Source code for arcade.draw.arc

import math

from arcade import gl
from arcade.math import rotate_point
from arcade.types import RGBOrA255

from .helpers import _generic_draw_line_strip

[docs] def draw_arc_filled( center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: RGBOrA255, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, tilt_angle: float = 0, num_segments: int = 128, ) -> None: """ Draw a filled in arc. Useful for drawing pie-wedges, or Pac-Man. Args: center_x: x position that is the center of the arc. center_y: y position that is the center of the arc. width: width of the arc. height: height of the arc. color: A 3 or 4 length tuple of 0-255 channel values or a :py:class:`.Color` instance. start_angle: start angle of the arc in degrees. end_angle: end angle of the arc in degrees. tilt_angle: angle the arc is tilted (clockwise). num_segments: Number of line segments used to draw arc. """ unrotated_point_list = [(0.0, 0.0)] start_segment = int(start_angle / 360 * num_segments) end_segment = int(end_angle / 360 * num_segments) for segment in range(start_segment, end_segment + 1): theta = 2.0 * 3.1415926 * segment / num_segments x = width * math.cos(theta) / 2 y = height * math.sin(theta) / 2 unrotated_point_list.append((x, y)) if tilt_angle == 0: uncentered_point_list = unrotated_point_list else: uncentered_point_list = [ rotate_point(point[0], point[1], 0, 0, tilt_angle) for point in unrotated_point_list ] point_list = [(point[0] + center_x, point[1] + center_y) for point in uncentered_point_list] _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list, color, gl.TRIANGLE_FAN)
[docs] def draw_arc_outline( center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float, height: float, color: RGBOrA255, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, border_width: float = 1, tilt_angle: float = 0, num_segments: int = 128, ) -> None: """ Draw the outside edge of an arc. Useful for drawing curved lines. Args: center_x: x position that is the center of the arc. center_y: y position that is the center of the arc. width: width of the arc. height: height of the arc. color: A 3 or 4 length tuple of 0-255 channel values or a :py:class:`.Color` instance. start_angle: Start angle of the arc in degrees. end_angle: End angle of the arc in degrees. border_width: width of line in pixels. tilt_angle: Angle the arc is tilted (clockwise). num_segments: Number of triangle segments that make up this circle. Higher is better quality, but slower render time. """ unrotated_point_list = [] start_segment = int(start_angle / 360 * num_segments) end_segment = int(end_angle / 360 * num_segments) inside_width = (width - border_width / 2) / 2 outside_width = (width + border_width / 2) / 2 inside_height = (height - border_width / 2) / 2 outside_height = (height + border_width / 2) / 2 for segment in range(start_segment, end_segment + 1): theta = 2.0 * math.pi * segment / num_segments x1 = inside_width * math.cos(theta) y1 = inside_height * math.sin(theta) x2 = outside_width * math.cos(theta) y2 = outside_height * math.sin(theta) unrotated_point_list.append((x1, y1)) unrotated_point_list.append((x2, y2)) if tilt_angle == 0: uncentered_point_list = unrotated_point_list else: uncentered_point_list = [ rotate_point(point[0], point[1], 0, 0, tilt_angle) for point in unrotated_point_list ] point_list = [(point[0] + center_x, point[1] + center_y) for point in uncentered_point_list] _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list, color, gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP)