
class Context, texture: Texture2D, *, filter: tuple[PyGLuint, PyGLuint] | None = None, wrap_x: PyGLuint | None = None, wrap_y: PyGLuint | None = None)[source]


OpenGL sampler object.

When bound to a texture unit it overrides all the sampling parameters of the texture channel.

property glo: int

The OpenGL sampler id

use(unit: int)[source]

Bind the sampler to a texture unit

clear(unit: int)[source]

Unbind the sampler from a texture unit

property filter: tuple[int, int]

Get or set the (min, mag) filter for this texture.

These are rules for how a texture interpolates. The filter is specified for minification and magnification.

Default value is LINEAR, LINEAR. Can be set to NEAREST, NEAREST for pixelated graphics.

When mipmapping is used the min filter needs to be one of the MIPMAP variants.

Accepted values:

# Enums can be accessed on the context or
NEAREST                # Nearest pixel
LINEAR                 # Linear interpolate
NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST # Minification filter for mipmaps
LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST  # Minification filter for mipmaps
NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR  # Minification filter for mipmaps
LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR   # Minification filter for mipmaps

Also see

property wrap_x: int

Get or set the horizontal wrapping of the texture.

This decides how textures are read when texture coordinates are outside the [0.0, 1.0] area. Default value is REPEAT.

Valid options are:

# Note: Enums can also be accessed in
# Repeat pixels on the y axis
texture.wrap_x = ctx.REPEAT
# Repeat pixels on the y axis mirrored
texture.wrap_x = ctx.MIRRORED_REPEAT
# Repeat the edge pixels when reading outside the texture
texture.wrap_x = ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE
# Use the border color (black by default) when reading outside the texture
texture.wrap_x = ctx.CLAMP_TO_BORDER
property wrap_y: int

Get or set the horizontal wrapping of the texture.

This decides how textures are read when texture coordinates are outside the [0.0, 1.0] area. Default value is REPEAT.

Valid options are:

# Note: Enums can also be accessed in
# Repeat pixels on the x axis
texture.wrap_x = ctx.REPEAT
# Repeat pixels on the x axis mirrored
texture.wrap_x = ctx.MIRRORED_REPEAT
# Repeat the edge pixels when reading outside the texture
texture.wrap_x = ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE
# Use the border color (black by default) when reading outside the texture
texture.wrap_x = ctx.CLAMP_TO_BORDER
property anisotropy: float

Get or set the anisotropy for this texture.

property compare_func: str | None

Get or set the compare function for a depth texture:

texture.compare_func = None  # Disable depth comparison completely
texture.compare_func = '<='  # GL_LEQUAL
texture.compare_func = '<'   # GL_LESS
texture.compare_func = '>='  # GL_GEQUAL
texture.compare_func = '>'   # GL_GREATER
texture.compare_func = '=='  # GL_EQUAL
texture.compare_func = '!='  # GL_NOTEQUAL
texture.compare_func = '0'   # GL_NEVER
texture.compare_func = '1'   # GL_ALWAYS
static delete_glo(glo: int) None[source]

Delete the OpenGL object