Source code for arcade.draw.helpers

import array
import math

from arcade import gl
from arcade.types import Color, Point2, Point2List, RGBOrA255
from arcade.window_commands import get_window

[docs] def get_points_for_thick_line( start_x: float, start_y: float, end_x: float, end_y: float, line_width: float ) -> tuple[Point2, Point2, Point2, Point2]: """ Function used internally for Arcade. OpenGL draws triangles only, so a thick line must be two triangles that make up a rectangle. This calculates and returns those points. """ vector_x = start_x - end_x vector_y = start_y - end_y perpendicular_x = vector_y perpendicular_y = -vector_x length = math.sqrt(vector_x * vector_x + vector_y * vector_y) if length == 0: normal_x = 1.0 normal_y = 1.0 else: normal_x = perpendicular_x / length normal_y = perpendicular_y / length half_width = line_width / 2 shift_x = normal_x * half_width shift_y = normal_y * half_width r1_x = start_x + shift_x r1_y = start_y + shift_y r2_x = start_x - shift_x r2_y = start_y - shift_y r3_x = end_x + shift_x r3_y = end_y + shift_y r4_x = end_x - shift_x r4_y = end_y - shift_y return (r1_x, r1_y), (r2_x, r2_y), (r4_x, r4_y), (r3_x, r3_y)
def _generic_draw_line_strip( point_list: Point2List, color: RGBOrA255, mode: int = gl.LINE_STRIP ) -> None: """ Draw a line strip. A line strip is a set of continuously connected line segments. Args: point_list: List of points making up the line. Each point is in a list. So it is a list of lists. color: A color, specified as an RGBA tuple or a :py:class:`.Color` instance. """ # Fail if we don't have a window, context, or right GL abstractions window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx geometry = ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_geometry # type: ignore vertex_buffer = ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo # type: ignore color_buffer = ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_color # type: ignore program = ctx.line_vertex_shader # Validate and alpha-pad color, then expand to multi-vertex form since # this shader normalizes internally as if made to draw multicolor lines. rgba = Color.from_iterable(color) num_vertices = len(point_list) # Fail if it isn't a sized / sequence object # Translate Python objects into types Arcade's Buffer objects accept color_array = array.array("B", rgba * num_vertices) vertex_array = array.array("f", tuple(item for sublist in point_list for item in sublist)) geometry.num_vertices = num_vertices # Double buffer sizes until they can hold all our data goal_vertex_buffer_size = len(vertex_array) * 4 while goal_vertex_buffer_size > vertex_buffer.size: vertex_buffer.orphan(color_buffer.size * 2) color_buffer.orphan(color_buffer.size * 2) else: vertex_buffer.orphan() color_buffer.orphan() ctx.enable(ctx.BLEND) # Write data & render vertex_buffer.write(vertex_array) color_buffer.write(color_array) geometry.render(program, mode=mode) ctx.disable(ctx.BLEND)