Source code for arcade.geometry

Functions for handling collisions with geometry.

These are the pure python versions of the functions.

Point in polygon function from
from __future__ import annotations

from arcade.types import Point, PointList

[docs] def are_polygons_intersecting(poly_a: PointList, poly_b: PointList) -> bool: """ Return True if two polygons intersect. :param poly_a: List of points that define the first polygon. :param poly_b: List of points that define the second polygon. :Returns: True or false depending if polygons intersect """ #if either are [], they don't intersect if not poly_a or not poly_b: return False for polygon in (poly_a, poly_b): for i1 in range(len(polygon)): i2 = (i1 + 1) % len(polygon) projection_1 = polygon[i1] projection_2 = polygon[i2] normal = (projection_2[1] - projection_1[1], projection_1[0] - projection_2[0]) min_a, min_b = (float("inf"),) * 2 max_a, max_b = (-float("inf"),) * 2 for poly in poly_a: projected = normal[0] * poly[0] + normal[1] * poly[1] if projected < min_a: min_a = projected if projected > max_a: max_a = projected for poly in poly_b: projected = normal[0] * poly[0] + normal[1] * poly[1] if projected < min_b: min_b = projected if projected > max_b: max_b = projected # Avoid typing.cast() because this is a very hot path if max_a <= min_b or max_b <= min_a: # type: ignore return False return True
[docs] def is_point_in_box(p: Point, q: Point, r: Point) -> bool: """ Return True if point q is inside the box defined by p and r. :param p: Point 1 :param q: Point 2 :param r: Point 3 :Returns: True or false depending if points are collinear """ return ( (q[0] <= max(p[0], r[0])) and (q[0] >= min(p[0], r[0])) and (q[1] <= max(p[1], r[1])) and (q[1] >= min(p[1], r[1])) )
# NOTE: Should be named are_point_in_box
[docs] def get_triangle_orientation(p: Point, q: Point, r: Point) -> int: """ Find the orientation of a triangle defined by (p, q, r) The function returns following integer values * 0 --> p, q and r are collinear * 1 --> Clockwise * 2 --> Counterclockwise :param p: Point 1 :param q: Point 2 :param r: Point 3 :Returns: 0, 1, or 2 depending on orientation """ val = ((q[1] - p[1]) * (r[0] - q[0])) - ((q[0] - p[0]) * (r[1] - q[1])) if val == 0: return 0 # collinear if val > 0: return 1 # clockwise else: return 2 # counter-clockwise
[docs] def are_lines_intersecting(p1: Point, q1: Point, p2: Point, q2: Point) -> bool: """ Given two lines defined by points p1, q1 and p2, q2, the function returns true if the two lines intersect. :param p1: Point 1 :param q1: Point 2 :param p2: Point 3 :param q2: Point 4 :Returns: True or false depending if lines intersect """ o1 = get_triangle_orientation(p1, q1, p2) o2 = get_triangle_orientation(p1, q1, q2) o3 = get_triangle_orientation(p2, q2, p1) o4 = get_triangle_orientation(p2, q2, q1) # General case if (o1 != o2) and (o3 != o4): return True # Special Cases # p1, q1 and p2 are collinear and p2 lies on segment p1q1 if (o1 == 0) and is_point_in_box(p1, p2, q1): return True # p1, q1 and p2 are collinear and q2 lies on segment p1q1 if (o2 == 0) and is_point_in_box(p1, q2, q1): return True # p2, q2 and p1 are collinear and p1 lies on segment p2q2 if (o3 == 0) and is_point_in_box(p2, p1, q2): return True # p2, q2 and q1 are collinear and q1 lies on segment p2q2 if (o4 == 0) and is_point_in_box(p2, q1, q2): return True return False
[docs] def is_point_in_polygon(x: float, y: float, polygon: PointList) -> bool: """ Checks if a point is inside a polygon of three or more points. :param x: X coordinate of point :param y: Y coordinate of point :param polygon_point_list: List of points that define the polygon. :Returns: True or false depending if point is inside polygon """ p = x, y n = len(polygon) # There must be at least 3 vertices # in polygon if n < 3: return False # Create a point for line segment # from p to infinite extreme = (10000, p[1]) # To count number of points in polygon # whose y-coordinate is equal to # y-coordinate of the point decrease = 0 count = i = 0 while True: next_item = (i + 1) % n if polygon[i][1] == p[1]: decrease += 1 # Check if the line segment from 'p' to # 'extreme' intersects with the line # segment from 'polygon[i]' to 'polygon[next]' if are_lines_intersecting(polygon[i], polygon[next_item], p, extreme): # If the point 'p' is collinear with line # segment 'i-next', then check if it lies # on segment. If it lies, return true, otherwise false if get_triangle_orientation(polygon[i], p, polygon[next_item]) == 0: return not is_point_in_box( polygon[i], p, polygon[next_item], ) count += 1 i = next_item if i == 0: break # Reduce the count by decrease amount # as these points would have been added twice count -= decrease # Return true if count is odd, false otherwise return count % 2 == 1