
class arcade.types.HasAddSubMul(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol[_T_contra, _T_co]

Matches types which work with arcade.math.lerp().

class arcade.types.TiledObject(shape: Point | PointList | tuple[int, int, int, int], properties: Properties | None = None, name: str | None = None, type: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

Object in a tilemaps

🧙 repr(self)

Return a nicely formatted representation string

name: str | None

Name of the object

properties: Dict[str, int | float | Path | str | bool | Color] | None

Properties of the object

shape: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 | tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3 | Sequence[tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 | tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3] | tuple[int, int, int, int]

Shape of the object

type: str | None

Type of the object

class arcade.types.SupportsDunderLT(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol[_T_contra]

class arcade.types.SupportsDunderGT(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol[_T_contra]

class arcade.types.vector_like.AnchorPoint[source]


Common anchor points as constants in UV space.

Each is a Vec2 with axis values between 0.0 and 1.0. They can be used as arguments to Rect.uv_to_position to help calculate:

  • a pixel offset inside a Rect

  • an absolute screen positions in pixels

Advanced users may also find them useful when working with shaders.

BOTTOM_CENTER = (0.5, 0.0)
BOTTOM_LEFT = (0.0, 0.0)
BOTTOM_RIGHT = (1.0, 0.0)
CENTER = (0.5, 0.5)
CENTER_LEFT = (0.0, 0.5)
CENTER_RIGHT = (1.0, 0.5)
TOP_CENTER = (0.5, 1.0)
TOP_LEFT = (0.0, 1.0)
TOP_RIGHT = (1.0, 1.0)
class arcade.types.color.Color(r: int, g: int, b: int, a: int = 255)[source]

Bases: tuple[int, int, int, int]

An RGBA color as a tuple subclass.

# The alpha channel value defaults to 255
>>> from arcade.types import Color
>>> Color(255, 0, 0)
Color(r=255, g=0, b=0, a=255)

If you prefer specifying color with another format, the class also provides number of helper methods for the most common RGB and RGBA formats:

Regardless of the source format, all color channels must be between 0 and 255, inclusive. If any channel is outside this range, creation will fail with a ByteRangeError, which is a type of ValueError.


This class does not currently support HSV or other color spaces.

If you need these, you may want to try the following:

  • r – the red channel of the color, between 0 and 255, inclusive

  • g – the green channel of the color, between 0 and 255, inclusive

  • b – the blue channel of the color, between 0 and 255, inclusive

  • a – the alpha or transparency channel of the color, between 0 and 255, inclusive

property a: int

Get the alpha value of the Color.

It will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.

property b: int

Get the blue value of the Color.

It will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.

classmethod from_gray(brightness: int, a: int = 255) Self[source]

Create a gray Color of the given brightness.

>>> off_white = Color.from_gray(220)
>>> print(off_white)
Color(r=220, g=220, b=220, a=255)

>>> half_opacity_gray = Color.from_gray(128, 128)
>>> print(half_opacity_gray)
Color(r=128, g=128, b=128, a=128)
  • brightness – How bright the new gray should be

  • a – a transparency value, fully opaque by default

classmethod from_hex_string(code: str) Self[source]

Create a Color from a hex code of 3, 4, 6, or 8 digits.

# RGB color codes are assumed to have an alpha value of 255
>>> Color.from_hex_string("#FF00FF")
Color(r=255, g=0, b=255, a=255)

# You can use eight-digit RGBA codes to specify alpha
>>> Color.from_hex_string("#FF007F")
Color(r=255, g=0, b=255, a=127)

# For brevity, you can omit the # and use RGB shorthand
>>> Color.from_hex_string("FFF")
Color(r=255, g=255, b=255, a=255)

# Lower case and four-digit RGBA shorthand are also allowed
>>> Color.from_hex_string("ff0a")
Color(r=255, g=255, b=0, a=170)

Aside from the optional leading #, the code must otherwise be a valid CSS hexadecimal color code. It will be processed as follows:

  • Any leading '#' characters will be stripped

  • 3 and 4 digit shorthands are expanded by multiplying each digit’s value by 16

  • 6 digit RGB hex codes assume 255 as their alpha values

  • 8 digit RGBA hex codes are converted to byte values and passed directly to a new Color

  • All other lengths will raise a ValueError

To learn more, please see:


code – A CSS hex color string which may omit the leading # character.

classmethod from_iterable(iterable: Iterable[int]) Self[source]

Create a Color from an iterable of 3 or 4 channel values.

If an iterable is already a Color instance, it will be returned unchanged. Otherwise, it must unpack as 3 or 4 int values between 0 and 255, inclusive.

If an iterable has no less than 3 or more than 4 elements, this method raises a ValueError. The function will attempt to create a new Color instance. The usual rules apply, i.e.: all values must be between 0 and 255, inclusive.


This is a more readable alternative to * unpacking.

If you are an advanced user who needs brevity or higher performance, you can unpack directly into Color:

>>> rgb_green_tuple = (0, 255, 0)
>>> Color(*rgb_green_tuple, 127)
Color(r=0, g=255, b=0, a=127)

iterable – An iterable which unpacks to 3 or 4 elements, each between 0 and 255, inclusive.

classmethod from_normalized(color_normalized: tuple[float, float, float, float]) Self[source]

Convert normalized float RGBA to an RGBA Color.

If any input channels aren’t normalized (between 0.0 and 1.0), this method will raise a NormalizedRangeError you can handle as a ValueError.


>>> Color.from_normalized((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
Color(r=255, g=0, b=0, a=255)

>>> normalized_half_opacity_green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5)
>>> Color.from_normalized(normalized_half_opacity_green)
Color(r=0, g=255, b=0, a=127)

color_normalized – A tuple of 4 normalized (0.0 to 1.0) RGBA values.

classmethod from_uint24(color: int, a: int = 255) Self[source]

Convert an unsigned 24-bit integer to a Color.

# The alpha channel is assumed to be 255
>>> Color.from_uint24(0x010203)
Color(r=1, g=2, b=3, a=255)

# Specify alpha via the a keyword argument
>>> Color.from_uint24(0x010203, a=127)
Color(r=1, g=2, b=3, a=127)

# The maximum value as decimal
>>> Color.from_uint24(16777215)
Color(r=255, g=255, b=255, a=255)

To convert from an RGBA value as a 32-bit integer, see from_uint32().

  • color – a 3-byte int between 0 and 16777215 (0xFFFFFF)

  • a – An alpha value to use between 0 and 255, inclusive.

classmethod from_uint32(color: int) Self[source]

Convert an unsigned 32-bit integer to a Color.

The four bytes are interpreted as R, G, B, A:

>>> Color.from_uint32(0x01020304)
Color(r=1, g=2, b=3, a=4)

# The maximum value as a decimal integer
>>> Color.from_uint32(4294967295)
Color(r=255, g=255, b=255, a=255)

To convert from an RGB value as a 24-bit integer, see from_uint24().


color – An int between 0 and 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)

property g: int

Get the green value of the Color.

It will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.

property normalized: tuple[float, float, float, float]

Convert the Color to a tuple of 4 normalized floats.

>>> arcade.color.WHITE.normalized
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

>>> arcade.color.BLACK.normalized
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

>>> arcade.color.TRANSPARENT_BLACK.normalized
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
property r: int

Get the red value of the Color.

It will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.

classmethod random(r: int | None = None, g: int | None = None, b: int | None = None, a: int | None = None) Self[source]

Create a Color by randomizing all unspecified channels.

All arguments are optional. If you specify a channel’s value, it will be used in the new color instead of randomizing:

# Randomize all channels
>>> Color.random()
Color(r=35, g=145, b=4, a=200)

# Create a random opaque color
>>> Color.random(a=255)
Color(r=25, g=99, b=234, a=255)
  • r – Specify a value for the red channel

  • g – Specify a value for the green channel

  • b – Specify a value for the blue channel

  • a – Specify a value for the alpha channel

replace(r: int | None = None, g: int | None = None, b: int | None = None, a: int | None = None) Color[source]

Create a Color with specified values replaced in a predefined color.

# Color with alpha with a predefined constant
>>> arcade.color.BLUE.replace(a = 100)
Color(r = 0, g = 0, b = 255, a = 100)
  • r – Specify a value for the red channel

  • g – Specify a value for the green channel

  • b – Specify a value for the blue channel

  • a – Specify a value for the alpha channel

property rgb: tuple[int, int, int]

Return only a color’s RGB components.

This is syntactic sugar for slice indexing as below:

>>> from arcade.color import WHITE
>>> WHITE[:3]
(255, 255, 255)
# Equivalent but slower than the above
>>> (WHITE.r, WHITE.g, WHITE.b)
(255, 255, 255)

To reorder the channels as you retrieve them, see swizzle().

swizzle(order: str) tuple[int, ...][source]

Get a tuple of channel values in the given order.

This imitates GLSL’s swizzling, a way to reorder vector values:

>>> from arcade.types import Color
>>> color = Color(180, 90, 0, 255)
>>> color.swizzle("abgr")
(255, 0, 90, 180)

Unlike GLSL, this function allows upper case.

>>> from arcade.types import Color
>>> color = Color(180, 90, 0, 255)
# You can repeat channels and use upper case
>>> color.swizzle("ABGRa")
(255, 0, 90, 180, 255)


The order is case-insensitive.

If you were hoping order would also specify how to convert data, you may instead be looking for Python’s built-in struct and array modules.


order – A string of channel names as letters in "RGBArgba" with repeats allowed.


A tuple of channel values in the given order.

class arcade.types.rect.RectKwargs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Annotates a plain dict of Rect arguments.

This is only meaningful as a type annotation during type checking. For example, the Rect.kwargs property returns an ordinary will actually be a dict of Rect field names to float values.

To learn more, please see:

bottom: float
height: float
left: float
right: float
top: float
width: float
x: float
y: float
class arcade.Rect(left: float, right: float, bottom: float, top: float, width: float, height: float, x: float, y: float)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

A rectangle, with several convenience properties and functions.

This object is immutable by design. It provides no setters, and is a NamedTuple subclass.

Attempts to implement all Rectangle functions used in the library, and to be a helpful tool for developers storing/manipulating rectangle and rectangle-like constructs.

Rectangles cannot rotate by design, since this complicates their implementation a lot.

You probably don’t want to create one of these directly, and should instead use a helper method, like LBWH(), LRBT(), XYWH(), or Viewport().

You can also use from_kwargs() to create a Rect from keyword arguments.

🧙 self & other: Rect Rect | None[source]

Shorthand for rect.intersection(other).


other – Another Rect instance.

🧙 bool(self) bool[source]

Returns True if area is not 0, else False.

🧙 math.ceil(self) Rect[source]

Floors the left, right, bottom, and top.

🧙 point: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2 | Any in self bool[source]

Shorthand for rect.point_in_rect(point).


point – A tuple of int or float values.

🧙 math.floor(self) Rect[source]

Floors the left, right, bottom, and top.

🧙 self * scale: float | int Rect[source]

Scale the Rect by scale relative to (0, 0).

🧙 self | other: Rect Rect[source]

Shorthand for rect.union(other).


other – Another Rect instance.

🧙 repr(self)

Return a nicely formatted representation string

🧙 round(selfn: int) Rect[source]

Rounds the left, right, bottom, and top to n decimals.

🧙 self / scale: float | int Rect[source]

Scale the rectangle by 1/scale relative to (0, 0).

align_bottom(value: float | int) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect, which is aligned to the bottom at value.

align_center(value: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect, which is aligned to the center x and y at value.

align_center_x(value: float | int) Rect[source]

Backwards-compatible alias for Rect.x.

align_center_y(value: float | int) Rect[source]

Backwards-compatible alias for Rect.x.

align_left(value: float | int) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect, which is aligned to the left at value.

align_right(value: float | int) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect, which is aligned to the right at value.

align_top(value: float | int) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect, which is aligned to the top at value.

align_x(value: float | int) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect, which is aligned to the x at value.

align_y(value: float | int) Rect[source]

Get a new Rect, which is aligned to the y at value.

property area: float

The area of the rectangle in square pixels.

property aspect_ratio: float

Returns the ratio between the width and the height.

at_position(position: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect which is moved to put position at its center.

bottom: float

The Y position of the rectangle’s bottom edge.

property bottom_center: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the bottom-center of the rectangle.

property bottom_left: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the bottom-left of the rectangle.

property bottom_right: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the bottom-right of the rectangle.

property center: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the center of the rectangle.

property center_left: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the center-left of the rectangle.

property center_right: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the center-right of the rectangle.

property center_x: float

Backwards-compatible alias for x.

property center_y: float

Backwards-compatible alias for y.

clamp_height(min_height: float | int | None = None, max_height: float | int | None = None, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Return a Rect that has a height between min_height and max_height, positioned at the current position and anchored to a point (default center.)

clamp_size(min_width: float | int | None = None, max_width: float | int | None = None, min_height: float | int | None = None, max_height: float | int | None = None, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Get a new clamped-size rectangle at the same position and anchored at anchor_point.

This combines the effects of clamp_width() and clamp_height() into one call.

clamp_width(min_width: float | int | None = None, max_width: float | int | None = None, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Return a Rect constrained to the passed dimension.

It will be created as follows:

  • Its width will be between any provided min_width and max_width

  • It will be positioned at the current position using the passed anchor

  • min_width – An optional minimum width.

  • max_width – An optional maximum width.

  • anchor – A Vec2 of the fractional percentage of the rectangle’s total size along both axes. It defaults to the center.

distance_from_bounds(point: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) float[source]

Returns the point’s distance from the boundary of this rectangle.

classmethod from_kwargs(**kwargs: float | int) Rect[source]

Creates a new Rect from keyword arguments. Throws ValueError if not enough are provided.

Expected forms are:

  • LRBT (providing left, right, bottom, and top)

  • LBWH (providing left, bottom, width, and height)

  • XYWH (providing x, y, width, and height)

get_relative_to_anchor(point: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Vec2[source]

Convert a point to a relative offset from the anchor point.

  • point – The point to make relative.

  • anchor – The anchor point to make the point relative to.

height: float

The total height of the rectangle along the Y axis. To get the rectangle’s width as well, use size.

intersection(other: Rect) Rect | None[source]

Return a Rect of the overlap if any exists.

If the two Rect instances do not intersect, this method will return None instead.


other – Another Rect instance.

property kwargs: RectKwargs

Get this rectangle as a dict of field names to values.

Many data formats have corresponding Python modules with write support. Such modules often one or more functions which convert a passed dict to a str or write the result of such a conversion to a file.

For example, the built-in json module offers the following functions on all Python versions currently supported by Arcade:



Useful For


Write a dict to a file

Saving game progress or edited levels


Get a dict as a str of JSON

Calls to a Web API


The return value is an ordinary dict.

Although the return type is annotated as a RectKwargs, it is only meaningful when type checking. See typing.TypedDict to learn more.

property lbwh: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int]

Provides a tuple in the format of (left, bottom, width, height).

property lbwh_int: tuple[int, int, int, int]

Provides a tuple in the format of (left, bottom, width, height), casted to ints.

left: float

The X position of the rectangle’s left edge.

property lrbt: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int]

Provides a tuple in the format of (left, right, bottom, top).

property lrbt_int: tuple[int, int, int, int]

Provides a tuple in the format of (left, right, bottom, top), casted to ints.

max_size(width: float | int | None = None, height: float | int | None = None, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Return a Rect that is at most size width by height, positioned at the current position and anchored to a point (default center.)

min_size(width: float | int | None = None, height: float | int | None = None, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Return a Rect that is at least size width by height, positioned at the current position and anchored to a point (default center.)

move(dx: float | int = 0.0, dy: float | int = 0.0) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect which is moved by dx in the x-direction and dy in the y-direction.

overlaps(other: Rect) bool[source]

Returns True if other overlaps with self.


other – Another Rect instance.

point_in_bounds(point: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) bool[source]

Returns True if point is inside this rectangle excluding the boundaries.


point – A tuple of int or float values.

point_in_rect(point: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) bool[source]

Returns True if point is inside this rectangle.


point – A tuple of int or float values.

point_on_bounds(point: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, tolerance: float) bool[source]

Returns True if point is within tolerance of the bounds.

The point’s distance from the bounds is computed by through distance_from_bounds().

  • point – The point to check.

  • tolerance – The maximum distance the point can be from the bounds.

position_to_uv(point: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) Vec2[source]

Convert a point to UV space values inside the rectangle.

This is like a pair of ratios which measure how far the point is from the rectangle’s bottom_left() up toward its top_right() along each axis.


This method does not clamp output!

Since point is absolute pixels, one or both axes of the returned Vec2 can be:

  • less than 0.0

  • greater than 1.0

Each axis of the return value measures how far into the rectangle’s size the point is relative to the bottom_left():

# consult the diagram below
  (point.x - rect.left)   / rect.width,
  (point.y - rect.bottom) / rect.height
   |------- rect.width ------|

          The rectangle      (rect.top_right)
   +-------------------------T    ---
   |                         |     |
- - - - - - - P  (Point x, y)|     |
|  |                         | rect.height
|  |          |              |     |
y  |                         |     |
|  B----------|--------------+    ---
|  (rect.bottom_right)
O----- x -----|

point – A point relative to the rectangle’s bottom_left() corner.

resize(width: float | int | None = None, height: float | int | None = None, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect at the current Rect’s position, but with a new width and height, anchored at a point (default center.)

right: float

The X position of the rectangle’s right edge.

scale(new_scale: float | int, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Returns a new Rect scaled by a factor of new_scale, anchored at a point (default center.)

scale_axes(new_scale: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Return a new Rect scaled by a factor of new_scale.x in the width and new_scale.y in the height, anchored at a point (default center.)

property size: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the size of the rectangle.

to_points() tuple[Vec2, Vec2, Vec2, Vec2][source]

Return a new tuple of this rectangle’s corner points.

The points will be ordered as follows:

  1. bottom_left()

  2. top_left()

  3. top_right()

  4. bottom_right()

top: float

The Y position of the rectangle’s top edge.

property top_center: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the top-center of the rectangle.

property top_left: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the top-left of the rectangle.

property top_right: Vec2

Returns a Vec2 representing the top-right of the rectangle.

union(other: Rect) Rect[source]

Get the smallest rectangle covering both this one and other.

uv_to_position(uv: tuple[float | int, float | int] | Vec2) Vec2[source]

Convert a point in UV-space to a point within the rectangle.

The uv is a pair of ratios which describe how far a point extends across the rectangle’s width and height from the bottom_left toward its top_right.


This method does not clamp output!

Since one or both of uv’s components can be less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0, the returned point can fall outside the rectangle.

The following can be used as arguments to this function:

  1. Values in AnchorPoint

  2. Returned values from position_to_uv()

  3. Rescaled input data from controllers


uv – A pair of ratio values describing how far a a point falls from a rectangle’s bottom_left toward its top_right.

width: float

The total width of the rectangle along the X axis. To get the rectangle’s height well, use size

x: float

The center of the rectangle along the X axis. To get its center y as well, use center.

property xyrr: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int]

Provides a tuple in the format of (x, y, width / 2, height / 2).

property xyrr_int: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int]

Provides a tuple in the format of (x, y, width / 2, height / 2), casted to ints.

property xywh: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int]

Provides a tuple in the format of (x, y, width, height).

property xywh_int: tuple[int, int, int, int]

Provides a tuple in the format of (x, y, width, height), casted to ints.

y: float

The center of the rectangle along the Y axis. To get its center x as well, use center.

arcade.LRBT(left: float | int, right: float | int, bottom: float | int, top: float | int) Rect[source]

Creates a new Rect from left, right, bottom, and top parameters.

arcade.LBWH(left: float | int, bottom: float | int, width: float | int, height: float | int) Rect[source]

Creates a new Rect from left, bottom, width, and height parameters.

arcade.XYWH(x: float | int, y: float | int, width: float | int, height: float | int, anchor: Vec2 = (0.5, 0.5)) Rect[source]

Creates a new Rect from x, y, width, and height parameters, anchored at a relative point (default center).

arcade.types.rect.XYRR(x: float | int, y: float | int, half_width: float | int, half_height: float | int) Rect[source]

Creates a new Rect from center x, center y, half width, and half height parameters. This is mainly used by OpenGL.

arcade.types.rect.Viewport(left: int, bottom: int, width: int, height: int) Rect[source]

Creates a new Rect from left, bottom, width, and height parameters, restricted to integers.

class arcade.types.box.BoxKwargs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Annotates a plain dict of Box arguments.

This is only meaningful as a type annotation during type checking. For example, the Box.kwargs property returns an ordinary will actually be a dict of Box field names to float values.

To learn more, please see:

bottom: float
depth: float
far: float
height: float
left: float
near: float
right: float
top: float
width: float
x: float
y: float
z: float
class arcade.types.box.Box(left: float, right: float, bottom: float, top: float, near: float, far: float, width: float, height: float, depth: float, x: float, y: float, z: float)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

A 3D box, with several convenience properties and functions.


Boxes are immutable and axis-aligned bounding prisms!

As NamedTuple subclasses, they cannot rotate and have no setters. This keeps their design simple and efficient. To rotate a box’s points in 3D, use to_points() with a 3D math library of your choice.

To create a box, the helper class methods are usually the best choice:

🧙 self & other: Box Box | None[source]

Shorthand for Box.intersection(other).


other – Another Box instance.

🧙 bool(self) bool[source]

Returns True if volume is not 0, else False.

🧙 point: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3 | Any in self bool[source]

Shorthand for Box.point_in_box(point).


point – A tuple of int or float values.

🧙 self | other: Box Box[source]

Shorthand for Box.union(other).


other – Another Box instance.

🧙 repr(self)

Return a nicely formatted representation string

at_position(position: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3) Box[source]

Returns a new Box which is moved to put position at its center.

bottom: float

Alias for field number 2

property bottom_face: Rect

Returns a Rect representing the bottom face of the box.

property bottom_face_center: Vec3

Returns a Rect representing the center of the bottom face of the box.

property bottom_left_far: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the bottom-left-far corner of the box.

property bottom_left_near: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the bottom-left-near corner of the box.

property bottom_right_far: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the bottom-right-far corner of the box.

property bottom_right_near: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the bottom-right-near corner of the box.

property center: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the center of the box.

property center_x: float

Backwards-compatible alias for x.

property center_y: float

Backwards-compatible alias for y.

property center_z: float

Backwards-compatible alias for z.

depth: float

Alias for field number 8

far: float

Alias for field number 5

property far_face: Rect

Returns a Rect representing the far face of the box.

property far_face_center: Vec3

Returns a Rect representing the center of the far face of the box.

height: float

Alias for field number 7

intersection(other: Box) Box | None[source]

Return a Box of the overlap if any exists.

If the two Box instances do not intersect, this method will return None instead.


other – Another Box instance.

property lbnwhd: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int]

Provides a tuple in the form (left, bottom, near, width, height, depth).

left: float

Alias for field number 0

property left_face: Rect

Returns a Rect representing the left face of the box.

property left_face_center: Vec3

Returns a Rect representing the center of the left face of the box.

property lrbtnf: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int]

Provides a tuple in the form (left, right, bottom, top, near, far).

move(dx: float | int = 0.0, dy: float | int = 0.0, dz: float | int = 0.0) Box[source]

Returns a new Box which is moved by dx in the x-direction,`dy` in the y-direction, and dz in the z-direction.

near: float

Alias for field number 4

property near_face: Rect

Returns a Rect representing the near face of the box.

property near_face_center: Vec3

Returns a Rect representing the center of the near face of the box.

overlaps(other: Box) bool[source]

Returns True if other overlaps with self.


other – Another Box instance.

point_in_box(point: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int] | Vec3) bool[source]

True if the point is in or touching the box, otherwise False.


point – A 3D point.

right: float

Alias for field number 1

property right_face: Rect

Returns a Rect representing the right face of the box.

property right_face_center: Vec3

Returns a Rect representing the center of the right face of the box.

property size: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the size of the box.

to_points() tuple[Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3][source]

Return a new tuple of this box’s corners as 3D points.

The points will be ordered as follows:

  1. bottom_left_near()

  2. top_left_near()

  3. top_right_near()

  4. bottom_right_near()

  5. bottom_left_far()

  6. top_left_far()

  7. top_right_far()

  8. bottom_right_far()

top: float

Alias for field number 3

property top_face: Rect

Returns a Rect representing the top face of the box.

property top_face_center: Vec3

Returns a Rect representing the center of the top face of the box.

property top_left_far: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the top-left-far corner of the box.

property top_left_near: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the top-left-near corner of the box.

property top_right_far: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the top-right-far corner of the box.

property top_right_near: Vec3

Returns a Vec3 representing the top-right-near corner of the box.

union(other: Box) Box[source]

Get the smallest Box encapsulating both this one and other.

property volume: float

The volume of the box in cubic pixels.

width: float

Alias for field number 6

x: float

Alias for field number 9

property xyzwhd: tuple[float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int, float | int]

Provides a tuple in the form (x, y, z, width, height, depth).

y: float

Alias for field number 10

z: float

Alias for field number 11

arcade.types.box.XYZWHD(x: float, y: float, z: float, width: float, height: float, depth: float) Box[source]

Creates a new Box from center x, center y, center z, width, height, and depth parameters.

arcade.types.box.LBNWHD(left: float, bottom: float, near: float, width: float, height: float, depth: float) Box[source]

Creates a new Box from left, bottom, near, width, height, and depth parameters.

arcade.types.box.LRBTNF(left: float, right: float, bottom: float, top: float, near: float, far: float) Box[source]

Creates a new Box from left, right, bottom, top, near, and far parameters.