Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Generator

from pyglet.math import Mat4, Vec2, Vec3

from import (
from import (
from arcade.types import Point, Point3
from arcade.window_commands import get_window

    from arcade.application import Window

class _StaticCamera:

    def __init__(
        view_matrix: Mat4,
        projection_matrix: Mat4,
        viewport: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None,
        project_method: (
            Callable[[Point, tuple[int, int, int, int], Mat4, Mat4], Vec2] | None
        ) = None,
        unproject_method: (
            Callable[[Point, tuple[int, int, int, int], Mat4, Mat4], Vec3] | None
        ) = None,
        window: Window | None = None,
        self._win: Window = window or get_window()
        self._viewport: tuple[int, int, int, int] = viewport or self._win.ctx.viewport
        self._view = view_matrix
        self._projection = projection_matrix

        self._project_method: Callable[[Point, tuple, Mat4, Mat4], Vec2] | None = project_method
        self._unproject_method: Callable[[Point, tuple, Mat4, Mat4], Vec3] | None = unproject_method

    def use(self):
        self._win.current_camera = self

        self._win.ctx.viewport = self._viewport
        self._win.ctx.projection_matrix = self._projection
        self._win.ctx.view_matrix = self._view

    def activate(self) -> Generator[_StaticCamera, None, None]:
        prev = self._win.ctx.current_camera
            yield self

    def project(self, world_coordinate: Point) -> Vec2:
        Take a Vec2 or Vec3 of coordinates and return the related screen coordinate
        if self._project_method is None:
            raise ValueError("This Static Camera was not provided a project method at creation")

        pos = self._project_method(world_coordinate, self._viewport, self._view, self._projection)
        return pos

    def unproject(self, screen_coordinate: Point) -> Vec3:
        Take in a pixel coordinate from within
        the range of the window size and returns
        the world space coordinates.

        Essentially reverses the effects of the projector.

            screen_coordinate: A 2D position in pixels from the bottom left of the screen.
                               This should ALWAYS be in the range of 0.0 - screen size.
            A 3D vector in world space.
        if self._unproject_method is None:
            raise ValueError("This Static Camera was not provided an unproject method at creation")

        return self._unproject_method(
            screen_coordinate, self._viewport, self._view, self._projection

[docs] def static_from_orthographic( view: CameraData, orthographic: OrthographicProjectionData, viewport: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, *, window: Window | None = None, ) -> _StaticCamera: """ Create a static camera from a CameraData and OrthographicProjectionData Args: view: The view matrix to use orthographic: The orthographic projection to use viewport: The viewport to use window: The window to use """ return _StaticCamera( generate_view_matrix(view), generate_orthographic_matrix(orthographic, view.zoom), viewport, window=window, project_method=project_orthographic, unproject_method=unproject_orthographic, )
[docs] def static_from_perspective( view: CameraData, perspective: OrthographicProjectionData, viewport: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, *, window: Window | None = None, ) -> _StaticCamera: """ Create a static camera from a CameraData and PerspectiveProjectionData Args: view: The view matrix to use perspective: The perspective projection to use viewport: The viewport to use window: The window """ return _StaticCamera( generate_view_matrix(view), generate_orthographic_matrix(perspective, view.zoom), viewport, window=window, project_method=project_perspective, unproject_method=unproject_perspective, )
[docs] def static_from_raw_orthographic( projection: tuple[float, float, float, float], near: float = -100.0, far: float = 100.0, zoom: float = 1.0, position: Point3 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), up: Point3 = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), forward: Point3 = (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), viewport: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, *, window: Window | None = None, ) -> _StaticCamera: """ Create a static camera from raw orthographic data. Args: projection: The orthographic projection to use near: The near plane far: The far plane zoom: The zoom level position: The position of the camera up: The up vector forward: The forward vector viewport: The viewport window: The window """ view = generate_view_matrix(CameraData(position, up, forward, zoom)) proj = generate_orthographic_matrix( OrthographicProjectionData( projection[0], projection[1], projection[2], projection[3], near, far ), zoom, ) return _StaticCamera( view, proj, viewport, window=window, project_method=project_orthographic, unproject_method=unproject_orthographic, )
[docs] def static_from_raw_perspective( aspect: float, fov: float, near: float = -100.0, far: float = 100.0, zoom: float = 1.0, position: Point3 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), up: Point3 = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), forward: Point3 = (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), viewport: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, *, window: Window | None = None, ) -> _StaticCamera: """ Create a static camera from raw perspective data. Args: aspect: The aspect ratio fov: The field of view near: The near plane far: The far plane zoom: The zoom level position: The position of the camera up: The up vector forward: The forward vector viewport: The viewport window: The window """ view = generate_view_matrix(CameraData(position, up, forward, zoom)) proj = generate_perspective_matrix(PerspectiveProjectionData(aspect, fov, near, far), zoom) return _StaticCamera( view, proj, viewport, window=window, project_method=project_perspective, unproject_method=unproject_perspective, )
[docs] def static_from_matrices( view: Mat4, projection: Mat4, viewport: tuple[int, int, int, int] | None, *, window: Window | None = None, project_method: Callable[[Point, tuple[int, int, int, int], Mat4, Mat4], Vec2] | None = None, unproject_method: Callable[[Point, tuple[int, int, int, int], Mat4, Mat4], Vec3] | None = None, ) -> _StaticCamera: """ Create a static camera from raw matrices. Args: view: The view matrix projection: The projection matrix viewport: The viewport window: The window project_method: The project method unproject_method: The unproject method """ return _StaticCamera( view, projection, viewport, window=window, project_method=project_method, unproject_method=unproject_method, )