Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import arcade
import arcade.cache
from .texture import ImageData, Texture
from arcade.types import IPoint
from arcade import cache

_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = (128, 128)

[docs] def cleanup_texture_cache(): """ This cleans up the cache of textures. Useful when running unit tests so that the next test starts clean. """ cache.texture_cache.clear() arcade.cache.image_data_cache.clear()
[docs] def get_default_texture(size: IPoint = _DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE) -> Texture: """ Creates and returns a default texture and caches it internally for future use. :param size: Size of the texture to create :return: The default texture. """ global _DEFAULT_TEXTURE if _DEFAULT_TEXTURE: return _DEFAULT_TEXTURE _DEFAULT_TEXTURE = Texture( get_default_image(size), hit_box_algorithm=arcade.hitbox.algo_bounding_box, ) return _DEFAULT_TEXTURE
[docs] def get_default_image(size: IPoint = _DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE) -> ImageData: """ Generates and returns a default image and caches it internally for future use. :param size: Size of the image to create. :return: The default image. """ name = f"arcade-default-texture|{size}" image_data = cache.image_data_cache.get(name) if image_data: return image_data w, h = size im ="RGBA", (w, h), arcade.color.BLACK) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) draw.rectangle(((0, 0), (w // 2 - 1, h // 2 - 1)), arcade.color.MAGENTA) # Upper left draw.rectangle(((w // 2, h // 2), (w, h)), arcade.color.MAGENTA) # Lower right image_data = ImageData(im, hash=name) cache.image_data_cache.put(name, image_data) return image_data
if __name__ == "__main__": get_default_texture()