Source code for arcade.sections

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generator, Iterable

from pyglet.event import EVENT_HANDLED, EVENT_UNHANDLED

from arcade import get_window
from import DefaultProjector
from arcade.types.rect import LRBT, Rect

    from arcade import View
    from import Projector

__all__ = ["Section", "SectionManager"]

[docs] class Section: """ A Section represents a rectangular portion of the viewport Events are dispatched to the section based on it's position on the screen. A section can only be added to a single SectionManager. Args: left: the left position of this section bottom: the bottom position of this section width: the width of this section height: the height of this section name: the name of this section bool | Iterable accept_keyboard_keys: whether this section captures keyboard keys through. keyboard events. If the param is an iterable means the keyboard keys that are captured in press/release events: for example: ``[arcade.key.UP, arcade.key.DOWN]`` will only capture this two keys bool Iterable accept_mouse_events: whether this section captures mouse events. If the param is an iterable means the mouse events that are captured. for example: ``['on_mouse_press', 'on_mouse_release']`` will only capture this two events. prevent_dispatch: a list of event names that will not be dispatched to subsequent sections. You can pass None (default) or {True} to prevent the dispatch of all events. prevent_dispatch_view: a list of event names that will not be dispatched to the view. You can pass None (default) or {True} to prevent the dispatch of all events to the view. local_mouse_coordinates: if True the section mouse events will receive x, y coordinates section related to the section dimensions and position (not related to the screen) enabled: if False the section will not capture any events modal: if True the section will be a modal section: will prevent updates and event captures on other sections. Will also draw last (on top) but capture events first. draw_order: The order this section will have when on_draw is called. The lower the number the earlier this will get draw. This can be different from the event capture order or the on_update order which is defined by the insertion order. """ def __init__( self, left: int | float, bottom: int | float, width: int | float, height: int | float, *, name: str | None = None, accept_keyboard_keys: bool | Iterable = True, accept_mouse_events: bool | Iterable = True, prevent_dispatch: Iterable | bool | None = None, prevent_dispatch_view: Iterable | bool | None = None, local_mouse_coordinates: bool = False, enabled: bool = True, modal: bool = False, draw_order: int = 1, ): str | None = name """The name of this section""" # parent view: set by the SectionManager. Protected, you should not change # section.view manually self._view: View | None = None self._section_manager: SectionManager | None = None # section options self._enabled: bool = enabled # enables or disables this section # prevent the following sections from receiving input events and updating self._modal: bool = modal # set draw_order: the lower the number the earlier this section will get draw self._draw_order: int = draw_order self.block_updates: bool = False """if True 'update' and 'on_update' will not trigger in this section""" self.accept_keyboard_keys: bool | Iterable = accept_keyboard_keys """Arcade keyboard keys to accept.""" self.accept_mouse_events: bool | Iterable = accept_mouse_events """Arcade mouse events to accept.""" if isinstance(prevent_dispatch, bool): prevent_dispatch = {prevent_dispatch} self.prevent_dispatch: Iterable = {True} if prevent_dispatch is None else prevent_dispatch assert isinstance(self.prevent_dispatch, Iterable) """prevents events to propagate""" if isinstance(prevent_dispatch_view, bool): prevent_dispatch_view = {prevent_dispatch_view} self.prevent_dispatch_view: Iterable = ( {True} if prevent_dispatch_view is None else prevent_dispatch_view ) assert isinstance(self.prevent_dispatch_view, Iterable) """prevents events to propagate to the view""" self.local_mouse_coordinates: bool = local_mouse_coordinates """mouse coordinates relative to section""" # section position into the current viewport # if screen is resized it's upto the user to move or resize each section # (section will receive on_resize event) self._left: int | float = left self._bottom: int | float = bottom self._width: int | float = width self._height: int | float = height self._right: int | float = left + width self._top: int | float = bottom + height # section event capture dimensions # if section is modal, capture all events on the screen self._ec_left: int | float = 0 if self._modal else self._left self._ec_right: int | float = self.window.width if self._modal else self._right self._ec_bottom: int | float = 0 if self._modal else self._bottom self._ec_top: int | float = self.window.height if self._modal else self._top Projector | None = None """optional section camera""" def __repr__(self): name = f"Section {}" if else "Section" dimensions = (self.left, self.right,, self.bottom) return f"{name} at {dimensions} " @property def view(self): """The view this section is set on""" return self._view @property def section_manager(self) -> SectionManager | None: """Returns the section manager this section is added to""" return self._section_manager @property def enabled(self) -> bool: """Enables or disables this section""" return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value: bool): if value is self._enabled: return self._enabled = value if value: self.on_show_section() else: self.on_hide_section() @property def modal(self) -> bool: """ Returns the modal state (Prevent the following sections from receiving input events and updating) """ return self._modal @property def draw_order(self) -> int: """ Returns the draw order state The lower the number the earlier this section will get draw """ return self._draw_order @property def left(self) -> int | float: """Left edge of this section""" return self._left @left.setter def left(self, value: int): self._left = value self._right = value + self._width self._ec_left = 0 if self._modal else value self._ec_right = self.window.width if self._modal else self._right @property def bottom(self) -> int | float: """The bottom edge of this section""" return self._bottom @bottom.setter def bottom(self, value: int): self._bottom = value self._top = value + self._height self._ec_bottom = 0 if self._modal else value self._ec_top = self.window.height if self._modal else self._top @property def width(self) -> int | float: """The width of this section""" return self._width @width.setter def width(self, value: int): self._width = value self._right = value + self._left self._ec_right = self.window.width if self._modal else self._right @property def height(self) -> int | float: """The height of this section""" return self._height @height.setter def height(self, value: int): self._height = value self._top = value + self._bottom self._ec_top = self.window.height if self._modal else self._top @property def right(self) -> int | float: """Right edge of this section""" return self._right @right.setter def right(self, value: int): self._right = value self._left = value - self._width self._ec_right = self.window.width if self._modal else value self._ec_left = 0 if self._modal else self._left @property def top(self) -> int | float: """Top edge of this section""" return self._top @top.setter def top(self, value: int): self._top = value self._bottom = value - self._height self._ec_top = self.window.height if self._modal else value self._ec_bottom = 0 if self._modal else self._bottom @property def rect(self) -> Rect: """The section rectangle of this view""" return LRBT(self.left, self.right, self.bottom, @property def window(self): """The view window""" if getattr(self, "_view", None) is None or self._view is None: return get_window() else: return self._view.window
[docs] def overlaps_with(self, section: "Section") -> bool: """Checks if this section overlaps with another section Args: section: The section to check for overlap """ return not ( self.right < section.left or self.left > section.right or < section.bottom or self.bottom > )
[docs] def mouse_is_on_top(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool: """Check if the current mouse position is on top of this section Args: x: The x position of the mouse y: The y position of the mouse """ test_x = self._left <= x <= self._right test_y = self._bottom <= y <= self._top return test_x and test_y
[docs] def should_receive_mouse_event(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool: """Check if the current section should receive a mouse event at a given position Args: x: The x position of the mouse y: The y position of the mouse """ test_x = self._ec_left <= x <= self._ec_right test_y = self._ec_bottom <= y <= self._ec_top return test_x and test_y
[docs] def get_xy_screen_relative(self, section_x: int, section_y: int): """Returns screen coordinates from section coordinates Args: section_x: The x position of the section section_y: The y position of the section """ return self.left + section_x, self.bottom + section_y
[docs] def get_xy_section_relative(self, screen_x: int, screen_y: int): """returns section coordinates from screen coordinates Args: screen_x: The x position of the screen screen_y: The y position of the screen """ return screen_x - self.left, screen_y - self.bottom
# Following methods are just the usual view methods # + on_mouse_enter / on_mouse_leave / on_show_section / on_hide_section
[docs] def on_draw(self): """Override this method with your custom drawing code.""" pass
[docs] def on_update(self, delta_time: float): """Override this method with your custom update code.""" pass
[docs] def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int): """Override this method with your custom resize code.""" pass
[docs] def on_mouse_press(self, x: int, y: int, button: int, modifiers: int): """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. Args: x: x position of the mouse y: y position of the mouse button: the button pressed modifiers: the modifiers pressed """ pass
[docs] def on_mouse_release(self, x: int, y: int, button: int, modifiers: int): """ Called when the user releases a mouse button. Args: x: x position of the mouse y: y position of the mouse button: the button released modifiers: the modifiers pressed """ pass
[docs] def on_mouse_motion(self, x: int, y: int, dx: int, dy: int): """ Called when the user moves the mouse. Args: x: x position of the mouse y: y position of the mouse dx: change in x position dy: change in y position """ pass
[docs] def on_mouse_scroll(self, x: int, y: int, scroll_x: int, scroll_y: int): """ Called when the user scrolls the mouse wheel. Args: x: x position of the mouse y: y position of the mouse scroll_x: change in x position scroll_y: change in y position """ pass
[docs] def on_mouse_drag(self, x: int, y: int, dx: int, dy: int, _buttons: int, _modifiers: int): """ Called when the user moves the mouse with a button pressed. Args: x: x position of the mouse y: y position of the mouse dx: change in x position dy: change in y position """ self.on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy)
[docs] def on_mouse_enter(self, x: int, y: int): """ Called when the mouse enters the section Args: x: x position of the mouse y: y position of the mouse """ pass
[docs] def on_mouse_leave(self, x: int, y: int): """ Called when the mouse leaves the section Args: x: x position of the mouse y: y position of the mouse """ pass
[docs] def on_key_press(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int): """ Called when the user presses a key. Args: symbol: the key pressed modifiers: the modifiers pressed """ pass
[docs] def on_key_release(self, _symbol: int, _modifiers: int): """ Called when the user releases a key. Args: _symbol: the key released _modifiers: the modifiers pressed """ pass
[docs] def on_show_section(self): """Called when the section is shown""" pass
[docs] def on_hide_section(self): """Called when the section is hidden""" pass
[docs] class SectionManager: """ This manages the different Sections a View has. Actions such as dispatching the events to the correct Section, draw order, etc. Args: view: the view this section manager belongs to """ def __init__(self, view: View): self.view = view # the view this section manager belongs to # store sections in update/event order and in draw order # a list of the current sections for this in update/event order self._sections: list[Section] = [] # the list of current sections in draw order self._sections_draw: list[Section] = [] # generic camera to reset after a custom camera is use # this camera is set to the whole viewport DefaultProjector = DefaultProjector() # Holds the section the mouse is currently on top self.mouse_over_sections: list[Section] = [] # True will call view.on_draw before sections on_draw, False after, # None will not call view on_draw self.view_draw_first: bool | None = True # True will call view.on_update before sections on_update, False after, # None will not call view on_update self.view_update_first: bool | None = True # True will call view.on_resize before sections on_resize, False after, # None will not call view on_resize self.view_resize_first: bool | None = True # Events that the section manager should handle (instead of the View) if # sections are present in a View self.managed_events: set = { "on_mouse_motion", "on_mouse_drag", "on_mouse_press", "on_mouse_release", "on_mouse_scroll", "on_mouse_enter", "on_mouse_leave", "on_key_press", "on_key_release", "on_draw", "on_update", "on_resize", } @property def sections(self) -> list[Section]: """Property that returns the list of sections""" return self._sections @property def has_sections(self) -> bool: """Returns true if this section manager has sections""" return bool(self._sections) @property def is_current_view(self) -> bool: """ Returns if this section manager view is the current on the view window a.k.a.: is the view that is currently being shown """ return self.view.window.current_view is self.view
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: """ Disable all sections Disabling a section will trigger section.on_hide_section """ self.view.window.remove_handlers(self) for section in self._sections: section.enabled = False
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: """ Registers event handlers to the window and enables all sections. Enabling a section will trigger section.on_show_section """ section_handlers = { event_type: getattr(self, event_type, None) for event_type in self.managed_events } if section_handlers: self.view.window.push_handlers(**section_handlers) for section in self.sections: # sections are enabled by default if section.enabled: section.on_show_section() else: section.enabled = True
# enabling a section will trigger on_show_section
[docs] def get_section_by_name(self, name: str) -> Section | None: """ Returns the first section with the given name Args: name: The name of the section you want Returns: The first section with the provided name. None otherwise """ for section in self._sections: if == name: return section return None
[docs] def add_section( self, section: Section, at_index: int | None = None, at_draw_order: int | None = None, ) -> None: """ Adds a section to this Section Manager Will trigger section.on_show_section if section is enabled Args: section: The section to add to this section manager at_index: Inserts the section at that index for event capture and update events. If None at the end at_draw_order: Inserts the section in a specific draw order. Overwrites section.draw_order """ if not isinstance(section, Section): raise ValueError("You can only add Section instances") if section.section_manager is not None: raise ValueError("Section is already added to a SectionManager") # set the view and section manager section._view = self.view section._section_manager = self if at_index is None: self._sections.append(section) else: self._sections.insert(at_index, section) # keep sections order updated in the lists of sections to draw self.sort_section_event_order() if at_draw_order is None: self.sort_sections_draw_order() else: section._draw_order = at_draw_order # this will trigger self.sort_section_draw_order self.sort_sections_draw_order() # trigger on_show_section if the view is the current one and section is enabled: if self.is_current_view and section.enabled: section.on_show_section()
[docs] def remove_section(self, section: Section) -> None: """ Removes a section from this section manager Args: section: The section to remove """ # trigger on_hide_section if the view is the current one and section is enabled if self.is_current_view and section.enabled: section.on_hide_section() section._view = None self._sections.remove(section) # keep sections order updated in the lists of sections self.sort_section_event_order() self.sort_sections_draw_order()
[docs] def sort_section_event_order(self) -> None: """ This will sort sections on event capture order (and update) based on insertion order and section.modal. """ # modals go first self._sections.sort(key=lambda s: 0 if s.modal else 1)
[docs] def sort_sections_draw_order(self) -> None: """This will sort sections on draw order based on section.draw_order and section.modal""" # modals go last self._sections_draw = sorted( self._sections, key=lambda s: math.inf if s.modal else s.draw_order )
[docs] def clear_sections(self) -> None: """Removes all sections and calls on_hide_section for each one if enabled""" for section in self._sections: if section.enabled: section.on_hide_section() section._view = None self._sections = [] self._sections_draw = []
[docs] def on_update(self, delta_time: float) -> bool: """ Called on each event loop. Args: delta_time: the delta time since this method was called last time """ modal_present = False if self.view_update_first is True: self.view.on_update(delta_time) for section in self._sections: if section.enabled and not section.block_updates and not modal_present: section.on_update(delta_time) if section.modal: modal_present = True if self.view_update_first is False: self.view.on_update(delta_time) # prevent further event dispatch to the view, which was already invoked return True
[docs] def on_draw(self) -> bool: """ Called on each event loop to draw. It automatically calls camera.use() for each section that has a camera and resets the camera effects by calling the default SectionManager camera afterward if needed. The SectionManager camera defaults to a camera that has the viewport and projection for the whole screen. This method will consume the on_draw event, to prevent further on_draw calls on the view. """ if self.view_draw_first is True: self.view.on_draw() for section in self._sections_draw: # iterate over sections_draw if not section.enabled: continue if # use the camera of the current section before section.on_draw section.on_draw() if # reset to the default camera after the section is drawn if self.view_draw_first is False: self.view.on_draw() # prevent further event dispatch to the view, which was already invoked return True
[docs] def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int) -> bool: """ Called when the window is resized. Args: width: the new width of the screen height: the new height of the screen """ # The Default camera auto-resizes. if self.view_resize_first is True: self.view.on_resize(width, height) # call resize on the view for section in self.sections: if section.enabled: section.on_resize(width, height) if self.view_resize_first is False: self.view.on_resize(width, height) # call resize on the view # prevent further event dispatch to the view, which was already invoked return True
[docs] def disable_all_keyboard_events(self) -> None: """Removes the keyboard event handling from all sections""" for section in self.sections: section.accept_keyboard_keys = False
[docs] def get_first_section(self, x: int, y: int, *, event_capture: bool = True) -> Section | None: """ Returns the first section based on x,y position Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate event_capture: True will use event capture dimensions, False will use section draw size Returns: A section if match the params otherwise None """ for section in self._sections: if section.enabled: if event_capture is True and section.should_receive_mouse_event(x, y): return section if event_capture is False and section.mouse_is_on_top(x, y): return section return None
[docs] def get_sections( self, x: int, y: int, *, event_capture: bool = True ) -> Generator[Section, None, None]: """ Returns a list of sections based on x,y position Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate event_capture: True will use event capture dimensions, False will use section draw size Returns: A generator with the sections that match the params """ for section in self._sections: if section.enabled: if event_capture is True and section.should_receive_mouse_event(x, y): yield section if event_capture is False and section.mouse_is_on_top(x, y): yield section
[docs] def dispatch_mouse_event( self, event: str, x: int, y: int, *args, current_section: Section | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> bool | None: """ Generic method to dispatch mouse events to the correct Sections Args: event: the mouse event name to dispatch x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event current_section: the section this mouse event should be delivered to. If None, will retrieve all sections that should receive this event based on x, y coordinates kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ sections: list | Generator if current_section: # affected section is already pre-computed sections = [current_section] else: # get the sections from mouse position sections = self.get_sections(x, y) prevent_dispatch = EVENT_UNHANDLED prevent_dispatch_view = EVENT_UNHANDLED for section in sections: if prevent_dispatch is EVENT_HANDLED: break mouse_events_allowed = section.accept_mouse_events if mouse_events_allowed is False: continue if mouse_events_allowed is True or event in mouse_events_allowed: # event allowed # get the method to call from the section method = getattr(section, event, None) if method: if section.local_mouse_coordinates: position = section.get_xy_section_relative(x, y) else: position = x, y # call the section method prevent_dispatch = method(*position, *args, **kwargs) # mark prevent dispatch as handled if section is modal prevent_dispatch = EVENT_HANDLED if section.modal else prevent_dispatch # check if section prevents dispatching this event any further # in the section stack if prevent_dispatch is EVENT_HANDLED or any( test in section.prevent_dispatch for test in [True, event] ): # prevent_dispatch attributte from section only affects if # the method is implemented in the same section prevent_dispatch = EVENT_HANDLED if any(test in section.prevent_dispatch_view for test in [True, event]): # check if the section prevents dispatching events to the view prevent_dispatch_view = EVENT_HANDLED if prevent_dispatch_view is EVENT_UNHANDLED: # call the method from the view. method = getattr(self.view, event, None) # get the method from the view if method: # call the view method prevent_dispatch_view = method(x, y, *args, **kwargs) return prevent_dispatch_view or prevent_dispatch
[docs] def dispatch_keyboard_event(self, event: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ Generic method to dispatch keyboard events to the correct sections Args: event: the keyboard event name to dispatch args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ propagate_to_view = True prevent_dispatch = EVENT_UNHANDLED for section in self.sections: if prevent_dispatch: break if not section.enabled: continue keys_allowed = section.accept_keyboard_keys if keys_allowed is False: continue if keys_allowed is True or args[0] in keys_allowed or args in keys_allowed: if any(test in section.prevent_dispatch_view for test in [True, event]): propagate_to_view = False # get the method to call from the section method = getattr(section, event, None) if method: # call the section method prevent_dispatch = method(*args, **kwargs) if prevent_dispatch is EVENT_HANDLED or any( test in section.prevent_dispatch for test in [True, event] ): # prevent_dispatch attributes from section only affect # if the method is implemented in the same section prevent_dispatch = EVENT_HANDLED if section.modal: # if this section is modal, then avoid passing any event # to more sections return prevent_dispatch if propagate_to_view is False: return prevent_dispatch method = getattr(self.view, event, None) # get the method from the view if method: # call the view method return method(*args, **kwargs) or prevent_dispatch return EVENT_UNHANDLED
[docs] def on_mouse_press(self, x: int, y: int, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ Triggers the on_mouse_press event on the appropriate sections or view Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ return self.dispatch_mouse_event("on_mouse_press", x, y, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_mouse_release(self, x: int, y: int, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ Triggers the on_mouse_release event on the appropriate sections or view Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ return self.dispatch_mouse_event("on_mouse_release", x, y, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def dispatch_mouse_enter_leave_events( self, event_origin: str, x: int, y: int, *args, **kwargs ) -> bool | None: """ This helper method will dispatch mouse enter / leave events to sections based on 'on_mouse_motion' and 'on_mouse_drag' events. Will also dispatch the event (event_origin) that called this method Args: event_origin: The mouse event name that called this method. This event will be called here. x: The x axis coordinate y: The y axis coordinate args: Any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: Any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ before_sections = self.mouse_over_sections current_sections = list(self.get_sections(x, y)) # consume the generator prevent_dispatch_origin = EVENT_UNHANDLED # prevent dispatch for the origin mouse event prevent_dispatch_el = EVENT_UNHANDLED # prevent dispatch for enter/leave events for section in before_sections: if section not in current_sections: if prevent_dispatch_el is EVENT_HANDLED: break # dispatch on_mouse_leave to before_section prevent_dispatch_el = self.dispatch_mouse_event( "on_mouse_leave", x, y, current_section=section ) prevent_dispatch_el = EVENT_UNHANDLED for section in current_sections: if section not in before_sections: if prevent_dispatch_el is EVENT_UNHANDLED: # dispatch on_mouse_enter to current_section prevent_dispatch_el = self.dispatch_mouse_event( "on_mouse_enter", x, y, current_section=section ) if prevent_dispatch_origin is EVENT_UNHANDLED: prevent_dispatch_origin = self.dispatch_mouse_event( event_origin, x, y, *args, **kwargs ) # at the end catch the sections the mouse is moving over self.mouse_over_sections = current_sections # NOTE: the result from mouse enter/leave events is ignored here return prevent_dispatch_origin
[docs] def on_mouse_motion(self, x: int, y: int, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ This method dispatches the on_mouse_motion and also calculates if on_mouse_enter/leave should be fired. Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ return self.dispatch_mouse_enter_leave_events("on_mouse_motion", x, y, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_mouse_drag(self, x: int, y: int, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ This method dispatches the on_mouse_drag and also calculates if on_mouse_enter/leave should be fired. Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ return self.dispatch_mouse_enter_leave_events("on_mouse_drag", x, y, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_mouse_scroll(self, x: int, y: int, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ Triggers the on_mouse_scroll event on the appropriate sections or view Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ return self.dispatch_mouse_event("on_mouse_scroll", x, y, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_mouse_enter(self, x: int, y: int, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ Triggered when the mouse enters the window space Will trigger on_mouse_enter on the appropriate sections or view Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ current_sections = list(self.get_sections(x, y)) # consume the generator # set the sections the mouse is over self.mouse_over_sections = current_sections prevent_dispatch = EVENT_UNHANDLED for section in current_sections: if prevent_dispatch is EVENT_HANDLED: break prevent_dispatch = self.dispatch_mouse_event( "on_mouse_enter", x, y, *args, **kwargs, current_section=section ) return prevent_dispatch
[docs] def on_mouse_leave(self, x: int, y: int, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ Triggered when the mouse leaves the window space Will trigger on_mouse_leave on the appropriate sections or view Args: x: the x axis coordinate y: the y axis coordinate args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ prevent_dispatch = EVENT_UNHANDLED for section in self.mouse_over_sections: if prevent_dispatch is EVENT_HANDLED: break prevent_dispatch = self.dispatch_mouse_event( "on_mouse_leave", x, y, *args, **kwargs, current_section=section ) # clear the sections the mouse is over as it's out of the screen self.mouse_over_sections = [] return prevent_dispatch
[docs] def on_key_press(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ Triggers the on_key_press event on the appropriate sections or view Args: args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ return self.dispatch_keyboard_event("on_key_press", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_key_release(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool | None: """ Triggers the on_key_release event on the appropriate sections or view Args: args: any other position arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event kwargs: any other keyword arguments that should be delivered to the dispatched event Returns: ``EVENT_HANDLED`` or ``EVENT_UNHANDLED``, or whatever the dispatched method returns """ return self.dispatch_keyboard_event("on_key_release", *args, **kwargs)