- arcade.math.clamp(a: SupportsRichComparisonT, low: SupportsRichComparisonT, high: SupportsRichComparisonT) SupportsRichComparisonT [source]
Clamp a number between a range.
- arcade.math.lerp(v1: L, v2: L, u: float) L [source]
Linearly interpolate two values which support arithmetic operators.
must be of compatible types and support the following operators:This means that in certain cases, you may want to use another function:
For angles, use
.To convert points as arbitary sequences, use:
- Parameters:
v1 (HasAddSubMul) – The first value
v2 (HasAddSubMul) – The second value
u – The interpolation value (0.0 to 1.0)
- arcade.math.lerp_2d(v1: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, v2: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, u: float) Vec2 [source]
Linearly interpolate between two 2D points passed as sequences.
This function returns a
you can use with :py:func`lerp` .- Parameters:
v1 – The first point as a sequence of 2 values.
v2 – The second point as a sequence of 2 values.
u (float) – The interpolation value (0.0 to 1.0)
- arcade.math.lerp_3d(v1: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3, v2: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3, u: float) Vec3 [source]
Linearly interpolate between two 3D points passed as sequences.
This function returns a
you can use with :py:func`lerp`.- Parameters:
v1 – The first point as a sequence of 3 values.
v2 – The second point as a sequence of 3 values.
u (float) – The interpolation value (0.0 to 1.0)
- arcade.math.smerp(v1: L, v2: L, dt: float, h: float) L [source]
Smoothly interpolate between two values indepentdant of time. use as a = smerp(a, b, delta_time, 16).
To find the ideal decay constant (half-life) you can use: h = -t / math.log2(p) where p is how close (percentage) you’d like to be to the target value in t seconds. i.e if in 1 second you’d like to be within 1% then h ~= 0.15051
- Parameters:
v1 – The first value to interpolate from.
v2 – The second value to interpolate to.
dt – The time in seconds that has passed since v1 was interpolated last
h – The decay constant. The higher the faster v1 reaches v2. 0.1-25.0 is a good range.
- arcade.math.smerp_2d(v1: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, v2: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, dt: float, h: float) Vec2 [source]
Smoothly interpolate between two sequences of length 2 indepentdant of time. use as a = smerp_2d(a, b, delta_time, 16).
To find the ideal decay constant (half-life) you can use: h = -t / math.log2(p) where p is how close (percentage) you’d like to be to the target value in t seconds. i.e if in 1 second you’d like to be within 1% then h ~= 0.15051
This function returns a
you can use with :py:func`smerp`.- Parameters:
v1 – The first value to interpolate from.
v2 – The second value to interpolate to.
dt – The time in seconds that has passed since v1 was interpolated last
h – The decay constant. The lower the faster v1 reaches v2. 0.1-25.0 is a good range.
- arcade.math.smerp_3d(v1: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3, v2: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3, dt: float, h: float) Vec3 [source]
Smoothly interpolate between two sequences of length 3 indepentdant of time. use as a = smerp_3d(a, b, delta_time, 16).
To find the ideal decay constant (half-life) you can use: h = -t / math.log2(p) where p is how close (percentage) you’d like to be to the target value in t seconds. i.e if in 1 second you’d like to be within 1% then h ~= 0.15051
This function returns a
you can use with :py:func`smerp`.- Parameters:
v1 – The first value to interpolate from.
v2 – The second value to interpolate to.
dt – The time in seconds that has passed since v1 was interpolated last
h – The decay constant. The higher the faster v1 reaches v2. 0.1-25.0 is a good range.
- arcade.math.lerp_angle(start_angle: float, end_angle: float, u: float) float [source]
Linearly interpolate between two angles in degrees, following the shortest path.
- arcade.math.rand_in_rect(rect: Rect) tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 [source]
Calculate a random point in a rectangle.
- Parameters:
rect (Rect) – The rectangle to calculate the point in.
- arcade.math.rand_in_circle(center: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, radius: float) tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 [source]
Generate a point in a circle, or can think of it as a vector pointing a random direction with a random magnitude <= radius.
- Parameters:
center (Point2) – The center of the circle
radius (float) – The radius of the circle
- arcade.math.rand_on_circle(center: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, radius: float) tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 [source]
Generate a point on a circle.
- Parameters:
center (Point2) – The center of the circle
radius (float) – The radius of the circle
- arcade.math.rand_on_line(pos1: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, pos2: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 | tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3 [source]
Given two points defining a line, return a random point on that line.
- Parameters:
pos1 (Point2) – The first point
pos2 (Point2) – The second point
- arcade.math.rand_angle_360_deg() float [source]
Returns a random angle in degrees between 0.0 and 360.0.
- arcade.math.rand_angle_spread_deg(angle: float, half_angle_spread: float) float [source]
Returns a random angle in degrees, within a spread of the given angle.
- arcade.math.rand_vec_spread_deg(angle: float, half_angle_spread: float, length: float) tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 [source]
Returns a random vector, within a spread of the given angle.
- arcade.math.rand_vec_magnitude(angle: float, lo_magnitude: float, hi_magnitude: float) tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 [source]
Return a vector of randomized magnitude pointing in the given direction.
- arcade.math.get_distance(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) float [source]
Get the distance between two points.
- arcade.math.rotate_point(x: float, y: float, cx: float, cy: float, angle_degrees: float) tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 [source]
Rotate a point around a center.
- Parameters:
- arcade.math.rescale_relative_to_point(source: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, target: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, factor: float | int | tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 [source]
Calculate where a point should be when scaled by the factor realtive to the source point.
- Parameters:
source – Where to scaled from.
target – The point being scaled.
factor – How much to scale by. If factor is less than one, target approaches source. Otherwise it moves away. A factor of zero returns source.
- Returns:
The rescaled point.
- arcade.math.rotate_around_point(source: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, target: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, angle: float)[source]
Rotate a point around another point clockwise.
- Parameters:
source – The point to rotate around
target – The point to rotate
angle – The degrees to rotate the target by.
- arcade.math.get_angle_degrees(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) float [source]
Get the angle in degrees between two points.
- arcade.math.get_angle_radians(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) float [source]
Get the angle in radians between two points.
- arcade.math.quaternion_rotation(axis: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3, vector: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3, angle: float) tuple[float, float, float] [source]
Rotate a 3-dimensional vector of any length clockwise around a 3-dimensional unit length vector.
This method of vector rotation is immune to rotation-lock, however it takes a little more effort to find the axis of rotation rather than 3 angles of rotation. Ref: