the framebuffer.

The best way to create framebuffer is through

# Create a 100 x 100 framebuffer with one attachment
ctx.framebuffer(color_attachments=[ctx.texture((100, 100), components=4)])

# Create a 100 x 100 framebuffer with two attachments
# Shaders can be configured writing to the different layers
        ctx.texture((100, 100), components=4),
        ctx.texture((100, 100), components=4),
  • ctx – The context this framebuffer belongs to

  • color_attachments – List of color attachments.

  • depth_attachment – A depth attachment (optional)

is_default = False#

Is this the default framebuffer? (window buffer)

glo: c_uint#

The OpenGL id/name of the framebuffer



viewport: Tuple[int, int, int, int]#

Get or set the framebuffer’s viewport. The viewport parameter are (x, y, width, height). It determines what part of the framebuffer should be rendered to. By default the viewport is (0, 0, width, height).

The viewport value is persistent all will automatically be applies every time the framebuffer is bound.


# 100, x 100 lower left with size 200 x 200px
fb.viewport = 100, 100, 200, 200
scissor: Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None#

Get or set the scissor box for this framebuffer.

By default the scissor box is disabled and has no effect and will have an initial value of None. The scissor box is enabled when setting a value and disabled when set to None

# Set and enable scissor box only drawing # in a 100 x 100 pixel lower left area ctx.scissor = 0, 0, 100, 100 # Disable scissoring ctx.scissor = None


tuple (x, y, width, height)

ctx: Context#

The context this object belongs to.


width: int#

The width of the framebuffer in pixels



height: int#

The height of the framebuffer in pixels



size: Tuple[int, int]#

Size as a (w, h) tuple


tuple (int, int)

samples: int#

Number of samples (MSAA)



color_attachments: List[Texture2D]#

A list of color attachments


list of

depth_attachment: Texture2D | None#

Depth attachment


depth_mask: bool#

True). It determines if depth values should be written to the depth texture when depth testing is enabled.

The depth mask value is persistent all will automatically be applies every time the framebuffer is bound.




Get or set the depth mask (default


Context manager for binding the framebuffer.

Unlike the default context manager in this class this support nested framebuffer binding.

use(*, force: bool = False)[source]#

Bind the framebuffer making it the target of all rendering commands


force – Force the framebuffer binding even if the system already believes it’s already bound.

clear(color: Tuple[int, int, int] | Tuple[int, int, int, int] | Tuple[float, float, float] | Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), *, depth: float = 1.0, normalized: bool = False, viewport: Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None)[source]#

Clears the framebuffer:

# Clear the framebuffer using arcade's colors (not normalized)

# Clear framebuffer using the color red in normalized form
fbo.clear(color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), normalized=True)

If the background color is an RGB value instead of RGBA` we assume alpha value 255.

  • color – A 3 or 4 component tuple containing the color

  • depth – Value to clear the depth buffer (unused)

  • normalized – If the color values are normalized or not

  • viewport (Tuple[int, int, int, int]) – The viewport range to clear

read(*, viewport=None, components=3, attachment=0, dtype='f1') bytes[source]#

Read framebuffer pixels

  • viewport – The x, y, with, height to read

  • components

  • attachment – The attachment id to read from

  • dtype – The data type to read


pixel data as a bytearray


Detects size changes in attachments. This will reset the viewport to 0, 0, width, height.


Destroy the underlying OpenGL resource. Don’t use this unless you know exactly what you are doing.

static delete_glo(ctx, framebuffer_id)[source]#

Destroys the framebuffer object

  • ctx – OpenGL context

  • framebuffer_id – Framebuffer to destroy (glo)


class Context)[source]#

Bases: Framebuffer

Represents the default framebuffer. This is the framebuffer of the window itself and need some special handling.

We are not allowed to destroy this framebuffer since it’s owned by pyglet. This framebuffer can also change size and pixel ratio at any point.

We’re doing some initial introspection to guess somewhat sane initial values. Since this is a dynamic framebuffer we cannot trust the internal values. We can only trust what the pyglet window itself reports related to window size and framebuffer size. This should be updated in the on_resize callback.

is_default = True#

Is this the default framebuffer? (window buffer)

viewport: Tuple[int, int, int, int]#

Get or set the framebuffer’s viewport. The viewport parameter are (x, y, width, height). It determines what part of the framebuffer should be rendered to. By default the viewport is (0, 0, width, height).

The viewport value is persistent all will automatically be applies every time the framebuffer is bound.


# 100, x 100 lower left with size 200 x 200px
fb.viewport = 100, 100, 200, 200
scissor: Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None#

Get or set the scissor box for this framebuffer.

By default the scissor box is disabled and has no effect and will have an initial value of None. The scissor box is enabled when setting a value and disabled when set to None

# Set and enable scissor box only drawing # in a 100 x 100 pixel lower left area ctx.scissor = 0, 0, 100, 100 # Disable scissoring ctx.scissor = None


tuple (x, y, width, height)