Own Layout

Creating your own layouts is the master class of creating own widgets. It allows you to create custom layouts that can be used in your application to position widgets.

General use cases for own layouts are:

  • Create a layout that positions widgets in a specific way, like in a circle.

  • Animate widgets in a specific way, like a carousel.

Where to start

To create your own layout, you need to create a new class that inherits from arcade.gui.UILayout.

The main method you need to implement is:

Widgets added to the layout are accessible via the arcade.gui.UILayout._children attribute, which is a list of all added widgets with the parameter provided when added.

Children should be placed within the bounds of the layout. And should respect size_hint, size_hint_min and size_hint_max of the children.

It also provides a great user experience when you provide custom docs for the arcade.gui.UIWidget.add() method. So the user knows how to add widgets to your layout and which parameter are supported.

In the following example, we will create a layout that positions widgets in a circle and slowly rotating them.

Example CircleLayout

"""Example of creating a custom progress bar.

This example shows how to create a custom layout.

The layout will place the widgets in a rotating circle around the center of the screen.

If Arcade and Python are properly installed, you can run this example with:
python -m arcade.examples.gui.own_layout

from __future__ import annotations

from math import cos, sin
from typing import TypeVar

import arcade
from arcade.gui import UIAnchorLayout, UIFlatButton, UILayout, UIView, UIWidget

W = TypeVar("W", bound="UIWidget")

class CircleLayout(UILayout):
    """A custom progress bar widget.

    A UIAnchorLayout is a layout that arranges its children in a specific way.
    The actual bar is a UISpace that fills the parent widget from left to right.

    def __init__(self, size_hint=(1, 1), **kwargs):
        super().__init__(size_hint=size_hint, **kwargs)
        self._time = 0  # used for rotation

    def add(self, child: W, **kwargs) -> W:
        """Add a widget to the layout.

        The widget is placed in a circle around the center of the screen.
        return super().add(child, **kwargs)

    def do_layout(self):
        """Layout the children in a circle around the center of the screen."""
        if not self._children:

        # handle the size hints of the children
        for child in self.children:

        # calculate the radius, so that the children are placed inside the parent widget
        max_child_width = max(child.content_width for child in self.children)
        max_child_height = max(child.content_height for child in self.children)
        radius = (
            min(self.content_width - max_child_width, self.content_height - max_child_height) / 2

        for i, child in enumerate(self.children):
            angle = i / len(self.children) * 2 * 3.1415
            # add rotation based on time
            angle += self._time * 0.08
            center_x = self.center_x + radius * cos(angle)
            center_y = self.center_y + radius * sin(angle)

            new_rect = child.rect.align_center((center_x, center_y))
            child.rect = new_rect

    def _resize_child(self, child: UIWidget):
        """Resizes the child based on the size_hint, size_hint_min, and size_hint_max."""
        new_child_rect = child.rect

        sh_w, sh_h = child.size_hint or (None, None)
        shmn_w, shmn_h = child.size_hint_min or (None, None)
        shmx_w, shmx_h = child.size_hint_max or (None, None)

        if sh_w is not None:
            new_child_rect = new_child_rect.resize(width=self.content_width * sh_w)

            if shmn_w:
                new_child_rect = new_child_rect.min_size(width=shmn_w)
            if shmx_w:
                new_child_rect = new_child_rect.max_size(width=shmx_w)

        if sh_h is not None:
            new_child_rect = new_child_rect.resize(height=self.content_height * sh_h)

            if shmn_h:
                new_child_rect = new_child_rect.min_size(height=shmn_h)
            if shmx_h:
                new_child_rect = new_child_rect.max_size(height=shmx_h)

        child.rect = new_child_rect

    def on_update(self, dt):
        self._time += dt

class MyView(UIView):
    def __init__(self):
        self.background_color = arcade.uicolor.BLUE_BELIZE_HOLE

        root = self.ui.add(UIAnchorLayout())

        # Create a custom layout
        self.circle_layout = root.add(CircleLayout(size_hint=(0.8, 0.8)))

        # Add buttons to the layout
        for i in range(8):
                    text=f"Button {i}",
                    size_hint=(0.1, 0.1),

def main():
    window = arcade.Window(title="GUI Example: CircleLayout")

if __name__ == "__main__":