from arcade import gl
from arcade.earclip import earclip
from arcade.types import Point2List, RGBOrA255
from .helpers import _generic_draw_line_strip, get_points_for_thick_line
def draw_polygon_filled(point_list: Point2List, color: RGBOrA255) -> None:
Draw a polygon that is filled in.
List of points making up the lines. Each point is
in a list. So it is a list of lists.
The color, specified in RGB or RGBA format.
triangle_points = earclip(point_list)
flattened_list = tuple(i for g in triangle_points for i in g)
_generic_draw_line_strip(flattened_list, color, gl.TRIANGLES)
def draw_polygon_outline(point_list: Point2List, color: RGBOrA255, line_width: float = 1.0) -> None:
Draw a polygon outline. Also known as a "line loop."
List of points making up the lines. Each point is
in a list. So it is a list of lists.
The color of the outline as an RGBA :py:class:`tuple` or
:py:class:`.Color` instance.
Width of the line in pixels.
# Convert to modifiable list & close the loop
new_point_list = list(point_list)
# Create a place to store the triangles we'll use to thicken the line
triangle_point_list = []
# This needs a lot of improvement
last_point = None
for point in new_point_list:
if last_point is not None:
# Calculate triangles, then re-order to link up the quad?
points = get_points_for_thick_line(*last_point, *point, line_width)
reordered_points = points[1], points[0], points[2], points[3]
last_point = point
# Use first two points of new list to close the loop
new_start, new_next = new_point_list[:2]
s_x, s_y = new_start
n_x, n_y = new_next
points = get_points_for_thick_line(s_x, s_y, n_x, n_y, line_width)
_generic_draw_line_strip(triangle_point_list, color, gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP)