Source code for arcade.sprite.animated

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import math
from typing import List

from .sprite import Sprite
from arcade import Texture
from arcade.types import PathOrTexture
from .enums import (

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class AnimationKeyframe: """ Keyframe for texture animations. """ tile_id: int duration: int texture: Texture
[docs] class AnimatedTimeBasedSprite(Sprite): """ Sprite for platformer games that supports animations. These can be automatically created by the Tiled Map Editor. :param path_or_texture: Path to the image file, or a Texture object. :param center_x: Initial x position of the sprite. :param center_y: Initial y position of the sprite. :param scale: Initial scale of the sprite. """ def __init__( self, path_or_texture: PathOrTexture = None, center_x: float = 0.0, center_y: float = 0.0, scale: float = 1.0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( path_or_texture, scale=scale, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y, ) self.cur_frame_idx = 0 self.frames: List[AnimationKeyframe] = [] self.time_counter = 0.0
[docs] def update_animation(self, delta_time: float = 1 / 60) -> None: """ Logic for updating the animation. :param delta_time: Time since last update. """ self.time_counter += delta_time while self.time_counter > self.frames[self.cur_frame_idx].duration / 1000.0: self.time_counter -= self.frames[self.cur_frame_idx].duration / 1000.0 self.cur_frame_idx += 1 if self.cur_frame_idx >= len(self.frames): self.cur_frame_idx = 0 # source = self.frames[self.cur_frame].texture.image.source cur_frame = self.frames[self.cur_frame_idx] # print(f"Advance to frame {self.cur_frame_idx}: {}") self.texture = cur_frame.texture
[docs] class AnimatedWalkingSprite(Sprite): """ Deprecated Sprite for platformer games that supports walking animations. Make sure to call update_animation after loading the animations so the initial texture can be set. Or manually set it. It is highly recommended you create your own version of this class rather than try to use this pre-packaged one. For an example, see this section of the platformer tutorial: :ref:`platformer_part_twelve`. :param scale: Initial scale of the sprite. :param center_x: Initial x position of the sprite. :param center_y: Initial y position of the sprite. """ def __init__( self, scale: float = 1.0, center_x: float = 0.0, center_y: float = 0.0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( None, scale=scale, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y, ) self.state = FACE_RIGHT self.stand_right_textures: List[Texture] = [] self.stand_left_textures: List[Texture] = [] self.walk_left_textures: List[Texture] = [] self.walk_right_textures: List[Texture] = [] self.walk_up_textures: List[Texture] = [] self.walk_down_textures: List[Texture] = [] self.cur_texture_index = 0 self.texture_change_distance = 20 self.last_texture_change_center_x: float = 0.0 self.last_texture_change_center_y: float = 0.0
[docs] def update_animation(self, delta_time: float = 1 / 60) -> None: """ Logic for texture animation. :param delta_time: Time since last update. """ x1 = self.center_x x2 = self.last_texture_change_center_x y1 = self.center_y y2 = self.last_texture_change_center_y distance = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) texture_list: List[Texture] = [] change_direction = False if ( self.change_x > 0 and self.change_y == 0 and self.state != FACE_RIGHT and len(self.walk_right_textures) > 0 ): self.state = FACE_RIGHT change_direction = True elif ( self.change_x < 0 and self.change_y == 0 and self.state != FACE_LEFT and len(self.walk_left_textures) > 0 ): self.state = FACE_LEFT change_direction = True elif ( self.change_y < 0 and self.change_x == 0 and self.state != FACE_DOWN and len(self.walk_down_textures) > 0 ): self.state = FACE_DOWN change_direction = True elif ( self.change_y > 0 and self.change_x == 0 and self.state != FACE_UP and len(self.walk_up_textures) > 0 ): self.state = FACE_UP change_direction = True if self.change_x == 0 and self.change_y == 0: if self.state == FACE_LEFT: self.texture = self.stand_left_textures[0] elif self.state == FACE_RIGHT: self.texture = self.stand_right_textures[0] elif self.state == FACE_UP: self.texture = self.walk_up_textures[0] elif self.state == FACE_DOWN: self.texture = self.walk_down_textures[0] elif change_direction or distance >= self.texture_change_distance: self.last_texture_change_center_x = self.center_x self.last_texture_change_center_y = self.center_y if self.state == FACE_LEFT: texture_list = self.walk_left_textures if texture_list is None or len(texture_list) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "update_animation was called on a sprite that doesn't have a " "list of walk left textures." ) elif self.state == FACE_RIGHT: texture_list = self.walk_right_textures if texture_list is None or len(texture_list) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "update_animation was called on a sprite that doesn't have a list of " "walk right textures." ) elif self.state == FACE_UP: texture_list = self.walk_up_textures if texture_list is None or len(texture_list) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "update_animation was called on a sprite that doesn't have a list of " "walk up textures." ) elif self.state == FACE_DOWN: texture_list = self.walk_down_textures if texture_list is None or len(texture_list) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "update_animation was called on a sprite that doesn't have a list of walk down textures." ) self.cur_texture_index += 1 if self.cur_texture_index >= len(texture_list): self.cur_texture_index = 0 self.texture = texture_list[self.cur_texture_index] if self._texture is None: print("Error, no texture set") else: self.width = self._texture.width * self.scale self.height = self._texture.height * self.scale