Python Discord GameJam 2020

The Python Discord 2020 Game Jam finished on April 26, 2020. Participants completed a game in one week. Twenty-three teams completed games, all of which are on the Game Jam 2020 GitHub.
We played the top 10 games on the Game Jam live-stream, which is available for replay. The theme of this game jam was “Three of a Kind”.
Here are the games that made it to the top 10 finalists.
3 Keys on the Run
The winning team consisted of a single member, EmberDuck. He created a very polished game, focusing in on one core idea and just nailing it perfectly. This is a game where the player controls 3 different characters which need to jump over obstacles. Check out the source code.

Triple Blocks
Second place went to SansPapyrus683, Blue Bird, & SimplyNarwell. They created a platformer game where the player controls 3 different slimes to get through 6 different levels. The slimes can either move together in a stack, or the player can split them apart to control each of them one by one. The physics in this game was a nice addition and tied the game together nicely. The graphics in this game were quite beautiful and the UI complemented it well. Check out the source code.

Triple Vision
Third place went to BrainDead, F4zi, & f1re. They created a dungeon-crawler type of game where the player can switch between 3 different wizards, each having their own special abilities. The red wizard has great strength, while the green wizard has a lot of defense and the blue wizard is quick and fast. A unique and exceptional feature of this game was the backend server which allowed a player to register/login. Check out the source code
Honourable Mention: Hatchlings

Gem Matcher
Honourable Mention: Gem Matcher

Honourable Mention: Tri-Chess

Insane Irradiated Insectz
Honourable Mention: Insane Irradiated Insectz

Flimsy Billy’s Coin Dash 3
Honourable Mention: Flimsy Billy’s Coin Dash 3: Super Tag 3 Electric Tree

Honourable Mention: ZeYoughEzh

Coin Collector
Honourable Mention: Coin Collector