Shader / Program
- class Context, *, vertex_shader: str, fragment_shader: str | None = None, geometry_shader: str | None = None, tess_control_shader: str | None = None, tess_evaluation_shader: str | None = None, varyings: list[str] | None = None, varyings_capture_mode: str = 'interleaved')[source]
Compiled and linked shader program.
Currently supports
vertex shader
fragment shader
geometry shader
tessellation control shader
tessellation evaluation shader
Transform feedback also supported when output attributes names are passed in the varyings parameter.
The best way to create a program instance is through
- Parameters:
ctx – The context this program belongs to
vertex_shader (optional) – Vertex shader source
fragment_shader (optional) – Fragment shader source
geometry_shader (optional) – Geometry shader source
tess_control_shader (optional) – Tessellation control shader source
tess_evaluation_shader (optional) – Tessellation evaluation shader source
varyings (optional) – List of out attributes used in transform feedback.
varyings_capture_mode (optional) – The capture mode for transforms.
means all out attribute will be written to a single buffer."separate"
means each out attribute will be written separate buffers. Based on these settings the transform() method will accept a single buffer or a list of buffer.
- property out_attributes: list[str]
Out attributes names used in transform feedback.
Alias for varyings.
- property varyings_capture_mode: str
Get the capture more for transform feedback (single, multiple).
This is a read only property since capture mode can only be set before the program is linked.
- property geometry_input: int
The geometry shader’s input primitive type.
This an be compared with
etc. and is queried when the program is created.
- property geometry_output: int
The geometry shader’s output primitive type.
This an be compared with
etc. and is queried when the program is created.
- property geometry_vertices: int
The maximum number of vertices that can be emitted. This is queried when the program is created.
- delete()[source]
Destroy the underlying OpenGL resource.
Don’t use this unless you know exactly what you are doing.
- static delete_glo(ctx, prog_id)[source]
Deletes a program. This is normally called automatically when the program is garbage collected.
- Parameters:
ctx – The context this program belongs to
prog_id – The OpenGL resource id
- 🧙 self[item] Uniform | UniformBlock [source]
Get a uniform or uniform block
- 🧙 self[key] = value[source]
Set a uniform value.
program['color'] = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 program['mvp'] = projection @ view @ model
- Parameters:
key – The uniform name
value – The uniform value
- set_uniform_safe(name: str, value: Any)[source]
Safely set a uniform catching KeyError.
- Parameters:
name – The uniform name
value – The uniform value
- set_uniform_array_safe(name: str, value: list[Any])[source]
Safely set a uniform array.
Arrays can be shortened by the glsl compiler not all elements are determined to be in use. This function checks the length of the actual array and sets a subset of the values if needed. If the uniform don’t exist no action will be done.
- Parameters:
name – Name of uniform
value – List of values
- class Context, glsl_source: str)[source]
A higher level wrapper for an OpenGL compute shader.
- Parameters:
ctx – The context this shader belongs to.
glsl_source – The GLSL source code for the compute shader.
- run(group_x=1, group_y=1, group_z=1) None [source]
Run the compute shader.
When running a compute shader we specify how many work groups should be executed on the
dimension. The size of the work group is defined in the compute shader.// Work group with one dimension. 16 work groups executed. layout(local_size_x=16) in; // Work group with two dimensions. 256 work groups executed. layout(local_size_x=16, local_size_y=16) in; // Work group with three dimensions. 4096 work groups executed. layout(local_size_x=16, local_size_y=16, local_size_z=16) in;
Group sizes are
by default. If your compute shader doesn’t specify a size for a dimension or uses1
as size you don’t have to supply this parameter.- Parameters:
group_x – The number of work groups to be launched in the X dimension.
group_y – The number of work groups to be launched in the y dimension.
group_z – The number of work groups to be launched in the z dimension.
- 🧙 self[item] Uniform | UniformBlock [source]
Get a uniform or uniform block
- class, program_id, location, name, data_type, array_length)[source]
A Program uniform
- Parameters:
ctx – The context
program_id – The program id to which this uniform belongs
location – The uniform location
name – The uniform name
data_type – The data type of the uniform
array_length – The array length of the uniform
- property components: int
How many components for the uniform.
A vec4 will for example have 4 components.
- getter
- setter
- class int, index: int, size: int, name: str)[source]
Wrapper for a uniform block in shaders.
- Parameters:
glo – The OpenGL object handle
index – The index of the uniform block
size – The size of the uniform block
name – The name of the uniform
- glo
The OpenGL object handle
- index
The index of the uniform block
- size
The size of the uniform block
- name
The name of the uniform block
- class ArcadeGlContext, source: str, common: Iterable[str] | None, source_type: PyGLenum)[source]
GLSL source container for making source parsing simpler.
We support locating out attributes, applying
values and injecting common source.- Parameters:
ctx – The context this framebuffer belongs to
source – The GLSL source code
common – Common source code to inject
source_type – The shader type
- inject_common_sources(common: Iterable[str] | None) None [source]
Inject common source code into the shader source.
- Parameters:
common – A list of common source code strings to inject