Source code for arcade.window_commands

This submodule has functions that control opening, closing, rendering, and otherwise managing windows.
It also has commands for scheduling pauses and scheduling interval functions.

from __future__ import annotations

import gc
import time
import os

import pyglet

from typing import (
from arcade.types import RGBA255, Color

    from arcade import Window

_window: Optional["Window"] = None

__all__ = [

[docs] def get_display_size(screen_id: int = 0) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Return the width and height of a monitor. The size of the primary monitor is returned by default. :param screen_id: The screen number :return: Tuple containing the width and height of the screen """ display = pyglet.canvas.Display() screen = display.get_screens()[screen_id] return screen.width, screen.height
[docs] def pause(seconds: float) -> None: """ Pause for the specified number of seconds. This is a convenience function that just calls time.sleep(). .. Warning:: This is mostly used for unit tests and is not likely to be a good solution for pausing an application or game. :param seconds: Time interval to pause in seconds. """ time.sleep(cast(float, seconds))
[docs] def get_window() -> "Window": """ Return a handle to the current window. :return: Handle to the current window. """ if _window is None: raise RuntimeError( ( "No window is active. " "It has not been created yet, or it was closed." ) ) return _window
[docs] def set_window(window: Optional["Window"]) -> None: """ Set a handle to the current window. :param window: Handle to the current window. """ global _window _window = window
[docs] def set_viewport(left: float, right: float, bottom: float, top: float) -> None: """ This sets what coordinates the window will cover. .. tip:: Beginners will want to use :py:class:`~arcade.Camera`. It provides easy to use support for common tasks such as screen shake and movement to a destination. If you are making a game with complex control over the viewport, this function can help. By default, the lower left coordinate will be ``(0, 0)``, the top y coordinate will be the height of the window in pixels, and the right x coordinate will be the width of the window in pixels. .. warning:: Be careful of fractional or non-multiple values! It is recommended to only set the viewport to integer values that line up with the pixels on the screen. Otherwise, tiled pixel art may not line up well during render, creating rectangle artifacts. .. note:: :py:meth:`Window.on_resize <arcade.Window.on_resize>` calls ``set_viewport`` by default. If you want to set your own custom viewport during the game, you may need to override the :py:meth:`Window.on_resize <arcade.Window.on_resize>` method. .. note:: For more advanced users This functions sets the orthogonal projection used by shapes and sprites. It also updates the viewport to match the current screen resolution. ``window.ctx.projection_2d`` (:py:meth:`~arcade.ArcadeContext.projection_2d`) and ``window.ctx.viewport`` (:py:meth:``) can be used to set viewport and projection separately. :param left: Left-most (smallest) x value. :param right: Right-most (largest) x value. :param bottom: Bottom (smallest) y value. :param top: Top (largest) y value. """ window = get_window() # Get the active framebuffer fbo = window.ctx.fbo # If the framebuffer is the default one (aka. window framebuffer) # we can't trust its size and need to get that from the window. # This is because the default framebuffer is only introspected # during context creation and it doesn't update size internally # when the window is resizing. if fbo.is_default: fbo.viewport = 0, 0, window.width, window.height # Otherwise it's an offscreen framebuffer and we can trust the size else: fbo.viewport = 0, 0, *fbo.size window.ctx.projection_2d = left, right, bottom, top
[docs] def close_window() -> None: """ Closes the current window, and then runs garbage collection. The garbage collection is necessary to prevent crashing when opening/closing windows rapidly (usually during unit tests). """ global _window if _window is None: return _window.close() _window = None # Have to do a garbage collection or Python will crash # if we do a lot of window open and closes. Like for # unit tests. gc.collect()
[docs] def run(): """ Run the main loop. After the window has been set up, and the event hooks are in place, this is usually one of the last commands on the main program. This is a blocking function starting pyglet's event loop meaning it will start to dispatch events such as ``on_draw`` and ``on_update``. """ window = get_window() # Used in some unit test if os.environ.get('ARCADE_TEST'): window.on_update(window._update_rate) window.on_draw() elif window.headless: # We are entering headless more an will emulate an event loop import time # Ensure the initial delta time is not 0 to be # more in line with how a normal window works. delta_time = window._draw_rate last_time = time.perf_counter() # As long as we have a context -- while window.context: # Select active view or window active = window.current_view or window active.on_update(delta_time) if window.context: active.on_draw() # windwow could be closed in on_draw if window.context: window.flip() now = time.perf_counter() delta_time, last_time = now - last_time, now else: import sys if sys.platform != 'win32': # For non windows platforms, just do pyglet run else: # Ok, some Windows platforms have a timer resolution > 15 ms. That can # drop our FPS to 32 FPS or so. This reduces resolution so we can keep # FPS up. import contextlib import ctypes from ctypes import wintypes winmm = ctypes.WinDLL('winmm') class TIMECAPS(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = (('wPeriodMin', wintypes.UINT), ('wPeriodMax', wintypes.UINT)) def _check_time_err(err, func, args): if err: raise WindowsError('%s error %d' % (func.__name__, err)) return args winmm.timeGetDevCaps.errcheck = _check_time_err winmm.timeBeginPeriod.errcheck = _check_time_err winmm.timeEndPeriod.errcheck = _check_time_err @contextlib.contextmanager def timer_resolution(msecs=0): caps = TIMECAPS() winmm.timeGetDevCaps(ctypes.byref(caps), ctypes.sizeof(caps)) msecs = min(max(msecs, caps.wPeriodMin), caps.wPeriodMax) winmm.timeBeginPeriod(msecs) yield winmm.timeEndPeriod(msecs) with timer_resolution(msecs=10):
[docs] def exit() -> None: """ Exits the application. """
[docs] def start_render() -> None: """ Clears the window. More practical alternatives to this function is :py:meth:`arcade.Window.clear` or :py:meth:`arcade.View.clear`. """ get_window().clear()
[docs] def finish_render(): """ Swap buffers and displays what has been drawn. .. Warning:: If you are extending the :py:class:`~arcade.Window` class, this function should not be called. The event loop will automatically swap the window framebuffer for you after ``on_draw``. """ get_window().static_display = True get_window().flip_count = 0 get_window().flip()
[docs] def set_background_color(color: RGBA255) -> None: """ Set the color :py:meth:`arcade.Window.clear()` will use when clearing the window. This only needs to be called when the background color changes. .. Note:: A shorter and faster way to set background color is using :py:attr:`arcade.Window.background_color`. Examples:: # Use Arcade's built in color values arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.AMAZON) # Specify RGB value directly (red) arcade.set_background_color((255, 0, 0)) :param RGBA255: List of 3 or 4 values in RGB/RGBA format. """ get_window().background_color = Color.from_iterable(color)
[docs] def schedule(function_pointer: Callable, interval: float): """ Schedule a function to be automatically called every ``interval`` seconds. The function/callable needs to take a delta time argument similar to ``on_update``. This is a float representing the number of seconds since it was scheduled or called. A function can be scheduled multiple times, but this is not recommended. .. Warning:: Scheduled functions should **always** be unscheduled using :py:func:`arcade.unschedule`. Having lingering scheduled functions will lead to crashes. Example:: def some_action(delta_time): print(delta_time) # Call the function every second arcade.schedule(some_action, 1) # Unschedule :param function_pointer: Pointer to the function to be called. :param interval: Interval to call the function (float or integer) """ pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(function_pointer, interval)
[docs] def unschedule(function_pointer: Callable): """ Unschedule a function being automatically called. Example:: def some_action(delta_time): print(delta_time) arcade.schedule(some_action, 1) arcade.unschedule(some_action) :param function_pointer: Pointer to the function to be unscheduled. """ pyglet.clock.unschedule(function_pointer)
[docs] def schedule_once(function_pointer: Callable, delay: float): """ Schedule a function to be automatically called once after ``delay`` seconds. The function/callable needs to take a delta time argument similar to ``on_update``. This is a float representing the number of seconds since it was scheduled or called. Example:: def some_action(delta_time): print(delta_time) # Call the function once after 1 second arcade.schedule_one(some_action, 1) :param function_pointer: Pointer to the function to be called. :param delay: Delay in seconds """ pyglet.clock.schedule_once(function_pointer, delay)