Source code for arcade.texture.generate

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Optional

import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageOps
import PIL.ImageDraw

from arcade.types import RGBA255
from arcade.math import lerp
from arcade.color import TRANSPARENT_BLACK
from arcade.hitbox import HitBoxAlgorithm
from arcade import cache
from .texture import Texture, ImageData

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def make_circle_texture( diameter: int, color: RGBA255, name: Optional[str] = None, hitbox_algorithm: Optional[HitBoxAlgorithm] = None, ) -> Texture: """ Return a Texture of a circle with the given diameter and color. :param diameter: Diameter of the circle and dimensions of the square :class:`Texture` returned. :param color: Color of the circle as a :py:class:`~arcade.types.Color` instance a 3 or 4 tuple. :param name: Custom or pre-chosen name for this texture :returns: New :class:`Texture` object. """ name = name or cache.crate_str_from_values( "circle_texture", diameter, color[0], color[1], color[2] ) bg_color = TRANSPARENT_BLACK # fully transparent img ="RGBA", (diameter, diameter), bg_color) draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.ellipse((0, 0, diameter - 1, diameter - 1), fill=color) return Texture(ImageData(img, hash=name), hit_box_algorithm=hitbox_algorithm)
[docs] def make_soft_circle_texture( diameter: int, color: RGBA255, center_alpha: int = 255, outer_alpha: int = 0, name: Optional[str] = None, hit_box_algorithm: Optional[HitBoxAlgorithm] = None, ) -> Texture: """ Return a :class:`Texture` of a circle with the given diameter and color, fading out at its edges. :param diameter: Diameter of the circle and dimensions of the square :class:`Texture` returned. :param color: Color of the circle as a 4-length tuple or :py:class:`~arcade.types.Color` instance. :param center_alpha: Alpha value of the circle at its center. :param outer_alpha: Alpha value of the circle at its edges. :param name: Custom or pre-chosen name for this texture :param hit_box_algorithm: The hit box algorithm :returns: New :class:`Texture` object. """ # Name must be unique for caching name = cache.crate_str_from_values( "soft_circle_texture", diameter, color[0], color[1], color[2], center_alpha, outer_alpha, ) bg_color = TRANSPARENT_BLACK img ="RGBA", (diameter, diameter), bg_color) draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img) max_radius = int(diameter // 2) center = max_radius for radius in range(max_radius, 0, -1): alpha = int(lerp(center_alpha, outer_alpha, radius / max_radius)) clr = (color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha) draw.ellipse( ( center - radius, center - radius, center + radius - 1, center + radius - 1, ), fill=clr, ) return Texture(ImageData(img, name), hit_box_algorithm=hit_box_algorithm)
[docs] def make_soft_square_texture( size: int, color: RGBA255, center_alpha: int = 255, outer_alpha: int = 0, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Texture: """ Return a :class:`Texture` of a square with the given diameter and color, fading out at its edges. :param size: Diameter of the square and dimensions of the square Texture returned. :param color: Color of the square. :param center_alpha: Alpha value of the square at its center. :param outer_alpha: Alpha value of the square at its edges. :param name: Custom or pre-chosen name for this texture :returns: New :class:`Texture` object. """ # Build name used for caching name = name or cache.crate_str_from_values( "gradient-square", size, color, center_alpha, outer_alpha ) # Generate the soft square image bg_color = TRANSPARENT_BLACK img ="RGBA", (size, size), bg_color) draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img) half_size = int(size // 2) for cur_size in range(0, half_size): alpha = int(lerp(outer_alpha, center_alpha, cur_size / half_size)) clr = (color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha) draw.rectangle( (cur_size, cur_size, size - cur_size, size - cur_size), clr, None ) return Texture(img, name=name)