Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import traceback
from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, Optional, Set, TypeVar, cast
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary, ref

P = TypeVar("P")

class _Obs(Generic[P]):
    Internal holder for Property value and change listeners

    __slots__ = "value", "listeners"

    def __init__(self, value: P):
        self.value = value
        # This will keep any added listener even if it is not referenced anymore and would be garbage collected
        self.listeners: Set[Callable[[], Any]] = set()

[docs] class Property(Generic[P]): """ An observable property which triggers observers when changed. :param default: Default value which is returned, if no value set before :param default_factory: A callable which returns the default value. Will be called with the property and the instance """ __slots__ = "name", "default_factory", "obs" name: str def __init__(self, default: Optional[P] = None, default_factory: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any], P]] = None): if default_factory is None: default_factory = lambda prop, instance: cast(P, default) self.default_factory = default_factory self.obs: WeakKeyDictionary[Any, _Obs] = WeakKeyDictionary() def _get_obs(self, instance) -> _Obs: obs = self.obs.get(instance) if obs is None: obs = _Obs(self.default_factory(self, instance)) self.obs[instance] = obs return obs
[docs] def get(self, instance) -> P: obs = self._get_obs(instance) return obs.value
[docs] def set(self, instance, value): obs = self._get_obs(instance) if obs.value != value: obs.value = value self.dispatch(instance, value)
[docs] def dispatch(self, instance, value): obs = self._get_obs(instance) for listener in obs.listeners: try: listener() except Exception: print( f"Change listener for {instance}.{} = {value} raised an exception!", file=sys.stderr, ) traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def bind(self, instance, callback): obs = self._get_obs(instance) # Instance methods are bound methods, which can not be referenced by normal `ref()` # if listeners would be a WeakSet, we would have to add listeners as WeakMethod ourselves into ``. obs.listeners.add(callback)
def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name def __get__(self, instance, owner) -> P: if instance is None: return self # type: ignore return self.get(instance) def __set__(self, instance, value): self.set(instance, value)
[docs] def bind(instance, property: str, callback): """ Binds a function to the change event of the property. A reference to the function will be kept, so that it will be still invoked, even if it would normally have been garbage collected. def log_change(): print("Something changed") class MyObject: name = Property() my_obj = MyObject() bind(my_obj, "name", log_change) = "Hans" # > Something changed :param instance: Instance owning the property :param property: Name of the property :param callback: Function to call :return: None """ t = type(instance) prop = getattr(t, property) if isinstance(prop, Property): prop.bind(instance, callback)
class _ObservableDict(dict): # Internal class to observe changes inside a native python dict. def __init__(self, prop: Property, instance, *largs): self.prop: Property = prop self.obj = ref(instance) super().__init__(*largs) def dispatch(self): self.prop.dispatch(self.obj(), self) def __setitem__(self, key, value): dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) self.dispatch() def __delitem__(self, key): dict.__delitem__(self, key) self.dispatch() def clear(self): dict.clear(self) self.dispatch() def pop(self, *largs): result = dict.pop(self, *largs) self.dispatch() return result def popitem(self): result = dict.popitem(self) self.dispatch() return result def setdefault(self, *largs): dict.setdefault(self, *largs) self.dispatch() def update(self, *largs): dict.update(self, *largs) self.dispatch()
[docs] class DictProperty(Property): """ Property that represents a dict. Only dict are allowed. Any other classes are forbidden. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(default_factory=_ObservableDict)
[docs] def set(self, instance, value: dict): value = _ObservableDict(self, instance, value) super().set(instance, value)
class _ObservableList(list): # Internal class to observe changes inside a native python list. def __init__(self, prop: Property, instance, *largs): self.prop: Property = prop self.obj = ref(instance) super().__init__(*largs) def dispatch(self): self.prop.dispatch(self.obj(), self) def __setitem__(self, key, value): list.__setitem__(self, key, value) self.dispatch() def __delitem__(self, key): list.__delitem__(self, key) self.dispatch() def __iadd__(self, *largs): # type: ignore list.__iadd__(self, *largs) self.dispatch() return self def __imul__(self, *largs): # type: ignore list.__imul__(self, *largs) self.dispatch() return self def append(self, *largs): list.append(self, *largs) self.dispatch() def clear(self): list.clear(self) self.dispatch() def remove(self, *largs): list.remove(self, *largs) self.dispatch() def insert(self, *largs): list.insert(self, *largs) self.dispatch() def pop(self, *largs): result = list.pop(self, *largs) self.dispatch() return result def extend(self, *largs): list.extend(self, *largs) self.dispatch() def sort(self, **kwargs): list.sort(self, **kwargs) self.dispatch() def reverse(self): list.reverse(self) self.dispatch()
[docs] class ListProperty(Property): """ Property that represents a list. Only list are allowed. Any other classes are forbidden. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(default_factory=_ObservableList)
[docs] def set(self, instance, value: dict): value = _ObservableList(self, instance, value) # type: ignore super().set(instance, value)