Arcade has a few options to log additional information around timings and how things are working internally. The two major ways to do this by turning on logging, and by querying the OpenGL context.
Turn on logging#
The quickest way to turn on logging is to add this to the start of your main program file:
This will cause the Arcade library to output some basic debugging information:
2409.0003967285156 arcade.sprite_list DEBUG - [386411600] Creating SpriteList use_spatial_hash=True is_static=False
2413.9978885650635 arcade.gl.context INFO - Arcade version : 2.4a5
2413.9978885650635 arcade.gl.context INFO - OpenGL version : 3.3
2413.9978885650635 arcade.gl.context INFO - Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
2413.9978885650635 arcade.gl.context INFO - Renderer : GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
2413.9978885650635 arcade.gl.context INFO - Python : 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 19:29:22) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)]
2413.9978885650635 arcade.gl.context INFO - Platform : win32
3193.9964294433594 arcade.sprite_list DEBUG - [386411600] _calculate_sprite_buffer: 0.013532099999999936 sec
Custom Log Configurations#
If you want to add your own logging, or change the information printed in the log, you can do it with just a bit more code.
First, in your program import the logging library:
import logging
The code to turn on logging looks like this:
You can get even more information by using a formatter to add time, file name, and even line number information to your output:
format = '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(funcName)s()] %(message)s'
…which changes the output to look like:
13:40:50,226 DEBUG [sprite_list.py:720 _calculate_sprite_buffer()] [365177904] _calculate_sprite_buffer: 0.00849660000000041 sec
13:40:50,398 DEBUG [ui_element.py:58 on_mouse_over()] UIElement mouse over
You can add logging to your own programs by putting one of these lines at the top of your program:
# Get your own logger
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# or get Arcade's logger
LOG = logging.getLogger('arcade')
Then, any time you want to print, just use:
LOG.debug("This is my debug statement.")
Getting OpenGL Stats Using Query Objects#
If you’d like more information on the time it takes to draw, you can query
the OpenGL context arcade.Window.ctx
as this example shows:
def on_draw(self):
""" Render the screen. """
query = self.ctx.query()
with query:
# Put the drawing commands you want to get info on here:
print(f"Time elapsed : {query.time_elapsed:,} ns")
print(f"Samples passed : {query.samples_passed:,}")
print(f"Primitives created : {query.primitives_generated:,}")
The output from this looks like the following:
Time elapsed : 7,136 ns
Samples passed : 390,142
Primitives created : 232