Source code for arcade.draw.rect

from __future__ import annotations

import array

from arcade import gl
from arcade.color import WHITE
from arcade.math import rotate_point
from arcade.sprite import BasicSprite
from arcade.texture import Texture
from arcade.texture_atlas.base import TextureAtlasBase
from arcade.types import LBWH, LRBT, XYWH, Color, Point2List, Rect, RGBOrA255
from arcade.window_commands import get_window

from .helpers import _generic_draw_line_strip

[docs] def draw_texture_rect( texture: Texture, rect: Rect, *, color: Color = WHITE, angle=0.0, blend=True, alpha=255, pixelated=False, atlas: TextureAtlasBase | None = None, ) -> None: """ Draw a texture on a rectangle. Args: texture: The texture to draw. rect: Rectangle to draw the texture on. color: Color multiplier for the texture. Defaults to white. angle: Rotation of the texture in degrees. Defaults to zero. blend: If True, enable alpha blending. Defaults to True. alpha: Transparency of image. 0 is fully transparent, 255 (default) is fully opaque. atlas: The texture atlas the texture resides in. if not supplied the default texture atlas is used """ ctx = get_window().ctx # Clamp alpha to 0-255 alpha_normalized = max(0, min(255, alpha)) / 255.0 if blend: ctx.enable(ctx.BLEND) else: ctx.disable(ctx.BLEND) atlas = atlas or ctx.default_atlas program = ctx.sprite_program_single texture_id, _ = atlas.add(texture) if pixelated: atlas.texture.filter = gl.NEAREST, gl.NEAREST program.set_uniform_safe("uv_offset_bias", 0.0) else: atlas.texture.filter = gl.LINEAR, gl.LINEAR program.set_uniform_safe("uv_offset_bias", 1.0) atlas.texture.use(unit=0) atlas.use_uv_texture(unit=1) geometry = ctx.geometry_empty program["pos"] = rect.x, rect.y, 0 program["color"] = color.normalized program["size"] = rect.width, rect.height program["angle"] = angle program["texture_id"] = float(texture_id) program["spritelist_color"] = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha_normalized geometry.render(program, mode=gl.POINTS, vertices=1) if blend: ctx.disable(ctx.BLEND)
[docs] def draw_sprite( sprite: BasicSprite, *, blend: bool = True, alpha=255, pixelated=False, atlas: TextureAtlasBase | None = None, ) -> None: """ Draw a sprite. Args: sprite: The sprite to draw. blend: Draw the sprite with or without alpha blending alpha: Fade the sprite from completely transparent to opaque (range: 0 to 255) pixelated: If true the sprite will be render in pixelated style. Otherwise smooth/linear atlas: The texture atlas the texture resides in. if not supplied the default texture atlas is used """ draw_texture_rect( sprite.texture, rect=XYWH(sprite.center_x, sprite.center_y, sprite.width, sprite.height), color=sprite.color, angle=sprite._angle, blend=blend, alpha=alpha, pixelated=pixelated, atlas=atlas, )
[docs] def draw_sprite_rect( sprite: BasicSprite, rect: Rect, *, blend: bool = True, alpha=255, pixelated=False, atlas: TextureAtlasBase | None = None, ) -> None: """Draw a sprite. Args: sprite: The sprite to draw. rect: The location and size of the sprite blend: Draw the sprite with or without alpha blending alpha: Fade the sprite from completely transparent to opaque (range: 0 to 255) pixelated: If true the sprite will be render in pixelated style. Otherwise smooth/linear atlas: The texture atlas the texture resides in. if not supplied the default texture atlas is used """ draw_texture_rect( sprite.texture, rect=rect, color=sprite.color, angle=sprite._angle, blend=blend, alpha=alpha, pixelated=pixelated, atlas=atlas, )
[docs] def draw_lrbt_rectangle_outline( left: float, right: float, bottom: float, top: float, color: RGBOrA255, border_width: float = 1, ) -> None: """ Draw a rectangle by specifying left, right, bottom and top edges. Args: left: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. right: The x coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle. bottom: The y coordinate of the rectangle bottom. top: The y coordinate of the top of the rectangle. color: The outline color as an RGBA :py:class:`tuple`, RGB :py:class:`tuple`, or a :py:class:`.Color` instance. border_width: The width of the border in pixels. Defaults to one. Raises: ValueError: Raised if left > right or top < bottom. """ if left > right: raise ValueError("Left coordinate must be less than or equal to " "the right coordinate") if bottom > top: raise ValueError("Bottom coordinate must be less than or equal to " "the top coordinate") draw_rect_outline(LRBT(left, right, bottom, top), color, border_width)
[docs] def draw_lbwh_rectangle_outline( left: float, bottom: float, width: float, height: float, color: RGBOrA255, border_width: float = 1, ) -> None: """ Draw a rectangle extending from bottom left to top right Args: left: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. bottom: The y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle. width: The width of the rectangle. height: The height of the rectangle. color: The outline color as an RGBA :py:class:`tuple`, RGB :py:class:`tuple`, or a :py:class:`.Color` instance. border_width: The width of the border in pixels. Defaults to one. """ draw_rect_outline(LBWH(left, bottom, width, height), color, border_width)
[docs] def draw_lrbt_rectangle_filled( left: float, right: float, bottom: float, top: float, color: RGBOrA255 ) -> None: """ Draw a rectangle by specifying left, right, bottom and top edges. Args: left: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. right: The x coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle. bottom: The y coordinate of the rectangle bottom. top: The y coordinate of the top of the rectangle. color: The fill color as an RGBA :py:class:`tuple`, RGB :py:class:`tuple`, or a :py:class:`.Color` instance. Raises: ValueError: Raised if left > right or top < bottom. """ if left > right: raise ValueError( f"Left coordinate {left} must be less than or equal to the right coordinate {right}" ) if bottom > top: raise ValueError( f"Bottom coordinate {bottom} must be less than or equal to the top coordinate {top}" ) draw_rect_filled(LRBT(left, right, bottom, top), color)
[docs] def draw_lbwh_rectangle_filled( left: float, bottom: float, width: float, height: float, color: RGBOrA255 ) -> None: """ Draw a filled rectangle extending from bottom left to top right Args: left: The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. bottom: The y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle. width: The width of the rectangle. height: The height of the rectangle. color: The fill color as an RGBA :py:class:`tuple`, RGB :py:class:`tuple`, :py:class:`.Color` instance """ draw_rect_filled(LBWH(left, bottom, width, height), color)
[docs] def draw_rect_outline( rect: Rect, color: RGBOrA255, border_width: float = 1, tilt_angle: float = 0 ) -> None: """ Draw a rectangle outline. Args: rect: The rectangle to draw. a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` instance. color: The outline color as an RGBA :py:class:`tuple`, RGB :py:class:`tuple`, or :py:class:`.Color` instance. border_width: width of the lines, in pixels. tilt_angle: rotation of the rectangle. Defaults to zero (clockwise). """ HALF_BORDER = border_width / 2 # Extremely unrolled code below # fmt: off left = rect.left right = rect.right bottom = rect.bottom top = x = rect.x y = rect.y # o = outer, i = inner # # o_left, o_top o_right, o_top # +----------------------------------------+ # | i_left, i_top i_right, i_top | # | +----------------------------------+ | # | | | | # | | | | # | | | | # | +----------------------------------+ | # | i_left, i_bottom i_right , i_bottom | # +----------------------------------------+ # o_left, o_bottom o_right, o_bottom i_left = left + HALF_BORDER i_bottom = bottom + HALF_BORDER i_right = right - HALF_BORDER i_top = top - HALF_BORDER o_left = left - HALF_BORDER o_bottom = bottom - HALF_BORDER o_right = right + HALF_BORDER o_top = top + HALF_BORDER # Declared separately because the code below seems to break mypy point_list: Point2List # This is intentionally unrolled to minimize repacking tuples if tilt_angle == 0: point_list = ( (o_left , o_top ), (i_left , i_top ), (o_right , o_top ), (i_right , i_top ), (o_right , o_bottom), (i_right , i_bottom), (o_left , o_bottom), (i_left , i_bottom), (o_left , o_top ), (i_left , i_top ) ) else: point_list = ( rotate_point(o_left , o_top , x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(i_left , i_top , x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(o_right , o_top , x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(i_right , i_top , x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(o_right , o_bottom, x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(i_right , i_bottom, x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(o_left , o_bottom, x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(i_left , i_bottom, x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(o_left , o_top , x, y, tilt_angle), rotate_point(i_left , i_top , x, y, tilt_angle) ) # fmt: on _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list, color, gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP)
[docs] def draw_rect_filled(rect: Rect, color: RGBOrA255, tilt_angle: float = 0) -> None: """ Draw a filled-in rectangle. Args: rect: The rectangle to draw. a :py:class:`~arcade.Rect` instance. color: The fill color as an RGBA :py:class:`tuple`, RGB :py:class:`tuple`, or :py:class:`.Color` instance. tilt_angle: rotation of the rectangle (clockwise). Defaults to zero. """ # Fail if we don't have a window, context, or right GL abstractions window = get_window() ctx = window.ctx program = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_program # type: ignore geometry = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_geometry buffer = ctx.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_buffer # type: ignore # Validate & normalize to a pass the shader an RGBA float uniform color_normalized = Color.from_iterable(color).normalized ctx.enable(ctx.BLEND) # Pass data to the shader program["color"] = color_normalized program["shape"] = rect.width, rect.height, tilt_angle buffer.orphan() buffer.write(data=array.array("f", (rect.x, rect.y))) geometry.render(program, mode=ctx.POINTS, vertices=1) ctx.disable(ctx.BLEND)
# These might be "oddly specific" and also needs docstrings. Disabling or 3.0.0 # def draw_rect_outline_kwargs( # color: RGBAOrA255 = WHITE, border_width: int = 1, tilt_angle: float = 0, **kwargs: AsFloat # ) -> None: # rect = Rect.from_kwargs(**kwargs) # draw_rect_outline(rect, color, border_width, tilt_angle) # def draw_rect_filled_kwargs( # color: RGBAOrA255 = WHITE, tilt_angle: float = 0, **kwargs: AsFloat # ) -> None: # rect = Rect.from_kwargs(**kwargs) # draw_rect_filled(rect, color, tilt_angle)