Source code for arcade.gui.widgets.image

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import Union

from typing_extensions import override

from arcade import Texture
from arcade.gui import NinePatchTexture
from import Property, bind
from arcade.gui.surface import Surface
from arcade.gui.widgets import UIWidget

[docs] class UIImage(UIWidget): """UIWidget showing a texture. If no size given, the texture size is used. The UIImage supports rotation and alpha values, which only apply to the texture. Border, and background color are not affected by this. The size of the image is reduced when rotated to stay within bounce of the widget. Args: texture: Texture to show width: width of widget height: height of widget angle: angle of the texture in degrees alpha: alpha value of the texture, value between 0 and 255 **kwargs: passed to UIWidget """ texture = Property[Union[Texture, NinePatchTexture]]() """Texture to show""" alpha = Property(255) """Alpha value of the texture, value between 0 and 255. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully visible.""" angle = Property(0) """Angle of the texture in degrees. The image will be rotated around its center and fitted into the widget size.""" def __init__( self, *, texture: Union[Texture, NinePatchTexture], width: float | None = None, height: float | None = None, angle: int = 0, alpha: int = 255, **kwargs, ): self.texture = texture self.angle = angle self.alpha = alpha super().__init__( width=width if width else texture.width, height=height if height else texture.height, **kwargs, ) bind(self, "texture", self.trigger_render) bind(self, "alpha", self.trigger_full_render) bind(self, "angle", self.trigger_full_render)
[docs] @override def do_render(self, surface: Surface): """Render the stored texture in the size of the widget.""" if self.texture: self.prepare_render(surface) if self.angle == 0: surface.draw_texture( x=0, y=0, width=self.content_width, height=self.content_height, tex=self.texture, alpha=self.alpha, ) else: w = self.content_width h = self.content_height angle_radians = math.radians(self.angle) cos_value = abs(math.cos(angle_radians)) sin_value = abs(math.sin(angle_radians)) # # Calculate the minimum size of the rotated image # W = w·|cos φ| + h·|sin φ| w_rotated = w * cos_value + h * sin_value # H = w·|sin φ| + h·|cos φ| h_rotated = w * sin_value + h * cos_value # a = min(wo / W, ho / H) factor = min(w / w_rotated, h / h_rotated) # W′ = a·w w_fitted = factor * w # H′ = a·h h_fitted = factor * h draw_rect = self.content_rect.align_left(0).align_bottom(0) draw_rect = draw_rect.resize(w_fitted, h_fitted) surface.draw_texture( x=draw_rect.left, y=draw_rect.bottom, width=draw_rect.width, height=draw_rect.height, tex=self.texture, alpha=self.alpha, angle=self.angle, )