Source code for arcade.perf_info

Utility functions to keep performance information

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from collections import deque

import pyglet

# Evil globals
_timings: dict[str, deque[float]] = {}
_pyglets_dispatch_event = None
_frame_times: deque = deque()
_max_history: int = 100

__all__ = [

def _dispatch_event(self, *args) -> None:
    This function will be monkey-patched over Pyglet's dispatch event function.
    # Name of the dispatched event, like 'on_draw'
    name = args[0]

    # Start the clock, and keep the time if this is on_draw for FPS calcs.
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    if name == "on_draw":

    # Call Pyglet's dispatch event function
    if _pyglets_dispatch_event is not None:
        _pyglets_dispatch_event(self, *args)

    # Stop the clock
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    processing_time = end_time - start_time

    # Get the historical list of timings, or create one if we don't have it.
    if name in _timings:
        data = _timings[name]
        data = deque()
        _timings[name] = data

    # Add out time to the list

    # Past out history limit? Pop off the first one on the list
    if len(data) > _max_history:

[docs] def clear_timings() -> None: """ Reset the count & average time for each event type to zero. Performance tracking must be enabled with :func:`arcade.enable_timings` before calling this function. See :ref:`performance_statistics_example` for an example of how to use function. """ global _timings _timings = {}
[docs] def get_timings() -> dict[str, deque[float]]: """ Get a dict of the current dispatch event timings. Performance tracking must be enabled with :func:`arcade.enable_timings` before calling this function. :return: A dict of event timing data, consisting of counts and average handler duration. """ return _timings
[docs] def enable_timings(max_history: int = 100) -> None: """ Enable recording of performance information. This function must be called before using any other performance features, except for :func:`arcade.timings_enabled`, which can be called at any time. See :ref:`performance_statistics_example` for an example of how to use function. Args: max_history: How many frames to keep performance info for. """ global _pyglets_dispatch_event, _max_history if pyglet.window.BaseWindow.dispatch_event == _dispatch_event: raise ValueError("Timings already enabled.") # Save the original pyglet dispatch event function _pyglets_dispatch_event = pyglet.window.BaseWindow.dispatch_event # Override the pyglet dispatch event function pyglet.window.BaseWindow.dispatch_event = _dispatch_event # type: ignore _max_history = max_history
[docs] def disable_timings() -> None: """ Disable collection of timing information. Performance tracking must be enabled with :func:`arcade.enable_timings` before calling this function. """ if pyglet.window.BaseWindow.dispatch_event != _dispatch_event: raise ValueError("Timings are not enabled.") # Restore the original pyglet dispatch event function pyglet.window.BaseWindow.dispatch_event = _pyglets_dispatch_event # type: ignore clear_timings()
[docs] def get_fps(frame_count: int = 60) -> float: """ Get the FPS over the last ``frame_count`` frames. Performance tracking must be enabled with :func:`arcade.enable_timings` before calling this function. To get the FPS over the last 30 frames, you would pass 30 instead of the default 60. See :ref:`performance_statistics_example` for an example of how to use function. Args: frame_count: How many frames to calculate the FPS over. """ cur_time = time.perf_counter() if len(_frame_times) == 0: return 0 if len(_frame_times) < frame_count: frame_count = len(_frame_times) start_time = _frame_times[-frame_count] total_time = cur_time - start_time fps = frame_count / total_time return fps
[docs] def timings_enabled() -> bool: """ Return true if timings are enabled, false otherwise. This function can be used at any time to check if timings are enabled. See :func:`arcade.enable_timings` for more information. :return: Whether timings are currently enabled. """ return pyglet.window.BaseWindow.dispatch_event == _dispatch_event