Source code for arcade.gui.widgets.text

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

import pyglet
from pyglet.event import EVENT_UNHANDLED, EVENT_HANDLED
from pyglet.text.caret import Caret
from pyglet.text.document import AbstractDocument

import arcade
from import (
from import bind
from arcade.gui.surface import Surface
from arcade.gui.widgets import UIWidget, Rect
from arcade.gui.widgets.layout import UIAnchorLayout
from arcade.types import RGBA255, Color, RGBOrA255, RGB

[docs] class UILabel(UIWidget): """A simple text label. This widget is meant to display user instructions or information. This label supports multiline text. If you want to make a scrollable viewing text box, use a :py:class:`~arcade.gui.UITextArea`. By default, a label will fit its initial content. If the text is changed use :py:meth:`~arcade.gui.UILabel.fit_content` to adjust the size. :param x: x position (default anchor is bottom-left). :param y: y position (default anchor is bottom-left). :param width: Width of the label. Defaults to text width if not specified. See :py:meth:`~pyglet.text.layout.TextLayout.content_width`. :param height: Height of the label. Defaults to text height if not specified. See :py:meth:`~pyglet.text.layout.TextLayout.content_height`. :param text: Text displayed on the label. :param font_name: A list of fonts to use. Arcade will start at the beginning of the tuple and keep trying to load fonts until success. :param font_size: Font size of font. :param text_color: Color of the text. :param bold: If enabled, the label's text will be in a **bold** style. :param italic: If enabled, the label's text will be in an *italic* style. :param stretch: Stretch font style. :param align: Horizontal alignment of text on a line. This only applies if a width is supplied. Valid options include ``"left"``, ``"center"`` or ``"right"``. :param dpi: Resolution of the fonts in the layout. Defaults to 96. :param multiline: If enabled, a ``\\n`` will start a new line. A :py:class:`~arcade.gui.UITextWidget` with ``multiline`` of True is the same thing as a :py:class:`~arcade.gui.UITextArea`. :param size_hint: A tuple of floats between 0 and 1 defining the amount of space of the parent should be requested. :param size_hint_min: Minimum size hint width and height in pixel. :param size_hint_max: Maximum size hint width and height in pixel. :param style: Not used. Labels will have no need for a style; they are too simple (just a text display). """ def __init__( self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0, width: Optional[float] = None, height: Optional[float] = None, text: str = "", font_name=("Arial",), font_size: float = 12, text_color: RGBOrA255 = (255, 255, 255, 255), bold=False, italic=False, align="left", multiline: bool = False, size_hint=None, size_hint_min=None, size_hint_max=None, **kwargs, ): # Use Arcade Text wrapper of pyglet.Label for text rendering self.label = arcade.Text( start_x=0, start_y=0, text=text, font_name=font_name, font_size=font_size, color=text_color, width=int(width) if width else None, bold=bold, italic=italic, align=align, anchor_y="bottom", # Position text bottom left to fit into scissor multiline=multiline, # area **kwargs, ) super().__init__( x=x, y=y, width=width or self.label.content_width, height=height or self.label.content_height, size_hint=size_hint, size_hint_min=size_hint_min, size_hint_max=size_hint_max, **kwargs, ) # Set the label size. If the width or height was given because border # and padding can only be applied later, we can avoid ``fit_content`` # and set with and height separately. if width: self.label.width = int(width) if height: self.label.height = int(height) bind(self, "rect", self._update_layout)
[docs] def fit_content(self): """ Set the width and height of the label to contain the whole text. """ base_width = self._padding_left + self._padding_right + 2 * self._border_width base_height = self._padding_top + self._padding_bottom + 2 * self._border_width self.rect = self.rect.resize( self.label.content_width + base_width + 1, self.label.content_height + base_height + 1, )
@property def text(self): return self.label.text @text.setter def text(self, value): """ Update text of the label. This triggers a full render to ensure that previous text is cleared out. """ if self.label.text != value: self.label.text = value self._update_layout() self.trigger_full_render() def _update_layout(self): # Update Pyglet layout size layout = self.label layout_size = layout.width, layout.height if layout_size != self.content_size: layout.position = 0, 0, 0 # layout always drawn in scissor box layout.width = int(self.content_width) layout.height = int(self.content_height)
[docs] def do_render(self, surface: Surface): self.prepare_render(surface) with surface.ctx.pyglet_rendering(): self.label.draw()
[docs] class UITextWidget(UIAnchorLayout): """ Adds the ability to add text to a widget. The text can be placed within the widget using :py:class:`~arcade.gui.UIAnchorLayout` parameters with :py:meth:`~arcade.gui.UITextWidget.place_text`. """ def __init__(self, text: str = "", multiline: bool = False, **kwargs): super().__init__(text=text, **kwargs) self._label = UILabel( text=text, multiline=multiline, width=1000 if multiline else None ) # width 1000 try to prevent line wrap if multiline is enabled self.add(self._label) self.ui_label.fit_content() bind(self, "rect", self.ui_label.fit_content)
[docs] def place_text(self, anchor_x: Optional[str] = None, align_x: float = 0, anchor_y: Optional[str] = None, align_y: float = 0, **kwargs): """ Place widget's text within the widget using :py:class:`~arcade.gui.UIAnchorLayout` parameters. """ self.remove(self._label) self.add( child=self._label, anchor_x=anchor_x, align_x=align_x, anchor_y=anchor_y, align_y=align_y, **kwargs )
@property def text(self): """ Text of the widget. Modifying this repeatedly will cause significant lag; calculating glyph position is very expensive. """ return self._label.text @text.setter def text(self, value): self.ui_label.text = value self.ui_label.fit_content() self.trigger_render() @property def multiline(self): """ Get or set the multiline mode. Newline characters (``"\\n"``) will only be honored when this is set to ``True``. If you want a scrollable text widget, please use :py:class:`~arcade.gui.UITextArea` instead. """ return self.label.multiline @multiline.setter def multiline(self, value): self.label.multiline = value self.ui_label.fit_content() self.trigger_render() @property def ui_label(self) -> UILabel: """ Internal py:class:`~arcade.gui.UILabel` used for rendering the text. """ return self._label @property def label(self) -> arcade.Text: return self._label.label
[docs] class UIInputText(UIWidget): """ An input field the user can type text into. This is useful in returning string input from the user. A caret is displayed, which the user can move around with a mouse or keyboard. A mouse drag selects text, a mouse press moves the caret, and keys can move around the caret. Arcade confirms that the field is active before allowing users to type, so it is okay to have multiple of these. :param x: x position (default anchor is bottom-left). :param y: y position (default anchor is bottom-left). :param width: Width of the text field. :param height: Height of the text field. :param text: Initial text displayed. This can be modified later programmatically or by the user's interaction with the caret. :param font_name: A list of fonts to use. Arcade will start at the beginning of the tuple and keep trying to load fonts until success. :param font_size: Font size of font. :param text_color: Color of the text. :param multiline: If enabled, a ``\\n`` will start a new line. A :py:class:`~arcade.gui.UITextWidget` ``multiline`` of True is the same thing as a :py:class:`~arcade.gui.UITextArea`. :param caret_color: RGB color of the caret. :param size_hint: A tuple of floats between 0 and 1 defining the amount of space of the parent should be requested. :param size_hint_min: Minimum size hint width and height in pixel. :param size_hint_max: Maximum size hint width and height in pixel. :param style: Style has not been implemented for this widget, however it will be added in the near future. """ # Move layout one pixel into the scissor box so the caret is also shown at # position 0. LAYOUT_OFFSET = 1 def __init__( self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0, width: float = 100, height: float = 24, text: str = "", font_name=("Arial",), font_size: float = 12, text_color: RGBOrA255 = (0, 0, 0, 255), multiline=False, caret_color: RGB = (0, 0, 0), size_hint=None, size_hint_min=None, size_hint_max=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, size_hint=size_hint, size_hint_min=size_hint_min, size_hint_max=size_hint_max, **kwargs, ) self._active = False self._text_color = text_color if len(text_color) == 4 else (*text_color, 255) self.doc: AbstractDocument = pyglet.text.decode_text(text) self.doc.set_style( 0, len(text), dict(font_name=font_name, font_size=font_size, color=self._text_color), ) self.layout = pyglet.text.layout.IncrementalTextLayout( self.doc, width - self.LAYOUT_OFFSET, height, multiline=multiline ) self.layout.x += self.LAYOUT_OFFSET self.caret = Caret(self.layout, color=caret_color) self.caret.visible = False self._blink_state = self._get_caret_blink_state() def _get_caret_blink_state(self): """Check whether or not the caret is currently blinking or not.""" return self.caret.visible and self._active and \ self.caret._blink_visible
[docs] def on_update(self, dt): # Only trigger render if blinking state changed current_state = self._get_caret_blink_state() if self._blink_state != current_state: self._blink_state = current_state self.trigger_full_render()
[docs] def on_event(self, event: UIEvent) -> Optional[bool]: # If not active, check to activate, return if not self._active and isinstance(event, UIMousePressEvent): if self.rect.collide_with_point(event.x, event.y): self._active = True self.trigger_full_render() self.caret.on_activate() self.caret.position = len(self.doc.text) return EVENT_UNHANDLED # If active check to deactivate if self._active and isinstance(event, UIMousePressEvent): if self.rect.collide_with_point(event.x, event.y): x, y = event.x - self.x - self.LAYOUT_OFFSET, event.y - self.y self.caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, event.button, event.modifiers) else: self._active = False self.trigger_full_render() self.caret.on_deactivate() return EVENT_UNHANDLED # If active pass all non press events to caret if self._active: # Act on events if active if isinstance(event, UITextEvent): self.caret.on_text(event.text) self.trigger_full_render() elif isinstance(event, UITextMotionEvent): self.caret.on_text_motion(event.motion) self.trigger_full_render() elif isinstance(event, UITextMotionSelectEvent): self.caret.on_text_motion_select(event.selection) self.trigger_full_render() if isinstance(event, UIMouseEvent) and \ self.rect.collide_with_point( event.x, event.y ): x, y = event.x - self.x - self.LAYOUT_OFFSET, event.y - self.y if isinstance(event, UIMouseDragEvent): self.caret.on_mouse_drag( x, y, event.dx, event.dy, event.buttons, event.modifiers ) self.trigger_full_render() elif isinstance(event, UIMouseScrollEvent): self.caret.on_mouse_scroll( x, y, event.scroll_x, event.scroll_y) self.trigger_full_render() if super().on_event(event): return EVENT_HANDLED return EVENT_UNHANDLED
def _update_layout(self): # Update Pyglet layout size layout = self.layout layout_size = layout.width - self.LAYOUT_OFFSET, layout.height if layout_size != self.content_size: layout.begin_update() layout.width = self.content_width - self.LAYOUT_OFFSET layout.height = self.content_height layout.end_update() @property def text(self): return self.doc.text @text.setter def text(self, value): self.doc.text = value self.trigger_full_render()
[docs] def do_render(self, surface: Surface): self._update_layout() self.prepare_render(surface) with surface.ctx.pyglet_rendering(): self.layout.draw()
[docs] class UITextArea(UIWidget): """ A text area that allows users to view large documents of text by scrolling the mouse. :param x: x position (default anchor is bottom-left). :param y: y position (default anchor is bottom-left). :param width: Width of the text area. :param height: Height of the text area. :param text: Initial text displayed. :param font_name: A list of fonts to use. Arcade will start at the beginning of the tuple and keep trying to load fonts until success. :param font_size: Font size of font. :param text_color: Color of the text. :param multiline: If enabled, a ``\\n`` will start a new line. :param scroll_speed: Speed of mouse scrolling. :param size_hint: A tuple of floats between 0 and 1 defining the amount of space of the parent should be requested. :param size_hint_min: Minimum size hint width and height in pixel. :param size_hint_max: Maximum size hint width and height in pixel. :param style: Style has not been implemented for this widget, however it will be added in the near future. """ def __init__( self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0, width: float = 400, height: float = 40, text: str = "", font_name=("Arial",), font_size: float = 12, text_color: RGBA255 = (255, 255, 255, 255), multiline: bool = True, scroll_speed: Optional[float] = None, size_hint=None, size_hint_min=None, size_hint_max=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, size_hint=size_hint, size_hint_min=size_hint_min, size_hint_max=size_hint_max, **kwargs, ) # Set how fast the mouse scroll wheel will scroll text in the pane. # Measured in pixels per 'click' self.scroll_speed = ( scroll_speed if scroll_speed is not None else font_size ) self.doc: AbstractDocument = pyglet.text.decode_text(text) self.doc.set_style( 0, 12, dict( font_name=font_name, font_size=font_size, color=Color.from_iterable(text_color), ), ) self.layout = pyglet.text.layout.ScrollableTextLayout( self.doc, width=self.content_width, height=self.content_height, multiline=multiline, ) # bind(self, "rect", self._update_layout)
[docs] def fit_content(self): """ Set the width and height of the text area to contain the whole text. """ self.rect = Rect( self.x, self.y, self.layout.content_width, self.layout.content_height, )
@property def text(self): return self.doc.text @text.setter def text(self, value): self.doc.text = value self.trigger_render() def _update_layout(self): # Update Pyglet layout size layout = self.layout layout_size = layout.width, layout.height if layout_size != self.content_size: layout.begin_update() layout.width = self.content_width layout.height = self.content_height layout.end_update()
[docs] def do_render(self, surface: Surface): self._update_layout() self.prepare_render(surface) with surface.ctx.pyglet_rendering(): self.layout.draw()
[docs] def on_event(self, event: UIEvent) -> Optional[bool]: if isinstance(event, UIMouseScrollEvent): if self.rect.collide_with_point(event.x, event.y): self.layout.view_y += event.scroll_y * self.scroll_speed # type: ignore # pending self.trigger_full_render() if super().on_event(event): return EVENT_HANDLED return EVENT_UNHANDLED