Source code for arcade.gui.widgets.slider

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union, Mapping

from pyglet.event import EVENT_UNHANDLED

import arcade
from arcade.math import get_distance
from arcade.types import Color, RGBA255
from arcade.gui import (
from import UIOnChangeEvent
from import Property, bind
from import UIStyleBase, UIStyledWidget

[docs] @dataclass class UISliderStyle(UIStyleBase): """ Used to style the slider for different states. Below is its use case. .. code:: py button = UITextureButton(style={"normal": UITextureButton.UIStyle(...),}) """ bg: RGBA255 = Color(94, 104, 117) border: RGBA255 = Color(77, 81, 87) border_width: int = 1 filled_bar: RGBA255 = Color(50, 50, 50) unfilled_bar: RGBA255 = Color(116, 125, 123)
[docs] class UISlider(UIStyledWidget[UISliderStyle]): """ A simple horizontal slider. The value of the slider can be set by moving the cursor(indicator). There are four states of the UISlider i.e normal, hovered, pressed and disabled. :param value: Current value of the curosr of the slider. :param min_value: Minimum value of the slider. :param max_value: Maximum value of the slider. :param x: x coordinate of bottom left. :param y: y coordinate of bottom left. :param width: Width of the slider. :param height: Height of the slider. :param Mapping[str, "UISlider.UIStyle"] | None style: Used to style the slider for different states. """ value = Property(0) hovered = Property(False) pressed = Property(False) disabled = Property(False) UIStyle = UISliderStyle DEFAULT_STYLE = { "normal": UIStyle(), "hover": UIStyle( bg=Color(96, 103, 112), border=Color(77, 81, 87), border_width=2, filled_bar=Color(50, 50, 50), unfilled_bar=Color(116, 125, 123), ), "press": UIStyle( bg=Color(96, 103, 112), border=Color(77, 81, 87), border_width=3, filled_bar=Color(50, 50, 50), unfilled_bar=Color(116, 125, 123), ), "disabled": UIStyle( bg=Color(94, 104, 117), border=Color(77, 81, 87), border_width=1, filled_bar=Color(50, 50, 50), unfilled_bar=Color(116, 125, 123), ) } def __init__( self, *, value: float = 0, min_value: float = 0, max_value: float = 100, x: float = 0, y: float = 0, width: float = 300, height: float = 20, size_hint=None, size_hint_min=None, size_hint_max=None, style: Union[Mapping[str, UISliderStyle], None] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, size_hint=size_hint, size_hint_min=size_hint_min, size_hint_max=size_hint_max, style=style or UISlider.DEFAULT_STYLE, **kwargs, ) self.value = value self.vmin = min_value self.vmax = max_value self.cursor_radius = self.height // 3 # trigger render on value changes bind(self, "value", self.trigger_full_render) bind(self, "hovered", self.trigger_render) bind(self, "pressed", self.trigger_render) bind(self, "disabled", self.trigger_render) self.register_event_type("on_change")
[docs] def get_current_state(self) -> str: """Returns the current state of the slider i.e disabled, press, hover or normal.""" if self.disabled: return "disabled" elif self.pressed: return "press" elif self.hovered: return "hover" else: return "normal"
def _x_for_value(self, value: float): x = self.content_rect.x nval = (value - self.vmin) / self.vmax return ( x + self.cursor_radius + nval * (self.content_width - 2 * self.cursor_radius) ) @property def norm_value(self): """Normalized value between 0.0 and 1.0""" return (self.value - self.vmin) / self.vmax @norm_value.setter def norm_value(self, value): """Normalized value between 0.0 and 1.0""" self.value = min(value * (self.vmax - self.vmin) + self.vmin, self.vmax) @property def value_x(self): """Returns the current value of the cursor of the slider.""" return self._x_for_value(self.value) @value_x.setter def value_x(self, nx): cr = self.content_rect x = min(cr.right - self.cursor_radius, max(nx, cr.x + self.cursor_radius)) if self.width == 0: self.norm_value = 0 else: self.norm_value = (x - cr.x - self.cursor_radius) / float( self.content_width - 2 * self.cursor_radius )
[docs] def do_render(self, surface: Surface): style = self.get_current_style() self.prepare_render(surface) # TODO accept constructor params slider_height = self.content_height // 4 cursor_radius = self.cursor_radius slider_left_x = self._x_for_value(self.vmin) slider_right_x = self._x_for_value(self.vmax) cursor_center_x = self.value_x slider_bottom = (self.content_height - slider_height) // 2 slider_center_y = self.content_height // 2 # slider bg_slider_color = style.get("unfilled_bar", UISlider.UIStyle.unfilled_bar) fg_slider_color = style.get("filled_bar", UISlider.UIStyle.filled_bar) arcade.draw_xywh_rectangle_filled( slider_left_x - self.content_rect.x, slider_bottom, slider_right_x - slider_left_x, slider_height, bg_slider_color, ) arcade.draw_xywh_rectangle_filled( slider_left_x - self.content_rect.x, slider_bottom, cursor_center_x - slider_left_x, slider_height, fg_slider_color, ) # cursor border_width = style.get("border_width", UISlider.UIStyle.border_width) cursor_color = style.get("bg", cursor_outline_color = style.get("border", UISlider.UIStyle.border) rel_cursor_x = cursor_center_x - self.content_rect.x arcade.draw_circle_filled( rel_cursor_x, slider_center_y, cursor_radius, cursor_color ) arcade.draw_circle_filled( rel_cursor_x, slider_center_y, cursor_radius // 4, cursor_outline_color ) arcade.draw_circle_outline( rel_cursor_x, slider_center_y, cursor_radius, cursor_outline_color, border_width, )
def _cursor_pos(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self.value_x, int(self.y + self.height // 2) def _is_on_cursor(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool: cursor_center_x, cursor_center_y = self._cursor_pos() cursor_radius = self.cursor_radius distance_to_cursor = get_distance(x, y, cursor_center_x, cursor_center_y) return distance_to_cursor <= cursor_radius
[docs] def on_event(self, event: UIEvent) -> Optional[bool]: if isinstance(event, UIMouseMovementEvent): self.hovered = self._is_on_cursor(event.x, event.y) if isinstance(event, UIMouseDragEvent): if self.pressed: old_value = self.value self.value_x = event.x self.dispatch_event("on_change", UIOnChangeEvent(self, old_value, self.value)) # type: ignore if isinstance(event, UIMousePressEvent): if self._is_on_cursor(event.x, event.y): self.pressed = True if isinstance(event, UIMouseReleaseEvent): self.pressed = False return EVENT_UNHANDLED
[docs] def on_change(self, event: UIOnChangeEvent): """To be implemented by the user, triggered when the cursor's value is changed.""" pass