Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generator

from pyglet.math import Mat4, Vec2, Vec3
from typing_extensions import Self

from arcade.types import LBWH, Point, Rect
from arcade.window_commands import get_window

    from arcade.context import ArcadeContext

__all__ = ["ViewportProjector", "DefaultProjector"]

[docs] class ViewportProjector: """ A simple Projector which does not rely on any camera PoDs. Does not have a way of moving, rotating, or zooming the camera. perfect for something like UI or for mapping to an offscreen framebuffer. Args: viewport: The viewport to project to. context: The window context to bind the camera to. Defaults to the currently active window. """ def __init__( self, viewport: Rect | None = None, *, context: ArcadeContext | None = None, ): self._ctx: ArcadeContext = context or get_window().ctx self._viewport: Rect = viewport or LBWH(*self._ctx.viewport) self._projection_matrix: Mat4 = Mat4.orthogonal_projection( 0.0, self._viewport.width, 0.0, self._viewport.height, -100, 100 ) @property def viewport(self) -> Rect: """ The viewport use to derive projection and view matrix. """ return self._viewport @viewport.setter def viewport(self, viewport: Rect) -> None: self._viewport = viewport self._projection_matrix = Mat4.orthogonal_projection( 0, viewport.width, 0, viewport.height, -100, 100 )
[docs] def use(self) -> None: """ Set the window's projection and view matrix. Also sets the projector as the windows current camera. """ self._ctx.current_camera = self self._ctx.viewport = self.viewport.lbwh_int # get the integer 4-tuple LBWH self._ctx.view_matrix = Mat4() self._ctx.projection_matrix = self._projection_matrix
[docs] @contextmanager def activate(self) -> Generator[Self, None, None]: """ The context manager version of the use method. usable with the 'with' block. e.g. 'with ViewportProjector.activate() as cam: ...' """ previous = self._ctx.current_camera try: self.use() yield self finally: previous.use()
[docs] def project(self, world_coordinate: Point) -> Vec2: """ Take a Vec2 or Vec3 of coordinates and return the related screen coordinate """ x, y, *z = world_coordinate return Vec2(x, y)
[docs] def unproject(self, screen_coordinate: Point) -> Vec3: """ Map the screen pos to screen_coordinates. Due to the nature of viewport projector this does not do anything. """ x, y, *_z = screen_coordinate z = 0.0 if not _z else _z[0] return Vec3(x, y, z)
# As this class is only supposed to be used internally # I wanted to place an _ in front, but the linting complains # about it being a protected class.
[docs] class DefaultProjector(ViewportProjector): """ An extremely limited projector which lacks any kind of control. This is only here to act as the default camera used internally by Arcade. There should be no instance where a developer would want to use this class. Args: context: The window context to bind the camera to. Defaults to the currently active window. """ def __init__(self, *, context: ArcadeContext | None = None): super().__init__(context=context)
[docs] def use(self) -> None: """ Set the window's Projection and View matrices. cache's the window viewport to determine the projection matrix. """ viewport = self.viewport.lbwh_int # If the viewport is correct and the default camera is in use, # then don't waste time resetting the view and projection matrices if self._ctx.viewport == viewport and self._ctx.current_camera == self: return # If the viewport has changed while the default camera is active then the # default needs to update itself. # If it was another camera's viewport being used the default camera should not update. if self._ctx.viewport != viewport and self._ctx.current_camera == self: self.viewport = LBWH(*self._ctx.viewport) else: self._ctx.viewport = viewport self._ctx.current_camera = self self._ctx.view_matrix = Mat4() self._ctx.projection_matrix = self._projection_matrix