Box is the 3D counterpart to :py:class:`~arcade.types.rect.Rect`.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, NamedTuple, TypedDict
from pyglet.math import Vec3
from arcade.types.numbers import AsFloat
from arcade.types.rect import LBWH, Rect
from arcade.types.vector_like import Point3
class BoxKwargs(TypedDict):
"""Annotates a plain :py:class:`dict` of :py:class:`Box` arguments.
This is only meaningful as a type annotation during type checking.
For example, the :py:meth:`Box.kwargs <arcade.types.Box.kwargs>`
property returns an ordinary will actually be a :py:class:`dict`
of :py:class:`Box` field names to :py:class:`float` values.
To learn more, please see:
* :py:class:`.Box`
* :py:class:`typing.TypedDict`
left: float
right: float
bottom: float
top: float
near: float
far: float
width: float
height: float
depth: float
x: float
y: float
z: float
class Box(NamedTuple):
"""A 3D box, with several convenience properties and functions.
.. important:: Boxes are immutable and axis-aligned bounding prisms!
As :py:class:`~typing.NamedTuple` subclasses, they cannot rotate and
have no setters. This keeps their design simple and efficient. To
rotate a box's points in 3D, use :py:meth:`to_points` with a 3D math
library of your choice.
To create a box, the helper class methods are usually the best choice:
* :py:func:`.XYZWHD`
* :py:func:`.LRBTNF`
* :py:func:`.LBNWHD`
* :py:meth:`.from_kwargs`
left: float
right: float
bottom: float
top: float
near: float
far: float
width: float
height: float
depth: float
x: float
y: float
z: float
def center_x(self) -> float:
"""Backwards-compatible alias for :py:attr:`.x`."""
return self.x
def center_y(self) -> float:
"""Backwards-compatible alias for :py:attr:`.y`."""
return self.y
def center_z(self) -> float:
"""Backwards-compatible alias for :py:attr:`.z`."""
return self.z
def center(self) -> Vec3:
"""Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the center of the box."""
return Vec3(self.x, self.y, self.z)
def bottom_left_near(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the
bottom-left-near corner of the box.
return Vec3(self.left, self.bottom, self.near)
def bottom_left_far(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the
bottom-left-far corner of the box.
return Vec3(self.left, self.bottom, self.far)
def bottom_right_near(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the
bottom-right-near corner of the box.
return Vec3(self.right, self.bottom, self.near)
def bottom_right_far(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the
bottom-right-far corner of the box.
return Vec3(self.right, self.bottom, self.far)
def top_left_near(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the
top-left-near corner of the box.
return Vec3(self.left, self.top, self.near)
def top_left_far(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the
top-left-far corner of the box.
return Vec3(self.left, self.top, self.far)
def top_right_near(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the
top-right-near corner of the box.
return Vec3(self.right, self.top, self.near)
def top_right_far(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the
top-right-far corner of the box.
return Vec3(self.right, self.top, self.far)
def near_face(self) -> Rect:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
near face of the box.
return LBWH(self.left, self.bottom, self.width, self.height)
def far_face(self) -> Rect:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
far face of the box.
return LBWH(self.left, self.bottom, self.width, self.height)
def left_face(self) -> Rect:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
left face of the box.
return LBWH(self.near, self.bottom, self.depth, self.height)
def right_face(self) -> Rect:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
right face of the box.
return LBWH(self.near, self.bottom, self.depth, self.height)
def top_face(self) -> Rect:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
top face of the box.
return LBWH(self.left, self.near, self.width, self.depth)
def bottom_face(self) -> Rect:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
bottom face of the box.
return LBWH(self.left, self.near, self.width, self.depth)
def near_face_center(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
center of the near face of the box.
return Vec3(self.x, self.y, self.near)
def far_face_center(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
center of the far face of the box.
return Vec3(self.x, self.y, self.far)
def left_face_center(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
center of the left face of the box.
return Vec3(self.left, self.y, self.z)
def right_face_center(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
center of the right face of the box.
return Vec3(self.right, self.y, self.z)
def top_face_center(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
center of the top face of the box.
return Vec3(self.x, self.top, self.z)
def bottom_face_center(self) -> Vec3:
Returns a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` representing the
center of the bottom face of the box.
return Vec3(self.x, self.top, self.z)
def size(self) -> Vec3:
"""Returns a :py:class:`~pyglet.math.Vec3` representing the size of the box."""
return Vec3(self.width, self.height, self.depth)
def volume(self) -> float:
"""The volume of the box in cubic pixels."""
return self.width * self.height * self.depth
def at_position(self, position: Point3) -> Box:
"""Returns a new :py:class:`Box` which is moved to put `position` at its center."""
x, y, z = position
return XYZWHD(x, y, z, self.width, self.height, self.depth)
def move(self, dx: AsFloat = 0.0, dy: AsFloat = 0.0, dz: AsFloat = 0.0) -> Box:
Returns a new :py:class:`Box` which is moved by `dx` in the
x-direction,`dy` in the y-direction, and `dz` in the z-direction.
return XYZWHD(self.x + dx, self.y + dy, self.z + dz, self.width, self.height, self.depth)
def union(self, other: Box) -> Box:
"""Get the smallest Box encapsulating both this one and ``other``."""
left = min(self.left, other.left)
right = max(self.right, other.right)
bottom = min(self.bottom, other.bottom)
top = max(self.top, other.top)
near = min(self.near, other.near)
far = max(self.far, other.far)
return LRBTNF(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
def __or__(self, other: Box) -> Box:
"""Shorthand for :py:meth:`Box.union(other) <union>`.
other: Another :py:class:`Box` instance.
return self.union(other)
def intersection(self, other: Box) -> Box | None:
"""Return a :py:class:`Box` of the overlap if any exists.
If the two :py:class:`Box` instances do not intersect, this
method will return ``None`` instead.
other: Another :py:class:`Box` instance.
intersecting = self.overlaps(other)
if not intersecting:
return None
left = max(self.left, other.left)
right = min(self.right, other.right)
bottom = max(self.bottom, other.bottom)
top = min(self.top, other.top)
near = max(self.near, other.near)
far = min(self.far, other.far)
return LRBTNF(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
def overlaps(self, other: Box) -> bool:
"""Returns ``True`` if `other` overlaps with ``self``.
other: Another :py:class:`Box` instance.
return (
(other.width + self.width) / 2.0 > abs(self.x - other.x)
and (other.height + self.height) / 2.0 > abs(self.y - other.y)
and (other.depth + self.depth) / 2.0 > abs(self.z - other.z)
def __and__(self, other: Box) -> Box | None:
"""Shorthand for :py:meth:`Box.intersection(other) <interesection>`.
other: Another :py:class:`Box` instance.
return self.intersection(other)
def point_in_box(self, point: Point3) -> bool:
"""``True`` if the point is in or touching the box, otherwise ``False``.
point: A 3D point.
x, y, z = point
return (
(self.left <= x <= self.right)
and (self.bottom <= y <= self.top)
and (self.near <= z <= self.far)
def __contains__(self, point: Point3 | Any) -> bool:
"""Shorthand for :py:meth:`Box.point_in_box(point) <point_in_box>`.
point: A tuple of :py:class:`int` or :py:class:`float` values.
from arcade.utils import is_iterable
if not is_iterable(point):
return False
return self.point_in_box(point)
def to_points(self) -> tuple[Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Vec3]:
"""Return a new :py:class:`tuple` of this box's corners as 3D points.
The points will be ordered as follows:
#. :py:meth:`bottom_left_near`
#. :py:meth:`top_left_near`
#. :py:meth:`top_right_near`
#. :py:meth:`bottom_right_near`
#. :py:meth:`bottom_left_far`
#. :py:meth:`top_left_far`
#. :py:meth:`top_right_far`
#. :py:meth:`bottom_right_far`
left = self.left
bottom = self.bottom
right = self.right
top = self.top
near = self.near
far = self.far
return (
Vec3(left, bottom, near),
Vec3(left, top, near),
Vec3(right, top, near),
Vec3(right, bottom, near),
Vec3(left, bottom, far),
Vec3(left, top, far),
Vec3(right, top, far),
Vec3(right, bottom, far),
def xyzwhd(self) -> tuple[AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat]:
"""Provides a tuple in the form (x, y, z, width, height, depth)."""
return (self.x, self.y, self.z, self.width, self.height, self.depth)
def lrbtnf(self) -> tuple[AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat]:
"""Provides a tuple in the form (left, right, bottom, top, near, far)."""
return (self.left, self.right, self.bottom, self.top, self.near, self.far)
def lbnwhd(self) -> tuple[AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat, AsFloat]:
"""Provides a tuple in the form (left, bottom, near, width, height, depth)."""
return (self.left, self.bottom, self.near, self.width, self.height, self.depth)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return (
f"<{self.__class__.__name__} LRBTNF({self.left}, {self.right},"
f"{self.bottom}, {self.top}, {self.near}, {self.far})"
f" XYZWHD({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.z} {self.width}, {self.height}, {self.depth})>"
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
"""Returns ``True`` if volume is not ``0``, else ``False``."""
return self.width != 0 and self.height != 0 and self.depth != 0
def XYZWHD(x: float, y: float, z: float, width: float, height: float, depth: float) -> Box:
"""Creates a new :py:class:`.Box` from center x, center y, center z,
width, height, and depth parameters."""
h_width = width / 2
h_height = height / 2
h_depth = depth / 2
return Box(
x - h_width,
x + h_width,
y - h_height,
y + h_height,
z - h_depth,
z + h_depth,
left: float, bottom: float, near: float, width: float, height: float, depth: float
) -> Box:
"""Creates a new :py:class:`.Box` from left, bottom, near,
width, height, and depth parameters."""
return Box(
left + width,
bottom + height,
near + depth,
left + (width / 2),
bottom + (height / 2),
near + (depth / 2),
def LRBTNF(left: float, right: float, bottom: float, top: float, near: float, far: float) -> Box:
"""Creates a new :py:class:`.Box` from left, right, bottom, top, near, and far parameters."""
width = right - left
height = top - bottom
depth = far - near
return Box(
left + width / 2.0,
bottom + height / 2.0,
near + depth / 2.0,