Contributing To Arcade

We would love to have you contribute to the project!

Arcade’s powerful features and documentation couldn’t exist without help and contributions from users like you.

Contributing Code

If you are interested in contributing code, please check out the Github Contributing Guide

I Can’t Code Yet

Even as a complete beginner, there are several ways you can help.

Tell Us About Documentation Issues

Let us know if anything’s off or hard to follow about this documentation.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve started the platformer tutorial or just happen to be looking around. Let us know if anything looks off.

The best ways to report it are via Discord or the Arcade GitHub repository, but we also have other Community Locations.

To be clear, all of the following are worth reporting:

  • Accessibility issues such as poor contrast or readability

  • Mistakes in spelling or grammar mistakes

  • Poorly written or hard to read material

  • Incorrect or outdated information

  • Odd behavior in styles or UI

  • Broken links

Play Games made with Arcade

Arcade users often participate in game jams. Helping them is as easy as:

  1. Playing their games

  2. Providing feedback via the game jam’s comments

That includes reporting bugs on their projects to help them improve.

Create Art, Music, and Sound

If you’re an artist or a musician, you can build your skills through game jams or game asset communities.

Report Bugs

If you see something weird, let the devs know!

Whether it’s via GitHub or the Arcade Discord, even a simple screenshot or video capture can help us make Arcade better. This includes:

  • Crashes on launch or any other time

  • Odd behavior in Arcade’s examples

  • Functions not working correctly

Excellent Bug Reports

The best bug reports are specific and repeatable.

The following steps helps us fix bugs faster by making it easier to find the source of the problem.

  1. Note your Python and Arcade versions

  2. Try to figure out when and how to make the bug happen

    • Remember: this can be hard, and that’s okay

    • If you can’t put it into words, any of the following can help!

      • Screenshots or video recordings

      • Error traceback

      • Example code that makes the problem happen

  3. Search the GitHub Issue List for anything similar

    • If it exists, comment

    • If not, post a new one

Don’t worry too much about posting duplicates. We can always cross-reference issues if it’s a duplicate. If you’re unsure, you can always ask on Discord.