
class arcade.Text(text: str, x: float, y: float, color: tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255, 255), font_size: float = 12, width: int | None = None, align: str = 'left', font_name: str | tuple[str, ...] = ('calibri', 'arial'), bold: bool | str = False, italic: bool = False, anchor_x: str = 'left', anchor_y: str = 'baseline', multiline: bool = False, rotation: float = 0, batch: Batch | None = None, group: Group | None = None, z: float = 0, **kwargs)[source]


An object-oriented way to draw text to the screen.


Use this class when performance matters!

Unlike draw_text(), this class does not risk wasting time recalculating and re-setting any text each time draw() is called. This makes it faster while:

  • requiring you to manage instances and drawing yourself

  • using negligible extra RAM

The speed advantage scales as more text needs to be drawn to the screen.


Batch drawing larger amounts of text

Text objects can also be assigned a pyglet batch for batch rendering small or large amounts of text instances. This is by far the most efficient way to draw text:

from pyglet.graphics import Batch

batch = Batch()
text_1 = Text("Hello, World 1", 0, 50, batch=batch)
text_2 = Text("Hello, World 2", 0, 100, batch=batch)
text_3 = Text("Hello, World 2", 0, 150, batch=batch)
# Draw the batch
# Remove a text instance from the batch
text_2.batch = None

The text instances an also be modified while in the batch such as changing the text value, position, or color.

The constructor arguments work identically to those of draw_text(). See its documentation for in-depth explanation for how to use each of them. For example code, see Better Text Drawing with Text Objects.

  • text – Initial text to display. Can be an empty string

  • x – x position to align the text’s anchor point with

  • y – y position to align the text’s anchor point with

  • z (optional) – z position to align the text’s anchor point with

  • color (optional) – Color of the text as an RGBA tuple or a Color instance.

  • font_size (optional) – Size of the text in points

  • width (optional) – A width limit in pixels

  • align (optional) – Horizontal alignment; values other than “left” require width to be set. Valid options: "left", "center", "right".

  • font_name (optional) – A font name, path to a font file, or list of names

  • bold (optional) – Whether to draw the text as bold, and if a string, how bold. See bold to learn more.

  • italic (optional) – Whether to draw the text as italic

  • anchor_x (optional) – How to calculate the anchor point’s x coordinate. Options: “left”, “center”, or “right”

  • anchor_y (optional) – How to calculate the anchor point’s y coordinate. Options: “top”, “bottom”, “center”, or “baseline”.

  • multiline (optional) – Requires width to be set; enables word wrap rather than clipping

  • rotation (optional) – rotation in degrees, clockwise from horizontal

  • batch (optional) – The batch to add the text to (for batch rendering text)

  • group (optional) – The specific group in a a batch to add the text to (for batch rendering text)

All constructor arguments other than text have a corresponding property. To access the current text, use the value property instead.

By default, the text is placed so that:

  • the left edge of its bounding box is at x

  • its baseline is at y

The baseline is located along the line the bottom of the text would be written on, excluding letters with tails such as y:


The blue line is the baseline for the string "Python"

rotation allows for the text to be rotated around the anchor point by the passed number of degrees. Positive values rotate clockwise from horizontal, while negative values rotate counter-clockwise:


Rotation around the default anchor ( anchor_y="baseline" and anchor_x="left")

This class is a wrapper around pyglet’s pyglet.text.Label. More advanced users can use pyglet’s label directly if preferred.

property align: str

Horizontal alignment; values other than "left" require width to be set.

Valid options: "left", "center", "right".

property anchor_x: str

Get or set the horizontal anchor.

Options: "left", "center", or "right"

property anchor_y: str

Get or set the vertical anchor.

Options : "top", "bottom", "center", or "baseline"

property batch: Batch | None

The batch this text is in, if any.

Can be unset by setting to None.

property bold: bool | str

Get or set bold state of the label.

The supported values include:

  • "black"

  • "bold" (same as ``True)

  • "semibold"

  • "semilight"

  • "light"

property bottom: float

Pixel location of the bottom content border.

property color: Color

Get or set the text color for the label.

property content_height: int

Get the pixel height of the text content.

property content_size: tuple[int, int]

Get the pixel width and height of the text contents.

property content_width: int

Get the pixel width of the text contents.

draw() None[source]

Draw the label to the screen at its current x and y position.


Cameras affect text drawing!

If you want to draw a custom GUI that doesn’t move with the game world, you will need a second Camera instance. For information on how to do this, see Move with a Scrolling Screen - Centered.

draw_debug(anchor_color: tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] = (255, 0, 0, 255), background_color: tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 139, 255), outline_color: tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255, 255)) None[source]

Draw test with debug geometry showing the content area, outline and the anchor point.

  • anchor_color – Color of the anchor point

  • background_color – Color the content background

  • outline_color – Color of the content outline

em_to_px(em: float) float[source]

Convert from an em value to a pixel amount.

1em is defined as font_size pt.

property font_name: str | tuple[str, ...]

Get or set the font name(s) for the label.

property font_size: float

Get or set the font size of the label.

property group: Group | None

The specific group in a batch the text should belong to.

This is normally not necessary to specify unless you are batching very large sets of text needing to separate into groups or even mix with other pyglet batch content.

property height: int | None

Get or set the height of the label in pixels.

This value affects text flow when multiline text is used. If you are looking for the physical size if the text, see content_height

property italic: bool | str

Get or set the italic state of the label.

property left: float

Pixel location of the left content border.

property multiline: bool

Get or set the multiline flag of the label.

property position: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 | tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3

The current x, y position as a tuple.

This is faster than setting x and y position separately because the underlying geometry only needs to change position once.

px_to_em(px: float) float[source]

Convert from a pixel amount to a value in ems.

1em is defined as font_size pt.

property right: float

Pixel location of the right content border.

property rotation: float

Get or set the clockwise rotation

property size

Get the size of the label.

property text: str

Get or set the current text string to display.

The value assigned will be converted to a string.

This is an alias for value

property top: float

Pixel location of the top content border.

property tracking: float | None

Get/set the tracking amount for this text object, or rather, the added space between each character.

The value is an amount in pixels and can be negative. To convert from the em unit, use Text.em_to_px().


a pixel amount, or None if the tracking is inconsistent.

property value: str

Get or set the current text string to display.

The value assigned will be converted to a string.

property width: int | None

Get or set the width of the label in pixels.

This value affects text flow when multiline text is used. If you are looking for the physical size if the text, see content_width

property x: float

Get or set the x position of the label.

property y: float

Get or set the y position of the label.

property z: float

Get or set the z position of the label.

arcade.load_font(path: str | Path) None[source]

Load fonts in a file (usually .ttf) adding them to a global font registry.

A file can contain one or multiple fonts. Each font has a name. Open the font file to find the actual name(s). These names are used to select font when drawing text.


# Load a font in the current working directory
# (absolute path is often better)
# Load a font using a custom resource handle

path – Path to the font file


FileNotFoundError – if the font specified wasn’t found

arcade.create_text_sprite(text: str, color: tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255, 255), font_size: float = 12.0, width: int | None = None, align: str = 'left', font_name: str | tuple[str, ...] = ('calibri', 'arial'), bold: bool | str = False, italic: bool = False, anchor_x: str = 'left', multiline: bool = False, texture_atlas: TextureAtlasBase | None = None, background_color: tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None) Sprite[source]

Creates a sprite containing text based off of Text.

Internally this creates a Text object and an empty texture. It then uses either the provided texture atlas, or gets the default one, and draws the Text object into the texture atlas.

It then creates a sprite referencing the newly created texture, and positions it accordingly, and that is final result that is returned from the function.

If you are providing a custom texture atlas, something important to keep in mind is that the resulting Sprite can only be added to SpriteLists which use that atlas. If it is added to a SpriteList which uses a different atlas, you will likely just see a black box drawn in its place.

  • text – Initial text to display. Can be an empty string

  • color (optional) – Color of the text as an RGBA tuple or a Color instance.

  • font_size (optional) – Size of the text in points

  • width (optional) – A width limit in pixels

  • align (optional) – Horizontal alignment; values other than “left” require width to be set. Valid options: "left", "center", "right".

  • font_name (optional) – A font name, path to a font file, or list of names

  • bold (optional) – Whether to draw the text as bold, and if a string, how bold. See arcade.gui.widgets.text.bold to learn more.

  • italic (optional) – Whether to draw the text as italic

  • anchor_x (optional) – How to calculate the anchor point’s x coordinate. Options: “left”, “center”, or “right”

  • multiline (optional) – Requires width to be set; enables word wrap rather than clipping

  • background_color – The background color of the text. If None, the background will be transparent.

  • texture_atlas – The texture atlas to use for the newly created texture. The default global atlas will be used if this is None.

arcade.draw_text(text: Any, x: float, y: float, color: tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255, 255), font_size: float = 12.0, width: int | None = None, align: str = 'left', font_name: str | tuple[str, ...] = ('calibri', 'arial'), bold: bool | str = False, italic: bool = False, anchor_x: str = 'left', anchor_y: str = 'baseline', multiline: bool = False, rotation: float = 0, z: float = 0)[source]

A simple way for beginners to draw text.


Use arcade.Text objects instead.

This method of drawing text is very slow and might be removed in the near future. Text objects can be 10-100 times faster depending on the use case.


Cameras affect text drawing!

If you want to draw a custom GUI that doesn’t move with the game world, you will need a second camera. For information on how to do this, see Move with a Scrolling Screen - Centered.

This function lets you start draw text easily with better performance than the old pillow-based text. If you need even higher performance, consider using Text.

Example code can be found at Slow but Easy Text Drawing.

  • text – Initial text to display. Can be an empty string

  • x – x position to align the text’s anchor point with

  • y – y position to align the text’s anchor point with

  • z (optional) – z position to align the text’s anchor point with

  • color (optional) – Color of the text as an RGBA tuple or a Color instance.

  • font_size (optional) – Size of the text in points

  • width (optional) – A width limit in pixels

  • align (optional) – Horizontal alignment; values other than “left” require width to be set. Valid options: "left", "center", "right".

  • font_name (optional) – A font name, path to a font file, or list of names

  • bold (optional) – Whether to draw the text as bold, and if a string, how bold. See arcade.gui.widgets.text.bold to learn more.

  • italic (optional) – Whether to draw the text as italic

  • anchor_x (optional) – How to calculate the anchor point’s x coordinate. Options: “left”, “center”, or “right”

  • anchor_y (optional) – How to calculate the anchor point’s y coordinate. Options: “top”, “bottom”, “center”, or “baseline”.

  • multiline (optional) – Requires width to be set; enables word wrap rather than clipping

  • rotation (optional) – rotation in degrees, clockwise from horizontal

By default, the text is placed so that:

  • the left edge of its bounding box is at x

  • its baseline is at y

The baseline of text is the line it would be written on:


The blue line is the baseline for the string "Python"

font_name can be any of the following:

  • a built-in font in the Built-In Resources

  • the name of a system font

  • a path to a font on the system

  • a tuple containing any mix of the previous three

Each entry provided will be tried in order until one is found. If none of the fonts are found, a default font will be chosen (usually Arial).

anchor_x and anchor_y specify how to calculate the anchor point, which affects how the text is:

  • Placed relative to x and y

  • Rotated

By default, the text is drawn so that x is at the left of the text’s bounding box and y is at the baseline.

You can set a custom anchor point by passing combinations of the following values for anchor_x and anchor_y:

Values allowed by anchor_x

String value

Practical Effect

Anchor Position

"left" (default)

Text drawn with its left side at x

Anchor point on the left side of the text’s bounding box


Text drawn horizontally centered on x

Anchor point at horizontal center of text’s bounding box


Text drawn with its right side at x

Anchor placed on the right side of the text’s bounding box

Values allowed by anchor_y

String value

Practical Effect

Anchor Position

"baseline" (default)

Text drawn with baseline on y.

Anchor placed at the text rendering baseline


Text drawn with its top aligned with y

Anchor point placed at the top of the text


Text drawn with its absolute bottom aligned with y, including the space for tails on letters such as y and g

Anchor point placed at the bottom of the text after the space allotted for letters such as y and g


Text drawn with its vertical center on y

Anchor placed at the vertical center of the text

rotation allows for the text to be rotated around the anchor point by the passed number of degrees. Positive values rotate clockwise from horizontal, while negative values rotate counter-clockwise:


Rotation around the default anchor point ( anchor_y="baseline" and anchor_x="left")

It can be helpful to think of this function working as follows:

  1. Text layout and alignment are calculated:

    1. The text’s characters are laid out within a bounding box according to the current styling options

    2. The anchor point on the text is calculated based on the text value, styling, as well as values for anchor_x and anchor_y

  2. The text is placed so its anchor point is at (x, y))

  3. The text is rotated around its anchor point before finally being drawn

This function is less efficient than using Text because some steps above can be repeated each time a call is made rather than fully cached as with the class.